Super Zoo

Chapter 80 People and People

The tent was said to be set up by the water, but in fact it was still fifty or sixty meters away from the water. So when they heard Liang Shi's call, everyone was stunned and looked at the door strangely. Professor Chu even pointed his chopsticks at He slapped the table hard and said angrily: "What finless porpoise? Can a finless porpoise climb to the shore by itself? This kid is getting more and more confused!"

With a crash, the tent curtain was opened, and Su Ming walked in wetly from outside the tent, followed by Liang Shi with a shocked look on his face.

All eyes were focused on Su Ming's arms!

In Su Ming's arms, he held two half-sized juvenile finless porpoises on one side and one on the right. The two little guys were probably frightened by so many people in front of them. They pushed hard into Su Ming's arms, only revealing their four small black eyes. He looked at the people in the tent curiously and a little warily!

Director Song was stunned for a moment. The chopsticks in his hand fell silently to the ground. The soup bowl in his other hand tilted over, and the hot soup in the bowl spilled all over him!

Liang Shi's face flushed with excitement. He pointed at the baby finless porpoise in Su Ming's arms. He could not speak clearly and stammered: "'s a finless porpoise, it's a finless porpoise. Look, there are two of them." Little finless porpoise!”

Everyone woke up as if from a dream. Professor Chu glared at Liang Shi fiercely: "I'm not blind, what a fart!"

When Director Song saw Su Ming, he let out a long sigh, and a stone in his heart finally fell to the ground, and then he went to see the baby finless porpoise with great interest.

"Why are there two small ones? Where's the one in the video?" Principal Song asked.

"I found it in the abandoned lake next to it. It was a family of three. The big one was injured and I couldn't move it. So I brought the two small ones back first. Let's quickly prepare the boat to rescue the big one." Su Ming gasped for air as he spoke.

Holding two big babies in his arms, he climbed out of the water and walked to the tent. He was very tired.

"A family of three! Darling, if you don't open for three years, you will eat for three years after opening! It's been many years since I saw a wild finless porpoise. It's good this time. Not only did I find it, but I also became a family at once! Xiao Su, you have done a great job! Wow ha ha ha ha!"

Professor Chu suddenly seemed to have gone crazy. He looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, his hair dancing wildly on his head.

Others were also delighted.

From a biological perspective, the discovery of three wild finless porpoises at one time is of great significance for research and conservation;

From the perspective of personal development, everyone in the investigation team has made a great contribution. The old director of Chu and Song Dynasty who is in charge of the investigation team may leave a heavy mark in the history of the academic world. name!

"What are you doing standing still? Stop eating and leave quickly. Xiao Su, lead the way!"

Everyone put down their bowls and chopsticks and swarmed outside. After getting on the boat, Su Ming put the two baby finless porpoises back into the reservoir. Professor Chu was about to say something when he saw that the baby finless porpoises did not escape after entering the water. , but stood up from the water, pointed forward with his fins, and then slowly swam forward close to the water, as if leading the way.

Director Song knew that this must be another good thing done by Su Ming, so he asked uncertainly: "Have you tamed them?"

Su Ming chuckled: "Finless porpoises are very smart to begin with, and I am their savior. Taming them is much easier than taming those wolves."

"As for you, I will definitely give you credit when I get back!" Principal Song patted Su Ming on the shoulder with great satisfaction.

When the mother of the finless porpoise was found, she was still lying in the reed swamp unable to move, and her wounds looked quite horrific. She looked like she would not survive, which made Professor Chu jump in distress.

Su Ming knew in his heart, what a joke, I drank all the mental energy of three honeycombs. The vital signs of mother finless porpoise have completely stabilized. She is just very weak. As long as she gets proper care, she will get better soon. .

However, the scar on the head is probably inevitable, and it can be considered a disfigurement.

Everyone used rainproof cloth to hold it up and carried the finless porpoise to the water tank on the boat. They followed the tributary of the reservoir and drove back to the base camp on the shore.

