Super Zoo

Chapter 339: What giant panda do you want!

What is the man trying to do? Isn't it just that when you are working hard outside, there is someone thinking about you, knowing that everything you do is meaningful? It was mom before, but now with Nangong, everything is worth it.

"Don't do this again, how dangerous it is! I couldn't sleep all night last night..." Nangong lay on Su Ming's chest, using his long nails to draw circles on Su Ming's chest, biting Lips complained.

"Wow, I haven't slept all night... Then you were so full of energy just now, you almost squeezed me dry!" Su Ming stroked her waterfall-like black hair and laughed.

The big bed was quite messy. The two of them hugged each other and somehow got to the bed and rolled the sheets once...

"Fuck you!" Nangong patted his chest lightly, then raised his head, smiled a little shyly, and asked, "Why do you think that every time we talk, it ends up like this?"

"It means that I am lustful and you are slutty and you are a perfect match!" Su Ming said seriously.

"I really want to tear your mouth apart!" Nangong raised his hand to pinch Su Ming's cheek.

"Let go, let go, damn, it's okay if your waist is bruised, but it's not easy if your face is pinched and swollen. I just rely on this face to eat! I have to attend a press conference in a few days!"

Nangong was obedient and let go. In fact, she didn't really pinch Su Ming's face just now. She continued to lie on Su Ming's chest and murmured to herself: "What a sin, why did I encounter this?" Where are you?"

"Then who else do you want to meet? Ren Chen? Or the little host who drives a Mercedes-Benz from before?" Su Ming asked with a glare.

"What would you do if I fell in love with them?" Nangong raised his head and asked with a smile.

"I'll tear off their third legs, cut them off and feed them to pandas, and I'll make you a widow for the rest of your life!" Su Ming pretended to glare fiercely.

"Tear it off... Hey, it sounds like it hurts..." Nangong couldn't help but shiver, and he arched into Su Ming's arms again, and asked curiously: "What do you think about that panda?" Are you pregnant with a baby?”

"Ah? What kind of amazing twist are you doing?!" Su Ming asked her, which stunned her.

Under Nangong's questioning just now, Su Ming told her the whole story of the kidnapping case, including the female inspector He Baowen. Of course, He Baowen didn't mention that he told her to call her Pau.

Su Ming thought she was going to catch He Baowen and ask questions, or ask if the hostage was pretty... Who would have thought that Nangong would actually pay attention to the two pandas who were disturbed while making babies, and whether they succeeded in making a 'bear'. What is going on in this woman's mind? !

"I don't know. Let's go and see them when we have time next time. Anyway, with such a fuss, they may not be able to make more panda babies in a short time. The panda museum will open in two days. Before we leave, we can still Go have a play.”

As he was talking, the phone suddenly rang.

"Who is it? I've already spent more than 800,000 words on the phone. Is it easy to have some ambiguity? To be interrupted by a call at this time is totally inhumane!"

Su Ming was furious. If it hadn't been for this call, he could have written five or six thousand words... When he picked it up, he saw that it was Wang Hao.

"Old Wang, don't blame me for not warning you. If there is nothing important, I will tear off your third leg!" Su Ming said viciously.

"Huh?" Wang Hao on the other end of the phone was stunned for a while before he understood the meaning of Su Ming's words. He also shuddered, "You are too cruel. I have two pieces of good news and one piece of bad news. Do you want to Which one should I listen to first? Forget it, let me tell you the first good news. Lao Sun finally resigned and my dad was promoted to deputy mayor. "

"Well, this is great news! Congratulations, Old Wang, your third leg has been saved!" Before Su Ming could finish his words, he received another pink punch from Nangong on the chest.

"Then thank you very much, thank you and your whole family! The second good news is that the video of you helping the police catch the kidnapper has gone viral!"

"It's strange that it's not popular. This is not good news." Su Ming looked like he had expected it.

After rescuing the hostages, the first thing he did was actually discuss the issue of video playback with Assistant Director Liao. Liao Yuting asked his superiors for instructions, and Wang Hao also asked his father for instructions. Both parties agreed that this video , can be played. The broadcast is of great significance in promoting the relationship between the mainland and Hong Kong and bringing the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait closer together.

However, it is not convenient for the official to broadcast it, especially if it cannot be broadcast on TV, so the live broadcast platform of the entertainment company has become the best medium. Of course, this is not a live broadcast, but a recording. Fortunately, the timeliness is relatively high.

"Where's the bad news?" Su Ming asked.

"It's also related to the live broadcast. I can't explain it in one sentence or two. I recorded the process and put it on the intranet. You can log in with your administrator account and watch it yourself." Wang Hao said.

There was a wireless network in the room. Nangong took his laptop with him when he went out, connected to the Internet, entered the backstage of the entertainment company's live broadcast platform, and found the live video.

