Super Zoo

Chapter 4: Monkey Riot

"what happened!"

Director Song stood up suddenly, his thick eyebrows furrowed tightly, and asked in a deep voice: "There are guardrails around the monkey mountain, how could a child fall in?"

The middle-aged elder sister said with a sad face: "I don't know how the guardrail was repaired. It looked fine, but when the child fell on it, the guardrail fell down."

"go to the scene!"

Director Song took long strides and hurriedly walked out of the office. As he walked, he asked, "Has the rescue been arranged?"

The middle-aged elder sister followed behind, sweating profusely and said: "Three or four comrades have gone down, but those monkeys don't know what happened. They act like crazy. Whenever they see someone approaching, they rush up and attack desperately. The two comrades almost got caught..."

"How is the child doing?"

"The child was only five or six years old. He was hanging on a tree when he fell. Later, he was captured by the Monkey King. He was fine..."

Director Song directly took out his phone and dialed a number: "Hey, Chief Dong, please be at the scene. Prepare to use the anesthesia gun to stabilize the family members' emotions. You must protect the safety of the children. I'll be there soon!... What, anesthesia? Not enough guns?…”

Director Song hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Call the police and ask for police assistance. If necessary, we can kill the Monkey King!"

"Director, that is a national second-level protected animal. You almost lost your life before you rescued that old monkey king from the back mountain!" said the middle-aged elder sister.

"Human life is more important than heaven!"

Principal Song's face was also a little heavy, but he waved his hand without hesitation, signaling the middle-aged elder sister to stop talking.

He hurried downstairs, and there was already a tour bus parked downstairs. As soon as Director Song got on the bus, he saw Su Ming following him.

"What are you doing here?" Principal Song asked with a frown.

"My father was also engaged in animal protection research when he was alive. He has some knowledge about some special habits of animals. I may be able to help." Su Ming said.

My father is indeed engaged in animal research. Field workers like them have accumulated a lot of experience in getting along with animals over the years, which cannot be learned from textbooks and theoretical knowledge.

Su Ming also had an idea. With this reason, he could cover up many questions caused by the ‘Friends of Animals’.

"Okay, come on. Don't cause trouble." Director Song gave him a deep look and waved him to get in the car without saying anything.

"Dee, dee, dee, dee... The comrades in front give way, the comrades in front give way..."

The tour bus drove at full speed and rushed along the forest path of the zoo. After a few minutes, it arrived at the outskirts of Monkey Mountain.

At this time, the outside of the Monkey Mountain was already crowded with people. From a distance, you could see that a place on the high guardrail had collapsed. Many people were pointing towards the Monkey Mountain, and some people took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

"Make way, make way, the director is here!" The middle-aged elder sister opened the way, and Director Song and his team quickly passed through the crowd and walked to the edge of Monkey Mountain.

A young woman in fashionable clothes was already crying. Her disheveled hair almost collapsed on the ground. She cried and said to the people around her: "Please, please save my daughter...please everyone... "

A middle-aged man hugged the young woman, his face as dark as water.

"We are parents of children. What's going on at your zoo? Get a protective suit and I'll go save my daughter myself!"

The middle-aged man said to Director Song with a livid face.

"Don't worry, our comrades have already gone down, and they will do their best!"

Director Song said as he glanced towards the monkey mountain.

After seeing clearly the situation in the Monkey Mountain below, Director Song's thick eyebrows trembled slightly, his expression became more serious, and he said to himself: "What's going on? This is not quite right!"

Su Ming looked through the fence and saw that the main body of the Monkey Mountain was a huge rockery, about seventy or eighty meters in diameter, sinking ten meters below the horizon. The rocks on the Monkey Mountain were jagged, and the highest point was more than ten meters tall, almost as high as the horizon. Flush.

On one side of Monkey Mountain is a small artificial lake of two to three acres, surrounded by high guardrails.

When tourists watch the monkeys, they stand behind the fence. With the protection of the fence, and the height of the monkey mountain, it is impossible for the monkeys to attack people.

At this time, thirty or forty macaques have occupied the 'important roads' in various parts of the Monkey Mountain, looking around with eager eyes, holding 'weapons' such as stones in their hands, grinning at the surrounding humans, showing their teeth, and squeaking Squeaking and screaming.

At the top of Monkey Mountain, there is a cave that is large enough to accommodate several adults. There is an old white-haired monkey sitting in it, which is obviously larger than other monkeys.

There was an explosion outside, but the white-haired old monkey looked calm as if he was always there, and he actually held a trembling little girl in his arms.

