Super Zoo

Chapter 383 The Arrogant Thief

The water area of ​​Huating Reservoir is thousands of times larger than that of Shuijun Lake, and the area for fish farming is also hundreds of times larger than that of Shuijun Lake. It is almost impossible to completely guard it.

When Zhou Jin was farming fish in the reservoir before, he adopted a more extreme method. He raised a group of hooligans. When he met those who came to fish, he would beat them up and "fine" them. When he met those who really stole fish... well, he would even beat those who fished up. The fate of those who really stole fish was even worse.

Later, Su Ming asked the bald man, who had "become a good man", or at least had become a good man on the surface, he stammered and said that he broke the leg and detained the man to ask the other party's family for a "compensation".

However, there are many fishing enthusiasts in Yangchuan City. With such a large area of ​​the reservoir, it is impossible to block it with violence alone. The old man Zhu Chenggui who came to fish at the beginning is an example. No matter how strictly Zhou Jin guarded, there would still be people fishing secretly by the reservoir.

Su Ming simply replaced blocking with dredging. While farming fish in the reservoir, there was also an open fishing business, and the price was equal to the market price of fish. Most people who have the leisure to fish don't lack that little money, they just want to have fun, so this basically eliminates "illegal" fishing.

Even if there are a few people who come to fish secretly, they can't catch much with a pole. The fear is to encounter fish thieves, the kind of fish thieves who come specifically for the catch, fully armed, and even take some extreme methods that harm the environment, stealing hundreds of kilograms or tons at a time.

Such people, whether it was Zhou Jin in the past or Su Ming now, are severely cracked down. This is no different from a thief entering the house. If you catch him, you will suffer a lot.

The reason why Su Ming came to the reservoir was not completely a whim. Liang Shi reported to him more than once that after the reservoir became famous, a group of people often came to steal fish. Liang Shi and his team took people to catch them several times but failed to catch them. There is nothing you can do about it. Such a large reservoir cannot be completely prevented. If you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves thinking about it.

Now Su Ming sees that someone is stealing fish!

On the water below, there was a simple rubber boat. It was not appropriate to call it a boat. Strictly speaking, it was a simple artificial floating object: four or more large tires were put together, and the tires were simply connected with wooden boards, like a floating platform on the water, with a large net towed behind.

Looking down from the height of more than 30 meters from the plane, the large net towed behind the rubber boat was bulging and full of fish.

There were two men on the boat, wearing long rubber shoes. One of them was bending over and scooping out some granular feed-like things from a large bucket, throwing them into the water in handfuls.

Fish kept floating up on the water around, and the other one was catching them with a large scoop net.

"Oh, sir, are they feeding? But those fish don't seem normal." Even Tony, a foreigner who didn't understand fisheries at all, could see that something was wrong.

Feeding! Su Ming's eyelids were jumping. The people below were not feeding fish feed at all, but a chemical with a strong anesthetic effect. After eating it, the fish would become comatose and automatically float to the surface of the water.

If it were just that, it would be fine. The most hateful thing is that this chemical will spread in the water, affect the water quality of the reservoir, and cause fish to get sick! If it is a large surface like the Shuixie Lake, a few barrels of such chemicals can make the fish in the entire lake turn over and die more than half!

"Tony, land, I want to shout!" Su Ming grabbed the communicator on the helicopter.

The helicopter slowly descended and almost stopped on the water. The airflow brought by the propeller blew ripples on the water surface below.

More than ten meters away, the simple rubber boat was also blown up and down. The two fish thieves put down their work and squatted on the boat to look over here.

Su Ming opened the door of the plane, revealing half of his body, and shouted loudly with a loudspeaker: "Who allowed you to come here to fish? Go ashore and accept inspection!" Panda Yingying squeezed over from the seat next to her, showing her head, grinning at the two people, and looking very fierce.

The two men looked honest, and Su Ming thought they were nearby farmers. But one of them saw the helicopter door open and actually picked up a big harpoon from the rubber bed and pointed it at the helicopter, shouting fiercely.

Following the wind, he could vaguely hear the other person shouting, "Mind your own business... I'll kill you..."

This person probably didn't know the relationship between the person on the helicopter and the fishery company, and thought it was a passerby who was meddling in other people's business.

"Is this lawless?!" Su Ming was almost laughing with anger. He was caught stealing fish, but he was still so arrogant. Was he going to rob them openly?

If it was an armed helicopter, that person would definitely not dare to be so arrogant, but the Hummingbird 206 was a standard civilian aircraft with no weapons on it. Even if it looked very high-end, it really couldn't do anything with the small broken rubber boat on the water. The other party also recognized this point, so he dared to shout. Su Ming couldn't jump from the plane into the water to catch them.

"Tony, what weapons are on the plane?" Su Ming asked.

"No weapons, but I can control the helicopter to fly sideways on the water. The propeller is the most powerful weapon. I can crush them and their boats! Of course, the law and conscience do not allow me to do this."

"Then you are talking nonsense!" Su Ming gave him a middle finger. Using helicopter propellers to strangle... It's a pity that he could come up with this idea.

The people on the small rubber boat shouted, but their brains were not broken after all. The helicopter could not do anything to the small broken boat, and the small broken boat could not do anything to the helicopter. Moreover, now that they were caught stealing fish, of course they had to grease their feet and leave quickly. One person cursed at the plane provocatively while paddling the small broken boat towards the shore, while the other took out his phone to call, probably to call for his accomplices to help. The stolen fish could not be lifted by the two of them.

Judging from the route of the "retreat", this group of people was definitely experienced and well prepared! A few dozen meters away was a wetland with few people. The wetland was full of dense trees. As long as the boat docked, the two people could escape with the fish, and the helicopter might not be able to catch them. The several boats of the fishing company were small yachts. The water in the wetland was too shallow for the small yachts to dock. Even if the people of the fishing company found them, they could not catch up and could only watch them escape.

Su Ming quickly called Liang Shi and asked him to call the police and bring the yacht over, then directed Tony to follow the hummingbird.

The hummingbird was always hovering more than ten meters above the small broken boat, and the wind from the propeller made the small broken boat below bumpy.

But it was just "bumpy", and it didn't have any practical effect except blowing the two thieves' hair.

The small broken boat slowly but firmly approached the wetland. The two thieves even proudly raised their middle fingers to the sky and laughed arrogantly at the people in the plane!

"You are courting death!" Su Ming suddenly pulled open the helicopter door.

————Dividing line————

It is said that 2K per chapter is convenient for mobile reading, so I will try it too!

Of course, the total number of words will not be small.

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