Super Zoo

Chapter 90 Let’s take a hard approach!

Director Jiang of the provincial capital certainly couldn't call Su Ming directly in the conference room, that would be too disrespectful to Yangchuan City. In fact, after finding out that Su Ming was still a temporary worker, Director Jiang sent a text message to his secretary, asking the secretary to go directly to the zoo to find Su Ming.

While the conference room was still arguing, Director Jiang's secretary had already found Su Ming.

As long as you are a secretary of a leader, you need to be good at speaking, writing, and drinking.

If it is a female secretary, you may have to add another skill.

However, this secretary is a man, and he is very efficient. After finding Su Ming, he said a lot of things.

Starting from the facts, I analyzed Su Ming's current temporary worker status. With your talent and merits, you are wronged in a small zoo that is in danger of losing your life every day, and you are a temporary worker feeding bears. It is purely a waste of money. I feel deeply sorry for you.

This is called presenting facts and reasoning;

Then, the secretary changed the subject and talked about how good the development opportunities in the provincial capital were, how the leaders valued talents, and what could happen if Su Ming was willing to work in the provincial capital. He analyzed the benefits promised by Director Jiang one by one with Su Ming;

This is called negotiating conditions and promising benefits;

At the end, the secretary changed the subject again and his tone became serious. This dispute over the Yangtze River dolphin has brought a lot of negative impact to the governments of the two places. If it is not resolved as soon as possible, it will greatly damage the reputation of the government and greatly affect the friendship between the two cities.

The key to solving the problem lies in your choice, Xiao Su. Comrade Xiao Su, you must put the overall situation first, make a wise choice, contribute to the country, and share the worries of the government;

This is understanding the righteousness, talking about politics, and using big hats to pressure people.

The secretary brother took turns with three axes, his attitude changed several times in an instant, and he used both soft and hard methods. This set of methods to deal with ordinary people has been invincible in the past. I thought that Su Ming, a young man, would waver and struggle in his heart even if he could not make a decision for a while.

Who would have thought that Su Ming would sit there and listen to him seriously from beginning to end, nodding from time to time, and making "hmmmm" sounds in response, but he didn't say a word. He let him talk nonsense until he was dry-mouthed, but Su Ming didn't respond at all.

When the secretary brother finished speaking, Su Ming handed him a glass of water and asked with a smile: "Brother, are you thirsty? Drink water, drink water."

The secretary was speechless, holding the water cup, stunned for a long time, and then said: "Xiao Su, you have to make a decision as soon as possible."

Su Ming laughed: "Of course, Director Jiang thinks so highly of me, I am deeply moved. However, I have to discuss this matter with our zoo leaders. After all, I am still an employee of the zoo."

At this point, the secretary probably understood what Su Ming meant.

The zoo leader is Director Song, and above him is Director Wang. What can be discussed with them?

To put it bluntly, Su Ming rejected him very tactfully in a way that no one would lose face.

"Leader, that kid is very difficult to deal with!" After leaving the zoo, the secretary sent a text message to Director Jiang.

Director Jiang, who was in a meeting, saw the text message and his face darkened again. For these finless porpoises, Old Jiang couldn't remember how many times his face darkened.

Seeing that Director Jiang's expression suddenly changed, Wang Jianshe and Director Song in Yangchuan smiled at each other. Wang Jianshe said with a smile: "Old Jiang, how about we call Su Ming and ask him what he thinks?"

"There is no need for that." Director Jiang said.

Director Song said lightly: "I know this kid Su. He is a very loyal person and has strong working ability. Unless he insists on leaving, our zoo will never let him go."

As a result, the second meeting was completely deadlocked and the issue was shelved again.

After the meeting, Director Jiang pulled Wang Jianshe aside and asked with a stern face: "Old Wang, it's not a good idea to keep dragging it out like this. This matter must be resolved as soon as possible. Please set a condition. What conditions do you need to allow us to take the finless porpoise away?"

Wang Jianshe thought for a moment and said: "Old Jiang, I'll tell you the truth. The finless porpoise is a hot potato now. If you can take it away, we won't stop you. But if you can't take it away, you must stay in Yangchuan City. Just like you said, you can't always argue about this matter."

On the way back to the zoo, Director Song called Su Ming and learned from the phone that Director Jiang's secretary had come.

"That group of people in the provincial capital are actually doing these little tricks in secret. Hehe, Xiao Su, don't worry. You value friendship, and I, an old man, can't treat you unfairly. After this matter is over, I will help you fight for your staffing and rewards, and Director Wang will also speak for you. In short, you won't suffer any loss." Director Song said.

Su Ming was not doing this for a job, as the job was no longer attractive to him, and he didn't care much about the reward of tens of thousands of yuan.

Everyone has their own account. Director Jiang was right. If it were someone else, he would probably agree to be transferred to the provincial capital protection center, but Su Ming had his own ideas.

First, although the zoo was not well developed and had a tight financial situation, with only two or three cats, the total number and variety of animals were far from comparable to that deserted protection center used as a decoration. It was said that there were only a few baiji dolphins in that place, which was not conducive to the development of the ability of animal friends;

Secondly, he has already opened up the situation in the zoo, and his interpersonal relationships are very good. The cruise and fish farming business are also progressing steadily. Moreover, Shuijun Lake has been contracted for three years. If he leaves now, all his previous efforts will be in vain;

Thirdly, although people are all profit-seeking, if they are too fence-sitting and become fence-sitters when there is a little benefit, such people will definitely not last long. The officialdom has its dark side, but it does not mean that there are no rules. No leader will like his subordinates to turn their heads and ignore him when there is a little benefit. Political bitches are not welcome anywhere.

Su Ming's decision led to an extreme incident.

The next morning at seven o'clock, the zoo had not yet opened for business, and the container truck that had previously transported the finless porpoises drove into the zoo again.

Professor Chu took a few students and a group of medical staff and followed behind in the car.

A group of people went straight to the temporary treatment room by Shuijun Lake. As soon as Professor Chu got off the car, he instructed the medical staff to take out a tranquilizer gun from the car.

At this point, the provincial capital only had one last method left, which was to anesthetize the finless porpoises and transport them away. The unconscious finless porpoises would not commit suicide by hitting the wall again.

Director Song and Su Ming also got the news and rushed over from afar.

"Old Song, I'm sorry. For the sake of the finless porpoises, we must take them away." Professor Chu waved his hand, and three anesthetic needles, one large and two small, flew out.

It was also difficult for the medical staff. They shot very accurately, and none of the shots missed, and they were firmly stabbed into the three finless porpoises.

The finless porpoise family looked back at the needles on their bodies, with a look of confusion.

The anesthetic had begun to work. After being stabbed, the finless porpoise did not resist or anything, but was motionless in the shallow water, very quiet, occasionally shaking its tail.

"Prepare for transportation, be careful not to hurt the finless porpoises!" Professor Chu directed the students to start preparations, and the small crane mechanical arm behind the container slowly rose out.

The past was ready, and they only waited for the finless porpoises to faint and move them to the container.

Unexpectedly, this wait lasted for a full twenty minutes!

The three porpoises were no different from twenty minutes ago. They were still in the shallow water, twisting their bodies from time to time, looking up and bleating at Su Ming, and they didn't seem to faint at all.

"What happened?" Professor Chu was a little dumbfounded.

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