Super Zoo

Chapter 556 Asian Film Market

The domestic cinema's screening rate has not yet been released, so Su Ming naturally has no way of knowing the specific information. But it doesn't take a brain to guess that next week's screening will definitely be on a higher level. This week's box office has proved that Zootopia is a profitable movie, and there is no reason for the cinema to not provide a good environment.

What he is considering now is actually overseas distribution.

China has become the world's second largest box office, and its annual domestic box office is second only to North America. The grand occasion many years ago when Hong Kong movies dominated the market and drove the development of the entire Southeast Asian film region is gone forever. At that time, the overseas distribution rights of Hong Kong movies in Southeast Asia were often sold at a higher price than the local box office, and they did not have to share the revenue with the cinema, which was the bulk of the film production company's income.

Even though the times are different, after the development of the mainland film market, the overseas distribution rights account for a smaller and smaller share of the total revenue, and some movies can even be ignored, but Su Ming still has expectations for the overseas distribution of Zootopia.

First, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. Those big productions with a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars certainly don't look down on the overseas distribution rights of millions or tens of millions, but for a small movie with a cost of tens of millions, the profits brought by overseas distribution rights cannot be underestimated.

Second, it is out of confidence in the film "Zootopia" itself;

Third, the global annual box office is close to 35 billion US dollars, North America alone accounts for 11 billion, and China is about 6 billion. Just as foreigners have begun to regard the Chinese market as a big cake that cannot be ignored, for Chinese filmmakers, the overseas market is a bigger cake. If they can open up the overseas market, especially the North American market, the benefits are self-evident. Even if "Zootopia" doesn't sell much, it is the first step to go overseas.

Judging from the current domestic box office of "Zootopia", Su Ming will definitely continue to get involved in the film industry in the future, and it is necessary to figure out the doorway to overseas distribution.

After the two distributors from the Philippines and Formosa came to Yangchuan City, Su Ming was not completely out of contact. At the dinner table where they were received, there was a simple conversation about distribution rights.

It was after this conversation that Su Ming decided to put the negotiation of overseas distribution rights on hold for the time being, and to concentrate on negotiating the distribution rights after Zootopia was released nationwide and the total box office statistics were calculated.

Because the price offered by these two distributors was so low that people wanted to spit on them on the spot, and the total price was only a little over one million Chinese yuan.

Although he did not expect to make a lot of money from overseas distribution, Su Ming could not accept such a low distribution price psychologically.

Besides, there may be distributors from other countries or even North America to negotiate in the future. The price was too low this time, which would not be conducive to future negotiations.

Zootopia earned more than 60 million in the first week, and Long Wu from Xiangjiang was the first to call to congratulate him. Through the video call, Su Ming could clearly see that his poker face, which was always expressionless, had an obvious smile.

Long Wu made a profit this time. Just based on the box office of this week, his share of the profits would exceed 10 million. 10 million is by no means a small amount of money that can be ignored, not to mention that he spent almost no cost, just to help Su Ming set up a platform.

Originally, he wanted to repay the favor he had made at the Jockey Club and help Su Ming, but he didn't expect that it would bring him very good returns.

"I'm afraid you'll feel bad. I didn't do anything, but I just took away half of your mainland profits." Long Wu said with a smile.

"Brother Shi, you're being too polite. You help me, I help you, and we can make money together." Su Ming waved his hand and smiled. Money is something that one person can never make. Only those who can bring benefits to their friends will have more friends and make more money.

Seeing Su Ming's statement, Long Wu didn't continue to talk about this topic, and turned to say: "I have checked the overseas distribution rights. The two companies are not deliberately suppressing your price. The current situation of the Southeast Asian film market is not very good."

"Brother Shi, please help me analyze it. I know nothing about this. You are a professional." Su Ming said.

The company that came from Formosa is Vieshow, and its backstage is a first-tier large company in the island; and the Philippines is the first country in Asia to produce independent films, and the film industry should be well developed. The two companies gave a total of more than one million copyright fees, which made Su Ming very puzzled.

Not contacting for the time being does not mean giving up the overseas distribution rights. On the contrary, Su Ming plans to use this time to do some homework, figure out the ins and outs of overseas distribution, and prepare for a suitable price in the future.

Long Wu briefly explained the situation.

Although the Philippine film industry developed early, it progressed very slowly. The annual box office in the country is less than 2 billion Chinese yuan, and the total plate is not large.

Due to the former colonial reasons, the Philippine film market is mainly occupied by European and American blockbusters. Long Wu found last year's data, 78% of the box office were imported blockbusters.

And facing the same troubles as the mainland, the Philippines has serious piracy. Most people in this country have a living standard below the average, and they don't have the habit of spending money to buy tickets to the cinema.

In addition, there are high taxes. When making a movie in the Philippines, 30% of the film's revenue must be paid to the treasury as taxes, plus 12% value-added tax. This means that a movie must first cut nearly half of its revenue to pay taxes. Philippine film practitioners unanimously believe that high taxes are the culprit for the weakness of the Philippine film industry. Taxes murder the director's creativity and the producer's courage.

Under such circumstances, it is certainly impossible for the other party to pay a high price to import Chinese films.

"You did the right thing. There is no need to waste your breath on the Philippines." Long Wu smiled and said, "Your current net worth is hundreds of thousands of dollars every minute. It is a complete waste of life and time to negotiate prices with Philippine distributors."

"What about Formosa?" Su Ming asked. In his impression, Formosa is a big market for movies. It can be said that people are stupid and rich. The golden decade of Hong Kong movies in the last century was full of the shadows of the rich in Formosa.

"Wow, your news is decades out of date. That was a thing of the past. It is of course different now. The mainland has risen." Long Wu shook his head and smiled.

Before the two sides signed the "Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement" in 2010, Formosa movies entering the mainland market were treated as imported films and had to compete with European and American blockbusters including Hollywood for the annual quota of 20 imported films.

After the signing of the agreement, the number of movies entering the market is no longer subject to quota restrictions. As long as they are approved by the competent authorities, they can be released and screened.

In order to protect local movies, Formosa has always limited the introduction of mainland movies to ten films a year. After the signing of the cooperation agreement, although there was some relaxation, there were still restrictions on the number of films, and it was impossible to enter without restrictions.

Fortunately, Zootopia, a film that did not involve politics or ethnicity at all, had no problem passing the review of the relevant departments of Taiwan.

However, being able to distribute and screen does not mean that the distribution rights can be sold at a high price.

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