Super Zoo

Chapter 796 One after another

The whole castle seemed to be quiet all of a sudden, with only the whistling wind passing through their ears.

Su Ming and Su Meng were exhausted and panting, sitting back to back on the pile of bat corpses, gasping for breath.

This was not just killing a dozen bats that day, but hundreds and thousands of bats. Even with the amazing savage physique and Su Ming's energy storage ball, they relied entirely on their bare hands to fight, one hand pinched to death and one foot stepped to death, and more than a thousand bats made the two exhausted.

Even if a thousand pigs were tied up and placed there waiting for people to kill, it would take half a day to kill them, and the blade of the knife would be bent, let alone a battle?

At this moment, the door of the basement suddenly opened, Zhao Yun took the lead, and Avitu, Xiao Hu, a nurse, and others rushed out from behind, holding all kinds of strange weapons, wearing very ancient leather armor, wearing ridiculous armor that did not match their body size at all, and even wearing a big horn helmet on the orange little head, blocking the eyes.

"Big brother, run! We are here to save you!"


"Su Ming, hold on!"

"Oh God bless you, damn bats, old Avitu will fight you!"

"Stand behind me..."

After several people rushed out, they started to yell. Before they took a few steps, the yelling stopped.

Looking at the bat corpses all over the ground not far away, and Su Ming, who was sitting on the corpses and waving at them with a smile, these people were stunned for a moment.

"Fuck, you are so fierce, Director! Kill them all!" With a clang, the mace in the hand of nurse Xiao Hu fell on the bluestone ground.

"Su Ming, you are not injured..." Nangong Yan looked at Su Ming's "blood stains" and asked anxiously.

Avitu's mouth was wide open, enough to fit a salted duck egg.

"God... are these two people the scorching angels sent by God? They actually... killed all the vampires?!" Avitu's brain was completely short-circuited. If he was surprised when he first saw Su Ming and Su Meng kill more than a dozen bats so neatly, now it was completely beyond his understanding.

Zhao Yun held a shield in one hand and a chain ball in the other, like a werewolf warrior in the game, looking at the mountain of bat corpses and blinking wildly.

"Big brother, big brother, where are you? Chengcheng is here to save you!"

Among all the people, only Chengcheng was still running around like there were no flies. The little guy was wearing a large horn helmet that covered his eyes and didn't see what happened at all.

"Be careful, don't fall." Su Ming grabbed Chengcheng who was running around and almost hit the wall.

"Huh? Big brother, you are injured!" Chengcheng looked at Su Ming with blood all over his face.

"Oh, that's all the enemy's blood. I, your elder brother, have been through hundreds of battles, but I don't have a single wound on my body." Su Ming looked pretentious.


After the bat incident, Su Ming and Su Meng took a bath and washed off the blood on their bodies. They didn't bother to clean up the bat corpses that were still accumulated in the castle, so they gathered everyone together.

"Uncle Zhao, please lead the team and escort Nangong and the others away. Su Meng and I have something to do." Su Ming said.

"Let's go together. What are you two going to do here?!" Zhao Yun frowned.

"Yes, let's go together. The mountains are too dangerous." Nangong Yan was scared, especially when Su Ming walked out of the pile of bat corpses covered in blood. She almost collapsed at that moment. Fortunately, as Su Ming said, all the blood was from the "enemy". Su Ming didn't bleed at all, but there were a few big bumps on his forehead, which looked like he was going to grow a few horns on his head.

Su Meng, on the other hand, had suffered many "minor injuries" all over his body. Although the bat's teeth could not really pose a threat, they still bit out a lot of large and small tooth holes, making his skin bumpy and uneven, which affected the touch.

"Don't worry, I'm an animal expert and I know the habits of bats. A few hundred bats of this size are already the limit of the population. If there are more, there will not be enough food, so there will be no danger later." Su Ming started talking nonsense. After all, among the people present, he was the real authority when it came to animals. "Su Meng and I will stay and collect some useful organs from the bat corpses for research. The scene is too bloody and not suitable for women and children..." At this point, he glanced at Avitu, "Oh, there are also old people watching. Avitu, you go back with them, I'll let the big bad wolf pull the cart."

Avitu was eager to leave This "horrible" place, nodded vigorously: "After we go back, should we call the police?"

