Super Zoo

Chapter 88 I won’t leave even if you kill me!

There was a loud bang!

The giant finless porpoise slammed its head against the glass as if it was about to commit suicide!

The glass of the aquarium containing the finless porpoise is a special thickened tempered glass that cannot be broken even by a shark, let alone the finless porpoise!

Although the glass was not broken, the large aquarium shook violently, and water splashed out along the gap in the lid, splashing everywhere in the car.

The container truck had no choice but to stop again, but the big finless porpoise seemed to be going crazy and hit the glass of the water tank desperately.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound was like an explosion, which made people a little scared, and the whole carriage shook slightly.

It's a big deal now! The big finless porpoise had been injured on its forehead, and the scar had just healed. After several impacts, the wound suddenly opened again. A stream of Yin Hong's blood emerged from the big finless porpoise's forehead, and bloodshot threads spread rapidly in the water tank. After a while, when Professor Chu rushed to the back to check the situation, the water in the water tank had been dyed light red!

The big finless porpoise also had a large piece of damage on its head. Even so, it still hit the glass without mercy.

Professor Chu's face suddenly turned pale.

Not only was Lao Chu almost pissed with fear, but Su Ming's scalp was also numb. He quickly ran over and released his spiritual power into the aquarium.

Speaking of which, the giant finless porpoise causing trouble by hitting the glass is of course related to Su Ming. This is a 'dirty trick' he came up with. Regarding the ownership of the finless porpoise, it is actually very simple. As long as the big finless porpoise refuses to leave, no one can do anything about it!

Su Ming's plan was to let the giant finless porpoise make some movement, hit it slightly, and toss it around to show that it refused to leave. Firstly, it attracts the attention of the onlookers, and secondly, there are so many reporters present. When the TV station reports it, public opinion will be overwhelming, and 80% of the time the giant finless porpoise will be left in the end.

But I never expected that the giant finless porpoise actually lost control of the fake show, hit it too hard, and actually became suicidal!

It's also to blame that Su Ming was careless this time. He ignored the most basic common sense. Although the finless porpoise is smart, after all, no one is as fickle as anyone else. He can't turn his thoughts, let alone act. When he found out that he was really going to be separated from Su Ming, the big finless porpoise was extremely reluctant to part with him. The collision was so hard, there was no drama at all, it was purely an expression of true love.

In any case, animals are animals after all, and their intelligence cannot be compared with humans. If the thing in the aquarium was not the finless porpoise but Wang Hao, Su Ming believed that he would definitely put on a wonderful show.

The big finless porpoise was injured, and the two small finless porpoises desperately slapped the glass with their fins, making heart-rending screams, asking Su Ming for help!

Su Ming gritted his teeth and released all his mental power without reservation, comforting the finless porpoise and treating its injuries.

It was better now. The public anger that had just calmed down was once again exploded. The onlookers rushed up to surround the car. Several young people even opened the door and pulled out the driver and a student of Professor Chu. He even dragged him down, raised his fist and was about to hit him!

"Dear friends, please calm down. Professor Chu has worked for animal protection all his life, and he doesn't want this to happen!" Seeing this, Su Ming quickly jumped into the car and shouted to the angry crowd.

It was just a drama in the first place, but if it really hurt someone, the nature would be different. Besides, Professor Chu and the others were pretty good people. They just had disagreements with themselves, so there was no need to hurt them.

"Do they still want to take away the finless porpoise?" someone asked loudly.

"This is not protection at all, but murder! They must not be allowed to take away the finless porpoise!"

"Let them say it themselves, keep the finless porpoise!"

Lao Chu's mouth was full of bitterness and he was depressed to death. It was like this, and he still had a fart!

The big finless porpoise has made it clear that if it is taken away, it will commit suicide. If the car drives out again, its brains will probably be knocked out!

You can't take a dead finless porpoise back. If you take away the finless porpoise forcibly and cause the finless porpoise to commit suicide, the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the provincial capital and municipal government will not get any credit at all, but it will be a major accident. He, Lao Chu, will immediately He was criticized by thousands of people, and his reputation was turned into water. The entire academic circle could not tolerate him!

Besides, his real purpose is not to compete for fame or fortune, but to protect the endangered animal, the finless porpoise. Even if he asks to be taken to a conservation center, it is only from the perspective of considering the survival of the finless porpoise.

If he cannot protect the finless porpoise and ends up forcing the finless porpoise to death, he will really become a sinner!

To put it more seriously, whoever forces the finless porpoise to death will not only be ruined, but may even go to jail!

"I won't take it with me anymore. I won't take it with me for the time being. Hurry up and send the big finless porpoise to the treatment room and the two smaller ones back to the Shuijun Lake." Professor Chu almost yelled. The ownership of the finless porpoise is no longer important now. Saving the life of the giant finless porpoise is the most important thing!

That afternoon, the TV station reported a scene in the zoo. The finless porpoise refused to leave the zoo. It first burst into tears and then hit its head against the wall.

The scene of dying to make one's ambition clear, combined with Nangong Yan's heartbreakingly sad tone, instantly aroused everyone's sympathy!

The media at the zoo at that time, including not only TV stations, but also newspapers and websites, immediately reported the incident, which attracted great attention.

By evening, this news, which was originally just about finless porpoise, gradually began to ferment, pointing the finger at the provincial capital government!

Many netizens and viewers have raised very sharp views, believing that this tragedy was caused by the provincial capital's disregard for the life and death of the finless porpoise in order to achieve political achievements and for the regional interests of their own cities!

In just two days, this topic has completely exploded like a virus,

"The finless porpoise is reluctant to leave its lifesaver and dies to show its determination"

"The last tears, there is no fame and fortune in heaven..." The title party said it as if the finless porpoise was dead...

"Don't let politics kill the last friend of mankind!"

In a three-person interview program, a middle-aged host with glasses said, "It is well known that dolphins are the most intelligent animals, but what about finless porpoises? Let's take a look at some photos first..."

In a famous blind date program, the sixth female guest turned off the lights without hesitation and said to the male guest who boasted that he had raised several expensive pet dogs: "I like loving men! If you really have love, you should be like the keeper in Yangchuan Zoo, and take practical actions to rescue animals in need, instead of standing here and talking big!"

Not only ordinary people, but also some celebrities have participated.

"Bless the family of Yangtze River dolphins!" Before a reality show started, several celebrities lit red candles at the same time to pray for Yangtze River dolphins.

The director of the online drama Jiaoshou, who replied to the post online last time, proposed to donate money to Yangtze River dolphins and @many famous online figures.

A veteran singer in Hong Kong even proposed to adopt some protected animals to support animal protection with practical actions.

The so-called "adoption" and "adoption" are different. Adoption only brings the animal home, and the adopter will take care of it in the future; in the case of adoption, only a sum of money is paid and a name is added, and the animal is still raised by an animal protection organization such as a zoo.

At the same time, it also triggered a trend of showing off pets. Celebrities of all sizes posted close-up photos of themselves and their pets to show their love;

Several famous Internet celebrities, during live broadcasts, had cats and dogs sitting on their upright chests or slender white legs, acting cute and winning countless rewards...

One picture after another was played, one Weibo after another was forwarded, and the Yangchuan City Forum was also blown up by this topic. In Baidu search, the word "Yangtze River Porpoise" also rushed to the top three.

Fortunately, the protagonist of the incident, the Yangtze River Porpoise, recovered quickly under Su Ming's care.

A few days later, Yangchuan City and the provincial capital held another meeting, and the meeting location was still the same room as before.

"The second discussion meeting on the ownership of wild Yangtze River Porpoises!"

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