Super Zoo

Chapter 787: Home of Vampires

For those who are used to living in a big city of steel and concrete, it is difficult to imagine what it feels like to face a castle.

In Yangchuan City, a commercial house of 100 square meters is the goal of most people. It is enough for a family of three to live in daily without feeling cramped. There are hundreds of such houses in a community covering dozens of acres. Each building is divided into more than a dozen square cement grids, and people are crowded together.

Even the enviable single-family villas are nothing more than less than an acre of land, with only ten rooms and an area of ​​200 to 300 square meters, which can already make people feel unusually spacious.

The Abik Castle in front of us, even though it is separated by a natural stone bridge of nearly 100 meters, looks like a behemoth carved out of the mountains, standing between heaven and earth.

There are a total of 52 separate rooms, including the lord's bedroom, large dining room, guest room, weapon room, granary, etc., two large viewing terraces, more than ten small terraces embedded outside the rooms, a small square in the center of the castle that can be used to grow flowers and plants and train soldiers, a separate reservoir, a basement the size of a basketball court, and an ancient but very scientific and complete drainage system, dozens of arrow stacks and defense strongholds, a beacon tower, and a natural hot spring spring, which together constitute the Abik Castle.

The wolf's soft foot pads stepped on the black rock bridge silently, and the carriage wheels squeaked and turned, walking along the bridge towards the castle opposite.

The stone bridge seemed to be very narrow from a distance, like a line, stretching between two mountains. A few dozen meters below was a canyon with turbulent water, and the sound of water flow was faintly heard. There were straight cliffs on both sides, which looked very dangerous from a distance.

It was not until the carriage was driving on it that I realized that it was actually quite wide. Three carriages or seven or eight people would not seem crowded at all. It was similar to the widest four-lane highway in China. As long as you don't seek death, there is no risk of falling or being blown off by the strong wind.

Open the carriage, you can see that there are very old stone walls on both sides.

Ancient Chinese buildings are gorgeous, exquisite and beautiful, and satisfying people's living comfort is the first priority. Most of the materials used are wood, which is shockingly valuable. It is said that a main beam in the Summer Palace costs hundreds of thousands of taels of silver. In ancient Western times, wars were frequent and the economy was underdeveloped. The castles of lords at all levels, including the king, had important military considerations and were the strongest defensive buildings in the territory. Therefore, the materials were mostly stone.

Every distance on the stone walls on both sides, there is a lion-like statue, and on the other side is a statue of the Virgin Mary, which is said to represent the family of the castle lord and his religious beliefs.

However, because it is too old and Unikin is a poor princess, she has no money to repair the interior of the castle, let alone the external passage. Most of these statues are missing arms and legs.

After getting on the bridge, several people in the car couldn't sit still. They got off the car excitedly and walked. Avitu finally found his sense of existence again and introduced the history of the castle to everyone. It is said that the previous owners of the castle were all the most staunch Catholics. The first owner came directly from the Roman Empire. He was commissioned by the Holy See to lead his knights to overcome difficulties and build the earliest Ebic Castle to resist the attacks of pagans.

Over the past few hundred years, the castle has experienced many glorious battles. Even on the stone bridge under your feet, you can find traces of the fierce battles of the year.

In Romania, there are many stories about Ebic Castle. The most famous one is to assist the Holy See and send troops to attack Vlad III, the Grand Duke of Wallachia who ruled Romania at that time.

"Vlad III?" Zhao Yun stroked a lame lion statue and asked with interest: "Isn't that Count Dracula?"

"Haha, I didn't expect that Orientals are also familiar with our folklore. You are very knowledgeable. Vlad III is the prototype of the most famous vampire Count Dracula in the legend. It is said that he is the king of vampires and can command ordinary vampires. His castle is said to be surrounded by countless bats, floating in the sky all year round. It only appears once every ten years and only sucks the blood of a virgin at a time. According to legend, when night falls, Dracula will sit in the carriage transformed by bats and come to a beautiful virgin, open the door and extend his hand elegantly. No woman can refuse his invitation. They willingly walk into the carriage and disappear into the night sky. When the woman's body was found the next day, her body was pale but extremely beautiful, and she must have a sweet and satisfied smile on her lips..."

"A bunch of idiotic women." Cheng Cheng pouted disdainfully.

Nurse Xiao Hu subconsciously looked up at the Ebic Castle at the end of the stone bridge. Fortunately, there was nothing around the castle, let alone the so-called bats.

Nangong Yan suddenly blinked at Su Ming and said, "Do you remember, there was a cartoon when I was a child, what was it called..."

"Haha, Count D'Aqla, a vampire who violated the tradition of his ancestors and refused to suck blood, was actually a big duck." Su Ming also laughed when talking about his childhood experiences.

Romania is the hometown of vampire stories. Vampires have even become a culture here, a tourist sign. In addition to Count Dracula, another famous female vampire in history, Countess Bathory, lived in Sayit Castle, not too far from Ebic Castle.

It is said that Count Bathory was away fighting all year round, and the elder sister had nothing to do, so she captured girls from nearby villages and tortured them for fun. She bled the young girls to death like animals in a slaughterhouse, drank their blood, and bathed in blood, believing that this would maintain her amazing beauty and youth.

"Blood contains a lot of iron. Long-term consumption of blood can cause gastrointestinal diseases, dark spots on the skin, a large amount of pigmentation, and even iron poisoning." Nurse Xiao Hu analyzed from a professional perspective: "If you want good skin, you should take more high-protein foods. This countess is obviously not well-educated. If you want to capture them, you should capture young and strong men."

Several people looked at her with speechless eyes at the same time. Cheng Cheng asked curiously: "Why? Is there protein in men's blood?"

The scene was quite embarrassing. Fortunately, they had arrived at the gate of the castle. A wide iron gate like a flood gate of a reservoir attracted everyone's attention.

Avitu took out a bunch of keys and unlocked the door with a click. Su Meng and Su Ming helped, one on each side, and pushed the iron door open with force.

"It's so dark." Looking at the dark passage behind the iron door, the women were a little scared, as if countless vampire bats would pour out of the passage at any time, or a pale vampire in an evening dress would greet everyone at the end of the passage.

The group stopped outside the castle gate.

"Wait a minute." Su Ming suddenly grabbed Nangong Yan's hand and said softly.

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