"No, no." Su Ming waved his hands repeatedly: "Avitu, if you call the police, I really can't explain it. Killing hundreds of bats, the police and the forestry department will be annoyed to death. Even if the truth is finally investigated, it will probably take a long time. You also know that I have a company in China and I can't stay in Romania for too long."

"But..." For Avitu, who is used to abiding by the law and following the rules and regulations, it is obviously a bit difficult to accept that such a big thing did not call the police.

"Okay, Avitu, after all, none of us broke the law, right? We killed the bats to protect ourselves. Think about it, if these thousands of vampire bats target not the Ebik Castle, but the Ferrero Village at the foot of the mountain, what consequences will it cause?!" Su Ming said.

Avitu shuddered at the thought of thousands of ferocious bats wreaking havoc in a small village with dozens of households.

"Besides, once the police and forestry departments intervene on a large scale, it will definitely have a serious impact on the tourism industry here. Old Avitu, the people nearby all rely on the tourism industry for their livelihood. You don't want to do bad things with good intentions." Su Ming said lightly: "Sometimes, we should also learn to be flexible when it is reasonable and legal."

Avitu was a little confused. How could it be reasonable and legal not to call the police when a large-scale animal attack occurred? But what the other party said seemed to make sense.

"Okay, we'll wait for you two to come back in the village." Avitu said.

After dealing with Avitu, Su Ming gave Nangong Yan a few more words to reassure her. He specially talked to Zhao Yun alone for a few minutes. After arranging everything, he finally infused the eight big gray wolves with mental power, or directly suppressed them with mental power to ensure that they would protect the carriage even if they died. Only then did he feel at ease to let Nangong Yan and the others return the same way.

Su Ming was unwilling to call the police, not for what he said, but because he didn't want the police to intervene in his next actions.

The large-scale attack of bats really pissed him off!

This was definitely not an accident, nor was it a spontaneous behavior of animals!

The crested ibis, who had not participated in the battle and was patrolling around the castle, proved this point even more: a big bat flew away quietly.

I came here to propose marriage and take a vacation, to handle the most important marriage event in my life. Whose pants were not tight and released these bastard bats to deal with me?

If it weren't for the ability of Animal Friends and Su Meng, now these people, including Nangong Yan, have become dead!

If you dare to cause trouble to the owner of Animal Friends in the mountains, you must be prepared to pay ten times the price!

Even in this mountain, the ability of Animal Friends is suppressed.

At the same time, a huge bat staggered through the forest.

The forest is not a safe place, especially for animals. The forest is a paradise of freedom, but also a hell full of dangers, and you may die at any time.

Along the way, the big bat encountered natural enemies such as hawks and pythons several times, but this guy's fighting power was obviously much higher than that of ordinary vampire bats, and he could escape safely every time.

In the evening, the big bat finally returned to the starting point, outside the cliff of the laboratory castle, flapping its big wings and drilling into the sewer exit of the cliff.

What it didn't notice was that a crested ibis with fiery red feathers followed it slowly all the way, and was now half a kilometer away in the sky, with a panoramic view of the castle environment.

The mental power in the forest was severely suppressed, and it was too far away from the Abik Castle. The crested ibis had no way to use the ability of soul attachment to pass everything it saw to Su Ming, so it cried in the air and flapped its wings like a sharp arrow to fly back in the direction it came from.

Not long after, a helicopter took off from the top platform of the castle. This big guy, which was modified from a military helicopter, was unarmed due to legal reasons, but its speed and stability were far superior to ordinary civilian helicopters, especially the huge internal space.

Eight fully armed warriors, led by Rotten Tooth Locke, were sitting in a helicopter.

The helicopter circled in the air for a while and then flew towards the direction of Abik Castle.

"Sure enough, there is a problem!"

In Abik Castle, Su Ming finally waited for the little crested ibis to return. From the "information" it provided, it can be easily judged that this group of bats are not wild animals, but live in a modern castle with complete facilities.

If it is a dilapidated castle, it may be that the cuckoo has occupied the magpie's nest, or if you think more mysteriously, it may really be that the bats have become spirits; but a castle with modern facilities and even a helipad is completely different. The owner of the castle with modern facilities is simply not unaware of the thousands of super vampire bats living in the castle. By the same token, the violent and brainless big bats who only know how to hunt will not be indifferent to the humans in the castle.

