Super Zoo

Chapter 657 Iga-ryu Ninja?

A strange fat man walked into the woods.

He was a fat man who was at least fifty or sixty years old, with slightly gray hair. However, he wore a tight suit, which squeezed out the fat on his body. When he walked, his flesh trembled, which looked very funny.


Su Ming was dumbfounded. In broad daylight, in the dense forest deep in the Qinling Mountains, an old fat man dressed as a ninja came out?

What was going on?


Seeing the old fat ninja, Park Zhengyi was very surprised. He stood up slowly, and frowned his two thick eyebrows like ink. "Why are you here?"

"Hello, Mr. Park Zhengyi." The fat ninja bowed slightly, "I came to see you at the request of Mr. Park Yingming."

As soon as the voice fell, five ninjas dressed like Sakata walked out of the woods, but these people were obviously more like real ninjas than this old fat man. They were short, skinny, and even looked a little hunchbacked.

But their eyes were very sharp, like animals walking on tiptoe, arching their backs, ready to pounce on their prey at any time!

"Yingming?" Park Zhengyi frowned: "Didn't I tell him not to get involved in this aspect of the family? Why did he send you here... No, how did you find me?"

As Park Zhengyi spoke, his expression suddenly changed.

Park Yingming didn't know the exact location where he entered the mountain. This place was dozens of kilometers away from the foot of the mountain. He and his group were all professionals, and they were engaged in a shady business. From entering the country until entering the mountain, they deliberately concealed their tracks all the way, especially the first dozen kilometers after entering the mountain. Because they were relatively close to the area where humans lived, Park Zhengyi and his group paid special attention to hiding their tracks.

Not to mention Sakata-kun, who has been running a dog meat shop in Korea, even professionals would find it difficult to track him.

He knew that when Sakata was young, he was engaged in a special profession.

Sakata-kun is a real ninja.

Ninjas have many mysterious abilities that outsiders see. In ancient times, technology was not well developed, and rumors spread, resulting in the profession of ninja being very mysterious to ordinary people, with great magical powers and omnipotence, just like the ancient Chinese immortals and foreign superheroes.

For example, killing people invisibly and taking people's souls. During the Edo period, a daimyo of Satsuma Domain and the lord of Choshu Domain had a feud and sent two female ninjas, dressed as geishas, ​​to sing in a tavern near the lord's mansion of Choshu Domain. Every day, there were crowds of spectators. Soon, the lord of Choshu Domain learned about these two "artists" with both beauty and art, and sent people to invite them to perform in the mansion.

After the song was over, the lord of Choshu Domain was about to have a closer contact, but suddenly fell to the ground, twitching all over, foaming at the mouth, and then had a high fever for half a month, was unconscious, and talked nonsense, as if his soul was taken away by gods and ghosts, and finally died suddenly.

There is a legend that these two geishas are ninjas who can take people's souls and kill people invisibly. In fact, this is the most common method of assassination by ninjas. Blowing arrows are poison needles, which are usually hidden in long instruments such as flutes. As long as they are blown, the tiny poison needles will be shot into the human body silently at a close distance. It is difficult to detect even at close range, and even the person who is hit does not know what is going on.

In order to protect the safety of ninjas, many poison needles are made of special materials that can melt into the blood. Once stimulated by hot blood, they disappear without a trace, and melt into the blood together with the poison above. Because the wound is small, it is often impossible to find the wound.

As for "being unconscious for dozens of days and unconscious", the technology was backward at that time, and the medicine was also very difficult. They could not find the tiny wounds on the body and thought that "the soul was taken away".

In fact, this is not because the ninjas are highly skilled and have strong business capabilities. They deliberately let the victims suffer for dozens of days and die after being tortured. It is because the poisons in ancient times were too toxic. They were all plant poisons and animal poisons. They were completely different from the high-tech chemical poisons of today, which can kill hundreds of people, tens of thousands of people, or even a whole city with one gram. The toxicity was limited. In addition, the carrier of the poison, the poison needle was as thin as a cow's hair, and the poison applied on it was very little, so it would not kill people in a short time.

The unlucky lord died of complications and various tossings in the end. In ancient times, poisoning people to death, in fact, at least half of the cases, the poison could not kill people, unless it was like Pan Jinlian forcing Wu Dalang to drink poison. In assassination, being able to poison people to death at one time was definitely a professional expert, a master among ninjas.

Of course, in addition to having to learn the technique of blowing arrows, ninjas also had to practice musical instruments, which was also considered versatile. To make up as all kinds of people, there are more mysterious legends among the people, that ninjas are all people with thousands of faces, and no one has ever seen his true face.

There are also legends that ninjas can fly and escape into water, which basically relies on a special hollow belt. When climbing over the city wall, it can be used as a stepping tool, and it can be used as a scabbard to hide soft swords and weapons. When hiding in the water, it can also be used as a snorkel.