It was obvious that the entire monkey group, under the leadership of the Monkey King, had become a group of 'organized' 'thugs'. The old Monkey King regarded the little girl as his 'cub'.

However, a little girl is a little girl, not some monkey cub. Maybe the old monkey king will realize it someday, and when the time comes, he can disfigure the little girl with just a scratch, and maybe even lose her life.

Monkeys, despite their small size, are not as easy to kill as tigers, bears, and the like, but it is no joke to hurt people once they go crazy. Some big monkeys even dare to fight with wolves.

As for monkeys’ close relatives, baboons and apes, they are no less dangerous than tigers and leopards!

Below the Monkey Mountain, there were already three zoo staff members, wearing a thick cotton-padded jacket, with their heads and faces wrapped tightly with cloth, holding a stun gun in one hand and a tranquilizer gun in the other, slowly approaching the Monkey Mountain.

The monkeys entrenched on the mountain screamed even more fiercely when they saw someone approaching, and they all raised stones and threw them down.

For a moment, the flying stones were like rain, and several staff members were dodging left and right.

One unlucky guy didn't care about what was ahead, stepped on empty space, and fell into the small lake with a thud.

Fortunately, the small lake was not deep, and it was a place for monkeys to play in the water and escape the heat. The man climbed up immediately after falling in, and the water was only up to his waist.

The other two people finally rushed to the foot of the Monkey Mountain under the rain of stones.

But before they got to the top of the mountain, seven or eight big monkeys jumped out of the surrounding caves and pounced on the two people and scratched them.

Although they were wearing thick cotton-padded jackets and were not scratched, the monkeys were very agile. Several monkeys were fighting against one person, scratching and biting. How could ordinary people resist? The two people were immediately "covered" with monkeys, which was very strange.

In a few moves, the two were beaten back by the monkeys. One of them lost his balance and rolled down the rockery.

At the same time, the monkey king on the mountain seemed to be stimulated by this scene. He stood up all of a sudden and held the little girl in his arms high above his head, as if he was about to fall down at any time.

The monkey mountain was more than ten meters high and was made of hard stones. Even without the power added by the monkey king, it would be terrible if it fell normally.

"Wow... Mom..." The little girl was held high in the air and burst into tears. Her childish voice sounded in the air.

Su Ming was shocked and quickly used his mental power to communicate with the monkey king.

But the two sides were at least thirty or forty meters apart. Su Ming could only vaguely contact the monkey king, but could not communicate effectively. This monkey king was obviously more powerful than other monkeys, and Su Ming could not control its behavior at all.

On the top of the mountain, the old monkey king held the little girl, raised his head, and glanced at Su Ming.

"Nannan, don't be afraid, mommy is here to save you..."

The little girl's mother saw this scene, and the whole person was like crazy, climbing up and jumping into the monkey mountain.

The middle-aged lady in the zoo and several female comrades were quick and quickly held her down.

"You are not allowed to go! I will save my daughter!" The girl's father's face sank, pushed away the zoo staff in front of him, and strode towards the broken guardrail.

"Family members cannot go! I will go myself!"

Director Song suddenly stopped in front of the girl's parents, took a cotton jacket and put it on himself, and waved his hand: "Men under the age of fifty, step out, and go down with me!"

Seven or eight male staff members stood up. It seemed that Director Song was ready to use numbers to force the way. No matter how fierce the monkeys are, they can never be a match for a large group of organized humans.

"Wait a minute!" Su Ming suddenly stood up, his expression serious: "No more servants now!"

"Who are you? Why are you causing trouble!"

"What do you mean?"

Director Song and several zoo staff members yelled at Su Ming almost at the same time. The girl's father frowned and pushed Su Ming: "Get out of the way!"

Su Ming stepped back and avoided the girl's father. He ignored the furious father and said seriously to Director Song: "Now the monkey king obviously regards the little girl as his own cub and will not hurt her for the time being. But if we send more people, If the monkey king is stimulated, it's hard to say!"

Without waiting for the director and others to speak, Su Ming immediately continued: "Even if it is a real animal cub, there are cases where parents kill the cub with their own hands in order to prevent the cub from falling into the hands of the enemy at a critical moment! Director Song, calm down, you are an expert, I am right, right!"

Su Ming's words sounded very reasonable. Although he could not answer those professional written test questions, he graduated from the biology major after all, and because of his father's family tradition, he still had a basic understanding of the common habits of animals.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and dozens of eyes gathered on Su Ming and then on Director Song.

Director Song pondered for a moment: "Then what can you do?"

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