The only possibility for the two to coexist peacefully is that these bats are raised by the owner of the castle. Of course, the reverse is not impossible, the owner of the castle is raised by bats. However, the possibility of the latter is almost negligible.

If the small group of bats encountered on the way here was just an accident, then the sudden appearance of a large group of bats in the Abik Castle dozens of kilometers away and the siege of his group of people was very suspicious.

"What hatred, what hatred, has it brought to my head?!" Su Ming gritted his teeth. Since his debut, he has been the only one who has calculated others, and has never been calculated by others.

This time, he didn't even know who the other party was, but he was tricked. If he didn't have superpowers, he would have met God now... Oh no, with his identity, he would probably have met the old man Mazida, the God of Fire.

At that time, Mr. Mazida asked: Xiao Su, have you completed the task I gave you and led the people of the world to live a happy life?

How to answer? How to say? !

Boss, I haven't lived a happy life myself, and I was killed by a group of bats just after proposing...

Where can I, the messenger of God, put my face? Where can I put the face of the God of Fire, Boss Ma? !

My brother can tolerate it, but my sister-in-law can't!

This is a joke, but it's even more terrifying when you calm down and think about it!

The environment in the mountains suppressed the mental power, and at this time, a large group of mutant bats that can't be controlled by mental power came to attack!

Could it be that the other party came here for his own spiritual power? !

Compared to Boss Mazda, mental power is his greatest magic weapon and support, and it is also his biggest secret!

Su Ming was furious.

The crested ibis seemed to be able to feel Su Ming's anger. It flapped its wings in the air and made a strange cry. This guy's cry was clear and elegant when he was a child, but for some reason, as he grew older, his cry became more and more unrestrained. of.

"I can't spare these bastards this time... huh? What's going on!"

The faint sound of a helicopter's motor was heard not far away, and Su Ming realized that the Crested Ibis had just discovered the 'enemy situation' and issued an early warning.

"Su Meng, hide yourself and act as the opportunity arises."

Su Meng responded with a naive voice and left the terrace. Su Ming stood alone on the terrace, holding a pergola with his hands and looking around.

A helicopter often seen in war movies appeared from above the forest and quickly approached the castle. Soon they were within a distance where both sides could see each other.

Su Ming stood on the terrace and waved to the other party.

"Damn it, Locke, have you forgotten Miss Nicole's instructions to sneak into the castle quietly without making too much noise? You let the plane fly so close, and now the other party has discovered us!" In the helicopter, The security captain leading the team said angrily.

"Don't forget, I am the on-site commander now. You weakling, if you say another word, I will twist your head off!"

Locke was very excited, grinning and showing his rotten teeth, "Nicole is good at everything, but she is too cautious. A sneak attack is not my style. Anyway, they will become experimental subjects soon. What will happen if they are discovered?" ?”

"Okay!" The security captain absolutely believed Locke's words. This guy has a very bad reputation within the entire organization. He is not afraid of anyone except Nicole. If he is angered, Dr. Yuri will be a lesson to him.

"The other party is waving to us and seems to be shouting. Do you want to answer?" asked the pilot flying the plane.

"If you want to eat a chicken, do you need to tell it that you want to eat it?" Locke became a little wiser at this time, tied a rope around his waist, and said: "Drive to the terrace, all team members Come down with me and arrest everyone in the castle."

Su Ming waved to the helicopter, but the helicopter was indifferent and flew overhead instead.

The doors on both sides were opened, and four heavily armed guys were tied with ropes and slid down from the cabin. They all looked like professionals. The guns in their hands were pointed at Su Ming below.

"People below, please pay attention and give up resistance, otherwise we will shoot!" The reply finally came from the helicopter, although it was in English, fortunately it was relatively simple, and Su Ming finally understood it.

Could it be someone from the local government army? This was Su Ming's first thought.

But immediately afterwards, he stopped thinking about this issue.

Su Ming was probably very irritable today because he was stimulated one after another and almost lost Nangong's life.

No matter who you are!

With one hand behind his back, he made a fierce gesture of beheading towards Su Meng's hiding place!

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