Super Zoo

Chapter 794 Humanoid Monster

"Dad, will my big brother and Uncle Su Meng be in danger up there?"

The basement was pitch black. Although we knew that bats search for targets through sound wave reflection, for safety reasons, the lights in the basement were not turned on.

The basement was just below the central garden of the castle. Through the gap of a reprinted plate for entry and exit, a few weak rays of light shone down. Zhao Yun stood on the steps, squinting one eye and looking out, barely able to see part of the situation outside.

In addition to Cheng Cheng, the other people were also very worried. Nangong and nurse Xiao Hu each found a short knife from the basement, holding it tightly, ready to rush out to save people at any time.

Avitu was very depressed. God, this is too unlucky. Even in the mountains of Romania, this kind of vampire bat is very rare. Why are there so many flying here today? If someone dies, not only will Avitu's reputation be ruined, but the entire village's tourism industry will definitely suffer a huge impact.

The dozens of people in the village mainly rely on the tourism industry to make a living.

"What should I do?" Avitu was so anxious that sweat broke out on his forehead. The Abik Castle was located deep in the mountains, with no signal, and even asking for help was impossible.

"There will be no danger for the time being." Zhao Yun squinted and looked outside, and made a "safe" gesture to the people behind him, whispering: "The castle tower is very strong, they are safe hiding inside."

"What happened?" Avitu sighed. No one knew the strength of the tower better than him, especially the two corner towers where Su Ming and Su Meng were located. Even if an ordinary medieval catapult hit them, it might not be destroyed at once. This thing was originally a weapon for defense and attack. Unless these bats have the power of a large siege catapult, they can be safe as long as they hide in it and block the doors and windows.

But the problem is that you can't stay in the basement and tower all the time. The basement is relatively better, with a larger space, and the tower is only less than two square meters, and both places have fatal problems: no water and food!

Who knows when these bats will leave! When animals hunt, once they find their prey, they will hold on tightly.

"Let's wait a moment. Fortunately, we just had lunch..." Zhao Yun was talking, and suddenly he leaned forward, stood on tiptoe, and whispered: "I... what are they going to do!"

"What's wrong?!" Several people in the basement asked in unison.

"These two bastards ran out of the tower!" Zhao Yun's tone changed a little, "They are looking for death!"

Everyone in the basement was stunned.

Hiding in the tower, with stone walls as cover, no matter how many bats there are and how fierce they are, to put it bluntly, they are just larger flying animals. It is impossible for them to hit the tower. Even the wooden door on the back of the tower is difficult to break through. People hiding inside are safe for the time being.

But rushing out is completely different. They have to face hundreds of bats attacking from all directions. No matter how powerful Su Ming and Su Meng are, they are still human beings after all. How many bats can they kill with their two hands and two feet? The bats don't care about the code of conduct. They lined up and came up to fight one-on-one!

"What should we do? What should we do?" Avitu was so anxious that he turned around.

"Let's go help them!" said nurse Xiao Hu, holding a large wooden shield.

"Wait." At this time, Nangong Yan was the calmest and stopped Xiao Hu. "I believe Su Ming. Since he took action, he must have his own ideas."

"But..." Nurse Xiao Hu wanted to say something, but Nangong Yan interrupted her decisively: "Think about it, since knowing Su Ming, when has he disappointed everyone? Is it true that every time when everyone thinks it is impossible, he can fight a beautiful battle?! Besides, we can't beat the bats at all. Going out now will only distract them from taking care of us. It will not have any effect, but will hinder them."

"Yes, listen to Nangong." Zhao Yun said.

Nangong Yan looked calm on the surface, but she was very nervous in her heart, fearing that Su Ming would have any accidents. But at this time, reason told her that rushing out would only cause trouble. The greatest support for Su Ming and Su Meng was to protect herself.

I hope God bless us, and this time we can turn danger into safety like before!

At the same time, outside the castle, Su Ming and Su Meng had already rushed out of the tower, leaning against the castle wall, and started fighting with the bats.

Su Ming chose to rush out, not without reason.

If the opponent was an ordinary animal, even the vampire bats with normal "brains" in the zoo, he would choose to hide in the tower and wait for these bats to find that they could not catch food and leave on their own.

But these bats can't even control their mental power, their thinking is chaotic and violent, they are completely a group of lunatics, and they can't be judged by normal thinking.

To put it bluntly, this is a group of "zombies" in the animal world. Except that they seem to have no infectious ability, they are not much different from the dead. They have no thinking, are fearless, and want to tear up all the food they see. It is impossible to expect them to retreat when they see difficulties.

Only kill them all.

As soon as the two appeared, they immediately attracted the attention of the bats hovering in the air. The bats shrouded in the sky above the castle rushed towards the two from all directions.

These bats were really huge. Originally, hundreds of them were hovering above the castle. From a distance, the castle looked like it was covered by a layer of black fog. Now they all gathered in one direction, and the sky above the castle suddenly became clear, but the area around the tower where Su Ming was immediately turned into a large black ball.

From the outside, it is impossible to see what is happening inside this huge black ball.

The black ball made of bats seems to have its own life. From a distance, it keeps squirming, as if it is a stomach, trying to crush and digest the two foods inside.

Inside the black ball, Su Ming and Su Meng are not at ease either.

After the two rushed out, Su Ming's rhino energy storage ball was still working, and he opened the other two energy storage balls without hesitation.

One is the alligator turtle energy storage ball. Compared with the previous rhino skin energy storage ball, the alligator turtle energy storage ball has stronger defense. The biggest difference between the two is that the rhino skin is more convenient to move, sacrificing a certain amount of defense in exchange for mobility, which is suitable for use in the mountains with many mosquitoes. Obviously, what is needed now is defense.

The role of the buffalo energy storage ball is not strength, but toughness, that is, endurance.

With Su Ming's own physical strength, it is not difficult to kill a bat with three punches and two kicks. The difficulty lies in how to keep fighting. Fighting is very physically demanding. Even for professional boxers, a round is only two minutes, and they must rest.

With these three energy storage balls, Su Ming immediately transformed into a powerful humanoid monster.

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