According to common sense, the finless porpoise should be immediately sent to a city with better medical conditions, or even to the capital for treatment.

But now the finless porpoise's injury is 'serious', and there is no way to delay it, nor can it withstand the long journey. Professor Chu and the others discussed for a while and decided to treat the finless porpoise on the spot.

"Old Song, I'm going to call Bureau Wang and the Academy of Agricultural Sciences right now and ask for the deployment of personnel and equipment. Is there an aquarium or the like in Yangchuan where the finless porpoise family can be temporarily housed and treated at the same time." Professor Chu asked Director Song .

Director Song directly patted Su Ming on the shoulder, his eyes full of expectation: "Xiao Su, make some sacrifices and let the finless porpoise family live in your navy lake first."

The size and water quality of Shuijun Lake are suitable for finless porpoises to live in, and it is within the control of the zoo. Putting finless porpoises in Shuijun Lake is naturally the best choice.

But Shuijun Lake is used to raise fish, and finless porpoises eat fish as their main food. Even a small finless porpoise eats an amazing amount. After being put in, it will definitely eat a lot of fish raised by Su Ming, causing certain losses.

Seeing that Su Ming didn't speak immediately, Professor Chu thought that Su Ming was unwilling. After all, the finless porpoise was not personal property, but belonged to the 'country'. It was a bit unreasonable for Su Ming to sacrifice his personal interests to take care of the finless porpoise.

"Xiao Su, don't worry too much. Now that we have found the finless porpoise, the authorities will definitely allocate funds. Don't worry, I will never let you suffer personal losses!" Professor Chu said seriously.

In fact, what Su Ming was thinking about was not about funding at all. No matter how big their appetites were, how much fish could two young finless porpoises eat? Compared with the entire Shuijun Lake, it is just a drop in the bucket. If you break the sky, you will earn tens of thousands less.

Even if Director Song and the others didn't say anything, Su Ming was ready to take the initiative to temporarily put the finless porpoise in Shuijun Lake. He was thinking about something further away.

Now that Professor Chu has taken the initiative to promise a 'subsidy', Su Ming certainly has nothing to hesitate about and immediately nodded: "Of course there is no problem. Protecting animals is everyone's responsibility!"

"Okay, young man, be aware!" Professor Chu slapped Su Ming heavily on the shoulder.

These old guys have all been trained by going to the mountains and countryside, and their hand strength is scary. Professor Chu looked as if he had practiced the powerful Vajra Palm. He slapped Su Ming so hard that he staggered and grimaced in pain. of.

"Bah ah..." The little finless porpoise called out to Old Chu dissatisfied, and opened its mouth, as if it wanted to scare Old Chu, but this chubby little guy was so cute, and it was not aggressive at all when it got angry, but It made everyone laugh.

After the agreement, the investigation team rushed back to the zoo overnight. Su Ming allocated a water surface of about four or five acres in the northeast corner of Shuijun Lake for the finless porpoise family of three to live in. The mother of the finless porpoise was not allowed to move freely for the time being. In shallow water.

Professor Chu was not at ease at first, so he held a puddle of water, put it under his nose and smelled it, then his eyes lit up and he asked curiously: "Old Song, when did the water quality of your Shuijun Lake become so good? "

"It's all the result of their young people!"

Director Song reached out to pat Su Ming on the shoulder, but Su Ming, seeing that the situation was not good, twisted his waist to avoid it.

Director Song stopped his hand in mid-air, laughed, pointed at Su Ming, and said, "Old Chu, in my opinion, it's time to let go of our old bones and let the young people come out to take the lead!"

Professor Chu looked at his direct disciple Liang Shi.

Liang Shi was squatting by the water, looking at the big finless porpoise in the water with his big mouth and a silly smile on his face.

Professor Chu looked at Su Ming again, sighed depressedly, and said helplessly: "Hey, there is no comparison between people!"

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