Super Zoo

Chapter 769 Genetic Technology

"Do you want to study the hair and nails of the white-headed langur?"

Su Ming was slightly stunned. What to study?

"Professor Heisenberg didn't say it must be nails, but keratin..." The little boy Bai Chen hurriedly explained: "Nails are the easiest and largest keratin."

Su Ming nodded, but didn't say anything. He thought about it and had a bad feeling.

The three little monkeys who had their hair shaved came out again at some point. They jumped onto the big stone that looked like a throne where Su Ming was sitting, scratching their ears and cheeks, chirping and calling softly, as if they wanted Su Ming to make the decision for them.

The white-haired langur is mostly black, very similar to a chimpanzee, with only the shoulders, head, and buttocks white. The white hair on the head is high, like a white crown, or a ball of white flame burning.

This monkey is very rare, even rarer than the giant panda. It has existed on the earth for three million years, and only in China. No living specimens or specimens have been found abroad so far.

Genes are the deepest and most mysterious secrets of animals. A small section of genes can contain a vast amount of information. Different genes can lead to completely different functions...

It can be said that genes determine the form of organisms. Why can birds soar in the sky, fish dive deep into the sea, elephants have a thousand pounds of strength, and venomous snakes have dangerous venom... This is all related to genes.

Su Ming graduated from a medical university and has some understanding of gene research. This science can be regarded as the most advanced science of mankind so far. Even high-tech such as nuclear technology and aviation technology cannot be compared with it; at the same time, due to the complexity of genes themselves, this is also the slowest progress and the shallowest research.

For the research on the secrets of genes, most of them still remain at the level of reasoning and speculation.

And unlike practical science, genetic science, especially animal genetic science, is too difficult to progress in research, so there are currently few that can be applied in practice. Instead, it requires huge investment and even has certain moral and ethical risks. Therefore, although it is very hot worldwide, there are few institutions that actually conduct research.

Su Ming attended a lecture. The lecturer was an international genetic science expert. He talked about a lot of speculations about genetics. The most impressive part of Su Ming's speech was that if humans could crack gene fragments, master gene replication technology, and allow new genes to coexist with existing genes in a benign manner, then they could create "supermen".

Infinite power, going up to the sky and into the sea...Genetic technology is known as the realm of God, the magic of studying the soul.

Back to the present, the foreign professor was conducting biological research and wanted to collect genes from the white-haired langur, which was understandable.

Su Ming still understood some of the superficial principles of genetic technology. The samples for genetic research must be stable and mature. The white-haired langur has lived on the earth for more than three million years. So far, its genes can fully meet the requirements. The genes of the "new species" with only a few hundred or thousands of years of history, even including humans, are actually not very stable, or are still developing and changing.

For example, there is only less than 20,000 years between the primitive people in the Shangding Cave and modern people, but there are relatively large differences in form and function.

There are no white-haired langurs in foreign countries. White-haired langurs are one of China's national treasures. Foreign research institutions cannot easily obtain them, so the foreigners asked Bai Chen to steal monkey hair for research.

This series of events seems to be justified. Although the behavior of the foreign professor is not glorious, it is not too bad.

But Su Ming always feels that something is wrong, as if it is too sneaky.

He has come into contact with some foreigners, including scholars and people from the upper class. These people have one thing in common: they abide by laws and regulations.

It cannot be said that they are born with high moral qualities, but the education they received since childhood and the social system they live in make them accustomed to abiding by laws and regulations. The cost of breaking the law is very high.

Things like having sex with female students and falsifying papers are absolutely high-risk in foreign universities. Once they are discovered, they are basically ruined.

Therefore, foreign scientists generally do not do illegal acts for research.

They would rather spend more energy to contact and appeal, use their own influence and financial resources, and propose bills through the members of parliament they support, so as to change the laws that are unfavorable to them, and they will not break the law.

"Do you have the information of that professor?" Su Ming asked Bai Chen.

"Information?" Bai Chen was stunned for a moment, then said: "Professor Eisenburg is German, a visiting professor of our school, without a real job. Oh, by the way, he became a visiting professor this year."

The girl next to him pulled his sleeve and whispered: "Didn't you take a photo with Professor Eisenburg? Show it to the leader."

"Oh, yes! I almost forgot." The young man quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket, turned on the screen and popped up the camera photo interface, found a photo, and then handed the phone to Su Ming, "Leader, look, this is a photo I took with Professor Eisenburg after a lecture."

Su Ming took the phone. The background of the photo was a very common large classroom. Su Ming even remembered this classroom. This was the 303 lecture hall of the Medical University. When he was in school, he also attended lectures in it.

There are two people in the center of the photo. One is Bai Chen, grinning foolishly, and the other is a tall white man with short, neat light blonde hair. His face has the typical angular features of a Germanic man. He is wearing a tight, straight suit and looks very handsome.

Professor Eisenburg also smiled faintly, and in the sunlight projected in through the window, he looked like a god in a medieval statue.

"It's quite handsome." Su Ming smiled, sent the photo directly to his mobile phone, then deleted the sending record and his mobile phone number, and finally returned the phone to Bai Chen.

"Leader, you see, I have said everything I should say." Bai Chen asked in a low voice with courage.

Su Ming thought about it. After all, the two students did not do anything bad. Even if they were handed over to the police, it would be nothing more than a criticism and education.

He is much more mature than before, and often thinks in other people's shoes.

If you put yourself in their shoes, when you were in school, someone offered you several thousand yuan to secretly go to the zoo to cut some monkey hair. You would probably do it. It's fun and exciting, and you can make money, and it won't really hurt animals. What can't you do? What's more, this kid has a girlfriend. Boys, who doesn't want their girlfriend to live a better life?

"Do you know you are wrong?" Su Ming asked with a straight face.

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