Super Zoo

Chapter 777: Sacred Cause

Rocky, the rotten-toothed man, grinned and grabbed the unconscious Bill on his shoulders like a chicken, and was about to walk into the elevator.

Before he entered the elevator, a light in the room suddenly flashed a dazzling red light.

Nicole and the big man's expressions changed. Nicole quickly turned on the computer screen in the room and quickly entered a string of password numbers. A row of monitor screens appeared on the computer screen.

In the screen, it was Lyudmila and her group in the basement. As "locals", Nicole and the rotten-toothed man Locke were not unfamiliar with their clothes. They were Moran International mercenaries from Russia.

"Damn it, I said that the manor should not be rented to that group of mobs for a few small money. Something will happen sooner or later!" Locke punched the table angrily.

The marble tabletop was actually cracked by him, and it spread to the surroundings along with his fist.

"Hmph, that's good. The organization just needs strong soldiers for research. Normally, there is really no chance to catch Russian soldiers." Nicole sneered and typed a command on the keyboard.

"But if we attack them, it will definitely attract the attention of Russian officials. The basement is directly below us. Once the military starts to investigate..."

Nicole interrupted Locke coldly: "I don't want to stay in this damn place anymore, guarding a base that was abandoned decades ago. Are we going to be marginal figures here for the rest of our lives? Just because of my damn identity? Locke, you go prepare the helicopter, and we will take these spoils to the next base."


"Before leaving, remember to blow up this hotel."

"Where are the people in the hotel?" Locke asked unexpectedly.

Nicole glanced at him inexplicably: "Of course, blow it up with other evidence."

"But the hotel owner and his wife are your distant cousin and cousin-in-law." Locke asked hesitantly.

Nicole said expressionlessly: "They will feel honored to sacrifice their lives for a sacred cause."

Just as Nicole was typing instructions into the computer, all the lights in the abandoned base dozens of meters underground suddenly turned red at the same time, spinning wildly, and the steel door at the entrance suddenly closed slowly.

At the same time, a light blue mist was sprayed out from the corners of all the rooms, and soon the whole basement was filled with a strange smell.

"Damn it, it's a high concentration of ****! Put on the mask and go back!"

"Boss, the iron door is locked!"

"Chekov, Chekov, do you hear me! We're attacked!" There was only a "chi chi chi" noise on the other end of the intercom.

Even without the noise, Chekov was powerless at this time. The team at the entrance of the underground passage was now completely unable to take care of themselves.

After being caught off guard, the mob in the manor gathered again, surrounded the entrance room, and the two sides engaged in a fierce exchange of fire.

"Fuck! We've found the wrong place! Hurry up and ask the company for help!" Chekov saw from the window that the other side dragged out two female soldiers with tattered clothes from another basement, and he immediately cursed.


Tactical masks are not real gas masks. They can only play a certain role in evolving air, and they can't block high-purity gas at all.

This gas that can cause coma quickly invaded Lyudmila and the team members, and the old big iron door seemed to be locked by some kind of air pressure equipment, and it couldn't be pushed at all. The thickness of more than ten centimeters was useless even if it was blown up with a grenade.

In less than half a minute, Lyudmila and the team members who came down fainted behind the big iron door.

The passage was filled with a pungent smell of gas, the dim red lights flashed wildly, and the urgent beeping alarm sound echoed.

A light "ding" sound was particularly clear in this environment. In the innermost room, the iron gate of the old elevator slowly opened, and two people wearing gas masks walked out from it.

One was tall and plump, the other was burly and muscular. Although their faces could not be seen clearly, from their figures and movements, they were Nicole and Locke.

Nicole took out the key and opened the door of the room. Locke walked out with his head down and saw a group of mercenaries fainting in the corridor. He laughed a little scary behind his mask.

"Don't waste time, take them away!" Nicole kicked the Western man who was only wearing briefs, confirmed that he was not awake, and said coldly to Locke.

Locke walked along the corridor, like picking up chickens, picking up the unconscious mercenaries in each hand.

The weight of a mercenary, plus the equipment on his body, was nearly 200 kilograms. In Locke's hands, it was like a sponge mannequin, light and weightless. He held one under each armpit and one in each hand. After only one round trip, he took all of Lyudmila's team back to the elevator, and then grabbed the unconscious man in briefs and threw him in.

Eight people stacked one on top of the other, occupying most of the originally spacious elevator space, forming a human mountain.

Locke took out a few brick-like plastic explosives from his backpack and placed one every few meters in the corridor of the basement, setting the time.

After doing all this, Nicole and Locke walked into the elevator again.

The elevator door closed, and it slowly rose with a creaking sound of metal friction.

Less than ten hours later, a certain Russian department received an astonishing report.

Two teams led by Lyudmila, the famous commander of Moran International, were trapped in a hostage rescue mission. After fighting off the mob and rescuing a team of mercenaries, the rescuers sent by Moran International entered an unexpectedly discovered basement to search, but the basement suddenly exploded, and Moran International suffered heavy losses.

At the same time, a small hotel vertically above the basement also exploded, killing six tourists including the owner and his wife.

After the inventory, no bodies of the team of mercenaries led by Lyudmila were found, and they disappeared out of thin air.

"Disappeared out of thin air?! Was he taken away by the devil?! Do you want me to report to the President like this? There is no such thing as disappearance out of thin air in the world!"

Major General Vagenev slammed the table heavily and yelled at the special agents in front of him: "I give you 24 hours. Even if you have to turn over every inch of the ground at the scene, you must find useful information! Don't tell me this is a mysterious incident!"

No matter where, the leader's anger is effective, especially when this leader is backed by one of the world's major powers and has a group of real elites under his command.

It doesn't take 24 hours at all. After eight hours, some useful information was found.

The two explosion points were connected by an elevator. The cousin of the hotel owner came to Ukraine half a year ago and lived in the hotel, but her body was not found at the scene.

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