Superb Female Ghost Shelter

Chapter 1535 Rebellion

What Princess Jiuyao said was to remind the Seventh Princess that they were here to help her ascend to the throne and that there was a deal between them. When she saw the Seventh Princess hugging Qin Yan so excitedly, she immediately felt unhappy. By the way, Remind the Seventh Princess that they are friends.

Friends are not allowed to have undue thoughts about their friends' husbands.

After Meng Chao arrived at the seventh princess, he saluted the king and said, "Your Majesty, please forgive me for trespassing in the palace. I am really worried about the safety of your majesty and the seventh princess."

"You are doing it for my safety, how can I blame you?" The king looked at Meng Chao with admiration. This Meng Chao saved the seventh princess last time, but this time he followed Qin Yan and others for their safety. Rescue in the palace.

The general stood outside the main hall and looked coldly at the people on the steps. He had already arranged for the troops to move towards the capital. Now most of the officers and soldiers in the palace were obeying his orders. Today he asked the king and the seventh princess to accompany him to the water palace. his son.

Zhou Xiaoyu saw that the general was in an inexplicable mood. The general was too pitiful. She originally thought that she would have a chance to tell the general that Jiang Wei was very good in Shuifu, but she didn't tell the general before. I saw the general's rebellion.

Meng Chao shouted to the general: "General Jiang, what do you mean? The king is not kind to you, how can you be so desperate to seize power?"

The general looked at Meng Chao contemptuously and said, "Where did this kid come from and dared to accuse me?" The general suddenly laughed.

The general thought that no matter who came to the palace, he would definitely die, and the entire palace was under his control.

Meng Chao shouted to the general: "General, please turn back now. I can ask the king to spare your life. Our troops are coming one after another. By then, you will be captured alive by us like a turtle in a urn."

The general has been marching for many years, what scene has he not experienced? He is afraid of everything now, the only thing he is not afraid of is death.

He wanted the seventh princess to die and go to Shuifu to accompany his child. Without the seventh princess, his son would still be alive and would not be killed.

He regretted that he had arranged this marriage for his son. He thought that his son would become very noble, but he did not expect that it would cost his life.

He would rather his son marry an ordinary girl and live a healthy and safe life than be killed because of the seventh princess.

The general said angrily: "Stop talking nonsense, you are all waiting to die."

The general doesn't know Qin Yan's identity. In his eyes, he has all the military power in the fish-man world. He is the most powerful in the fish-man world. After he kills the king and the seventh princess, he can become the king. In his opinion, this was what the old king owed them to the Jiang family.

The king sighed in disappointment, "I didn't expect that our relationship for so many years would become like this."

He knew that the general must have lost his mind because of the pain of losing his son, and why didn't he? He knew that his daughter collaborated with others to kill the general's son, but isn't his daughter also dead now?

His daughter died, and his son died. The two of them were actually the most painful and suffered the greatest loss.

Li Tianba is an expert in marching and fighting, and he knows the inner tactics best. Li Tianba said to the soldiers who were fighting crazily below: "Fellow soldiers, look at how many people have fallen under your feet? They also have relatives and parents. Wife and children, do you also want to be separated from your relatives? How painful will it be for them to live without you?"

The soldiers who were fighting felt a little shaken after hearing Li Tianba's words.

Meng Chao continued to add fuel to the fire and said: "The king is usually not kind to you. If you follow the general, you are helping the tyranny. The general died of his son. He is now seeking revenge from the king. But now he wants so many of you to bury his son with him. How can you think of it?" Are you willing to do so? You all have families!"

Meng Chaozheng was talking. The general was afraid that Qin Yan and others would ruin his affairs. The general said: "Don't confuse the public with your lies here. The king passing the throne to the seven princesses who have no ability is the biggest disaster in the fish-man world." , if I become king, the lives of the common people will definitely become better. You villains just want to take back our fish-man world. I tell you, as long as I am here, I will never allow the fish-man world to fall into his hands. .”

Qin Yan glanced at Li Tianba. Li Tianba knew that Qin Yan meant to let him compete with this general. The two were generals from different eras. Let's see who is better. In fact, we haven't seen each other for a long time. There was a fight, and his palms were already itchy.

Li Tianba flew to the side of the general. Li Tianba said: "Let me see the strength of the general."

After speaking, Li Tianba and the general fought together. At this time, Bai Hong's people came to the door of the hall.

Meng Chao then said to the rebellious officers and soldiers: "Our people are coming one after another. I know that the general's troops are also rushing towards the capital, but water far away cannot save the fire nearby. I hope you will think carefully and put down your weapons and surrender now." , His Majesty the King will definitely be merciful and not hold you responsible. If you are still so stubborn, you will only have one end, and that is to all lie here today."

While Meng Chao was talking, the officers and soldiers stopped fighting and looked at each other. A brave soldier asked: "Can the king really not hold us accountable?"

Meng Chao glanced at the king and said, "Your Majesty, the most important thing right now is to put down the rebellion."

The king said to the officers and soldiers: "I solemnly promise you here that as long as you put down your arms, I will not hold you accountable."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of weapons clashing together. Most of the soldiers surrendered. There were a small number of soldiers holding weapons. They looked at the general and then at the king. They wanted to let go but didn't dare. put.

Meng Chao said: "I call out three numbers. If you haven't surrendered your weapons, then you will be treated as rebellion today. Not only will you not survive, but your family will be affected."

"Ka ka ka!" All the soldiers surrendered.

After Li Tianba saw that all the general's soldiers had surrendered, he mocked the general and said, "The general's popularity is so bad. I didn't expect all of them to surrender."

The general was very angry when he saw all the soldiers surrendering. Li Tianba's spell in front of him was very powerful.

The king was very happy to see that the rebellion was under control. The king said: "Thank you so much, Immortal Emperor Qin Yan. Without you, I think Xiaoqi and I would have been in much worse shape today."

Qin Yan said: "You're welcome, as you should."

Zhou Xiaoyu said to Qin Yan: "Master, let me help Li Tianba."

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