Super Zoo

Chapter 371 Five Ministers?

The public channel of the radio is not encrypted. As long as you are within the radiation range of the radio, you can hear the conversation on the public channel. Sand mining ships operate on the river, and 80% of them will be equipped with radio equipment for convenience of communication and safety.

In other words, it is entirely possible that the conversation the fishermen had on the radio just now fell into the ears of the people on the sand mining boat.

"You're careless, you're careless!" Lao Gu kept slapping his thigh, feeling extremely depressed.

Nangong Huang was young and had little knowledge of the dangers of society. He said in confusion: "You just heard it if you heard it, so what?"

"Lao Gu, drive the boat over and take a look." Su Ming said calmly.

Before Lao Gu's fishing boat was halfway through, he heard a dispute coming from the radio. There was a vaguely unfamiliar young voice saying angrily, "Don't be shameless. Our boss took the saury, and the money was gone." A lot of points for you...

In the entire public channel, except for this arrogant voice, the remaining fishermen all remained silent, and no one dared to speak.

Then there was a commotion and the radio communication on the opposite ship was cut off.

"Oops!" Lao Gu sighed while driving the boat, "It's rare to catch swordfish, and I'm so happy that I forgot about it. Let those people hear, what good things can I keep?" live?"

"Uncle Gu, what are they doing?" Nangong Huang asked confused.

"The owner of the sand mining boat not only mines sand, but also has business in the fish market." Lao Gu looked at Su Ming, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Mr. Su, I'm afraid those swordfish can't be saved."

"You mean they want to cut off their beards?" Nangong Huang was born as a 'little ruffian' after all, and had a bad temper. "Why? There's always a first come first served basis for everything. Can they still rob it openly? If the one with the highest price gets it, I will Don’t you believe it, they are richer than my brother-in-law?” Nangong Huang had blind confidence in Su Ming’s financial resources after buying tens of thousands of yuan worth of clothes for this boy last time.

"It's not like robbery, but the money given is definitely lower than the market price." Lao Gu said: "They are all local snakes. The villagers still have to make a living on the river. If they ask for it, how can they dare to offend them."

"Okay, let's not talk about this. Let's sail over and have a look." Su Ming waved his hand.

Zhao Yun hugged his arms and stood on the bow of the boat, shaking his head regretfully. Nangong Huang was furious, "Uncle Zhao, you are all respectable figures in society. When you are bullied, you can only smile bitterly! Why don't you fight back? Let me tell you, just go ahead and do it boldly. If anything happens, my whole family will be covered by the police."

This kid has recently become enlightened. Under Su Ming's words and deeds, he finally knows how to use the power of his family like a normal second generation.

"The police in Yangchuan City have no control over Huayin County." Zhao Yun shook his head and raised his chin at Su Ming, who was standing at the bow of the boat: "Why do you think I am smiling bitterly? You still don't understand your brother-in-law. . Even if there is no wind, he will make three-foot waves. If someone really messes with him, do you think he will just let it go?"

"Uncle Zhao, don't teach this kid bad, I'm a serious person!" Su Ming turned around and glanced at him.

When they met with Lao Liao's fishing boat, a small boat from the other party's sand mining boat had already sailed away. Lao Gu built a springboard several meters long, and Su Ming swayed onto Lao Liao's fishing boat.

Lao Liao is about the same age as Lao Gu, in his forties, a lean man with dark skin, squatting on the deck and smoking.

The deck was in a mess, pots and pans were knocked over, and a large fishing net was torn apart and thrown aside.

Seeing Su Ming get on the boat, Lao Liao raised his head and showed a helpless smile.

On a dark and wrinkled face, there was a very clear mark of a slap.

"Old Liao, are they taking action?" Su Ming frowned and asked in a deep voice. It's one thing to jump in line and sell fish without following the rules, but it's another thing to hit someone. The two are completely different in nature.

Even when Zhou Jin bullied and dominated the market, in most cases, he would not attack people in the fish market. After all, the market and the Yangtze River fishery are all supported by these people at the bottom.

"Hey, don't mention it. I said that the fish has been reserved. After a few arguments with them, those young men took action. I'm really sorry, Mr. Su. I didn't help you keep these saury fish. My whole family still wants it. I'm trying to make a living on the river, and I really don't dare to have a quarrel with them..." Lao Liao was still very kind, even though he was beaten, he kept apologizing to Su Ming for not keeping his promise.

"It's okay, it's okay." Of course Su Ming couldn't blame Lao Liao, so he asked, "How much did they pay?"

Lao Liao said angrily: "It costs one thousand yuan per catty. I was originally offered to give five thousand yuan, but those young men didn't bring enough money, so they gave me two thousand yuan, and I still owe three thousand yuan."

"Lao Liao, you are confused. For such a big swordfish, Mr. Su gave me three thousand, and they gave me one thousand. That's not robbery!" Lao Gu followed up from the springboard. Hearing what Lao Liao said, he couldn't help but interrupt.

"Then what can I do? It's not like you don't know these people. If I don't give them fish today, they will bring people to smash my fishing boat in the evening!" Lao Liao said angrily.