In short, ninjas are not gods or ghosts or superpowers. Simply put, ninjas are special combat killers and special combat spies who have been trained by special institutions and have skills and knowledge.

This profession reached its peak during the Warring States Period in Japan. During World War II, the militaristic Bushido thought was rampant, and this profession became active again. Some so-called ninjas joined the army, served the invaders, protected politicians, and carried out assassinations and espionage activities.

Ninjas are divided into jonin, chunnin, and genin. Jonin, also known as brain trust ninja, specializes in planning the overall combat steps, and chunnin is the commander of the actual combat, with outstanding skills and tactics. Genin, also known as physical ninja, is equivalent to special operations forces and is the actual ninja fighting on the front line.

Sakata's grandfather was a chunnin of the Iga school, who died in Korea. From then on, the Sakata family stayed in Korea and became family friends with the Park family.

Park Zhengyi knew Sakata's origins, but in modern society, everyone speaks with guns. Who would really take ninjas seriously? In the past, it was just a joke.

But even if it was a real ninja, it would be difficult to track him down after he entered the mountains... Unless these people always followed him!

Sakata's strength is still unknown, but the other six ninjas are clearly good players.

One chunnin and five genin, in the jungle, both the ability to survive and the ability to kill are far better than those so-called poaching experts he hired!

Thinking of this, Park Zhengyi, who was used to the darkness of the world, subconsciously raised his hand slightly, slowly raised his hand behind his back, and touched the place where the pistol was inserted on his waist.

Empty, then he remembered that the gun had been disarmed by Su Ming.

His eyes flashed and swept across Su Ming.

Su Ming was also dumbfounded.

Park Zhengyi and the others spoke Korean, which Su Ming and Su Meng could not understand, but he was not blind, and he could still see clearly what was going on.

The two sides obviously knew each other. Park Zhengyi was very surprised at the arrival of the other party, and the five people on the other side, except for the fat ninja, all looked cold, as if they were afraid that others would not know that they were hostile.

What the hell is going on, in broad daylight, a bunch of ninjas suddenly appeared?

Obviously, this is not cosplay, no one would come to this ghost place to cosplay ninjas, and the old fat man really doesn’t look like a ninja.

Besides, when will it be the turn of ninjas to run rampant in China? Is there still justice?

Will a flying sword fairy emerge from the mountains in a while, with a fire-breathing beast, summon forbidden spells and fight with these ninjas?

This style is too weird.

Su Ming put the crested ibis in his arms, only revealing a small red head, and shook his head at Su Meng, indicating that he should not be impulsive and wait and see.

Obviously, these ninjas are not looking for him.

Xiaohong popped his head out and looked at the ninjas with the same curiosity. The crested ibis, which made Park Zhengyi's heart flutter, did not seem to attract the attention of the ninjas. Most of the six people focused their attention on Park Zhengyi, occasionally casting a glance at Su Ming and Su Meng.

Park Zhengyi's eyelids jumped slightly.

"What exactly did Yingming call you here for?" Park Zhengyi asked word by word in a hoarse voice.

Sakata said calmly: "Mr. Park Zhengyi, this is also for the little Cheol-bin to grow up in the sunshine, and for the Park family to develop smoothly in the official business."

Park Zhengyi was stunned, and then he suddenly realized and laughed crazily: "I understand, I understand, so my brother and uncle who are not in the light have dragged them down, so I must disappear. If I am not mistaken, I have been wanted in the country, right?..."

"No need to say more, Mr. Park Zhengyi, I hope you will leave the world without pain. You commit suicide. These five are my last subordinates. I don't want them to be hurt. If you resist, I have to use drastic means." Sakata interrupted Park Zhengyi coldly and nodded slightly.

The moment he nodded, a ninja drew a strange short knife less than two feet long from his waist and looked at him coldly.


Before the ninja made a move, Park Zhengyi had already pounced like a leopard and punched the nearest ninja on the nose.

Blood spurted everywhere, and the ninja groaned before falling down limply. One of his noses was almost completely flattened, and the fragments of the bridge of the nose jumped into his brain, killing him immediately.

Park Zhengyi held the limp body and pushed it hard towards the others. While the others were dodging, he fled in panic and rushed into the woods.

Sakata-kun threw a cross mark in the air, which whistled in the air and stabbed into Park Zhengyi's back.

Park Zhengyi cried out in pain, staggered forward, rolled over, and fell into the woods.

Sakata-kun drew out his soft knife, glanced at Su Ming and Su Meng, and his eyes seemed to have regarded them as private persons. He said to the other people in a cold tone: "The four of you stay and kill them."

After that, he held the knife himself, and his body was as flexible as a fat monkey. He rushed into the woods and chased after Park Zhengyi who was fleeing.

The four ninjas who stayed behind drew their swords and formed a semicircle, then approached Su Ming and Su Meng with expressionless faces.

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