"Lao Gu, don't talk about him either. It's not easy."

Su Ming stood at the bow of the boat, holding a pergola with one hand and looking in the other direction. Just now, two speedboats came out of the sand mining boat. One was heading for Lao Liao, and the other was heading to catch the white sturgeon. The direction of Old Shen's fishing boat went.

From a distance, I could see that a speedboat had left the direction of Lao Shen's fishing boat and headed quickly towards the sand mining ship.

"Old Shen, Old Shen!" Su Ming turned on the radio and asked, "What's the situation over there?"

"Mr. Su, I'm old Shen!" Old Shen said angrily on the other end of the radio: "They also took away two sturgeons and didn't give me a cent. They said I illegally caught nationally protected animals and wanted to For the sake of being an acquaintance, you have to report me to the Marine Police! Mr. Su, I just followed your instructions and left those two sturgeons on the boat. If they really report it, you have to do it for me. prove!"

Su Ming almost laughed in anger. These people really dared to say that the thief shouted "catch the thief", robbed someone else's fish, and also accused them of breaking the law?

In broad daylight, the world is clear, is there any royal law left? I can't be bothered to dig holes all over the river in this broken boat. Now I'm even trying to rob the fishermen's harvest, and you're taking it all from me? !

Su Ming had been in Huayin County for the past two days and visited several houses. He really felt that the lives of fishermen were indeed not easy. All year round, they relied on the harvest of the past few months to support their families. If the harvest was good, it would be like an old man. Gu, like this, can only earn 50,000 to 60,000 yuan a year to support a large family. More often than not, there are fishermen like Lao Liao who don’t even have a house and can only live on a fishing boat. They haven’t had any good luck in nine out of ten years. They managed to catch a few kilograms of saury, which cost them more than 10,000 yuan.

Farmers and fishermen earn hard money, especially fishermen who work on the water. They are simply risking their lives. Those people rob even fishermen, and their conscience is very bad!

"Lao Gu, what's the name of the owner of that sand mining ship?" Su Ming asked calmly.

Su Meng followed Su Ming for a relatively long time, and they often used mental power to communicate with each other. They could barely be considered to have a tacit understanding. Su Ming frowned slightly, and Su Meng felt the change in Su Ming's mood, and faced him fiercely. Feng waved his fist and let out a low roar of 'Hehe' in his throat.

"Don't mess around!" Zhao Yun quickly grabbed Su Ming, "I know you have the ability to deal with them, but again, if you slap your butt and leave afterward, they will definitely take revenge on these fishermen. Unlucky people. They are still fishermen, these people are cruel and have no regard for the law.”

"That's great. I have the obligation to help them popularize the law." Su Ming sneered, "Don't worry, I know it well, and the fishermen will not be involved."

After asking about the background of the owner of the sand mining ship, Su Ming called Bald Head and said, "I want to ask you personally, do you know that there is a man named Wu Dacheng in Baihe Town across from Huayin County?"

The bald head originally followed Zhou Jin and was also a tycoon in Yangchuan City. He was quite famous in the society. Baihe Town was only across a river from Yangchuan City. They were all mixed in the society. The bald head should have a crush on Wu Dacheng. understood.

After the Zhou Jin incident last time, the bald head abandoned the dark side and became a department manager of the fishery company. Following Su Ming, strictly speaking, Liang Shihun, he was responsible for dealing with large and small vendors in the fish market in Yangchuan City.

Taoyuan Fishery is now the largest and best-quality freshwater fish supplier in Yangchuan City. Baldhead's life is very smooth every day. He doesn't need to bully the market like before. He just needs to wait for the fishmongers to come to ask for supplies. With him, With this old gangster in charge, the fishmongers in the fish market did not dare to default on their fish payments. Therefore, the entire Yangchuan City Fish Market operated in an orderly manner and entered a virtuous cycle. The management department of the fish market even specially commended it last time. Bald.

The only thing that makes the bald head a little depressed is that he can't be Su Ming's direct subordinate. Of course he has to follow a good boss when he goes out to hang out. Liang Shi is pretty good, but he is too scholarly and has nothing in common with the bald head.

As soon as he received the call from Su Ming, the bald head immediately became excited: "Wu Dacheng, I know! This man is a prostitute who eats, drinks, whores, gambles and smokes all kinds of poisons. He is very famous in Baihe Town. He is nicknamed the Fifth Minister. He has dealt with him several times before! What's wrong, Brother Su, has he offended you? ******, you old man, Brother Su, I will bring someone over and chop that old beast to death..."

"What are you calling me brother? You're talking nonsense!" Su Ming had a stick in one hand and a carrot in the other for gangsters like Bald. He would never be stingy when it was time to reward him, and he would not be polite when it was time to criticize him, lest they raise their tails to the sky. , causing trouble.

"Okay, I understand, I'll talk to him. Business at the fish market has been good recently, so you should worry about it," Su Ming said.

"Isn't that what you should do? Brother Su, you can come and inspect me anytime." The bald head said happily.

"Go when you have time."

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