Since time was relatively short, there was no time to do much publicity at the beginning. We just made a preview on the homepage of the live broadcast platform, and at the same time posted a preview Weibo on Taoyuan Yiqu's Weibo account.

Before the live broadcast, many people left messages expressing doubts.

"The zoo director fights the kidnappers? Real or fake? It sounds like a movie!"

"Didn't you hear that there was a kidnapping case in Xiangjiang recently?"

But after the video was broadcast, some viewers in the live broadcast room realized that something was wrong. The video was taken by Su Ming's mobile phone, and it was shaking a lot. The surroundings were also quite noisy, with tourists everywhere, and Cantonese and Chinese with various accents could be heard.

This very realistic "shooting technique" brought all the viewers in at once.

"Is it a documentary?"

"Fuck... It's really Ocean Park, I've been there!"

"Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter, he actually fell down, this robber is too stupid, right? How can there be such a stupid robber!" Give 99 hip-hop monkeys to the "kidnapper"...

"Kidnap a giant panda? This kidnapper is also desperate!"

"It's a real gun!" Give the giant panda a prehistoric giant crocodile...

When the police rushed into the panda park and started a gunfight more than an hour later, the number of people in the live broadcast room had exceeded 300,000! The entire live broadcast platform, each room was flashing with conspicuous subtitles "The director fights the Hong Kong kidnapper", and almost all the viewers on the platform rushed into this room.

At the same time, as the plot of the ‘live broadcast’ became more and more realistic, more and more viewers, from not believing it at first, to half believing and half doubting, finally found that this seemed to be a real hostage rescue!

One spread ten, ten spread a hundred, and forwarded messages spread rapidly in WeChat Moments and Weibo!

Mainland tourists, helping the police in Hong Kong, rescue hostages!

This title appeared on major websites almost at the same time. The first search engine in China even directly changed the news title on the homepage and attached a link to the live broadcast platform! It is no exaggeration to say that most people who are browsing the web in China at this time, except for watching movies, playing games and reading novels, can easily know the news of the live broadcast room!

Real kidnapping case, live shooting, mainland games, Hong Kong gangsters, gunfights, rich daughters, giant panda hostages... Several very attractive keywords quickly set off the Internet.

Su Ming cut off the scene of the giant panda interrogating the prisoner. When the scene shifted to the foot of Fei'e Mountain and Su Ming drove a large group of police dogs up the mountain, the live broadcast platform suddenly went dark and it took more than ten minutes to recover... It turned out that there were too many people online at the same time, and the crazy messages and gifts had exceeded the server's load capacity.

Fortunately, the platform's technical director Shen Yan was technically strong and responsible. He purchased a backup server at the beginning and backed up the data in real time. After the server exploded, he started the backup server as soon as possible.

When the screen lit up again, the police had approached the cave...

After a few hours of live broadcast, the background data showed that during the live broadcast, the total number of people logging into the room reached about 900,000 during the peak period, and this number did not fluctuate much in the later period. In other words, there were about 800,000 to 900,000 people watching this "fake live broadcast" at the same time! This was under the premise of almost no publicity and hasty broadcast.

The total value of the gifts received was close to one million Chinese yuan, of which there were seven or eight "super monsters of unparalleled elegance"!

Correspondingly, the number of fans of Taoyuan Yiqu has also skyrocketed by more than 100,000.

There are countless praises on Weibo and the live broadcast platform, as well as the positive impacts brought about by it. Su Ming did not have time to look at them one by one.

These are certainly not the "bad news" that Wang Hao said, but the "bad news" is indeed directly related to the popularity of the live broadcast platform!

"Pandas? What pandas! Where can I get them pandas?!" Su Ming was depressed. Why are the netizens' excitement points similar to Nangong? It is completely confusing.

The bad news is that after watching the video, netizens in the mainland, especially those in Yangchuan City, actually unanimously hope that Yangchuan City Zoo will also raise a few pandas.

One person's "hope" is not terrible, but if tens of thousands of people, hundreds of thousands of people, regular visitors to the entire Yangchuan City Zoo, and customers of the live broadcast platform have expressed this hope, then it must be taken seriously!

The problem is that Su Ming can't get a panda! The giant panda is the most famous animal in China. There is no "one". It is rare. There are only a few zoos in China. They are treated as the treasures of the zoo and are held in the palm of their hands like a treasure.

If it is a first-class protected animal, even if it is a red panda or a Yangtze alligator, Su Ming can think of a way to exchange the animals in Yangchuan City Zoo with other zoos.

It is impossible for the giant panda! There is a saying in the world that only two giant pandas can be exchanged for a giant panda. Yangchuan City Zoo has pandas and cats, but no giant pandas...

And it is even more impossible for Xiangjiang Ocean Park to give giant pandas to Yangchuan Zoo. Yingying and Lele were given to Xiangjiang by the central government. If the Xiangjiang government gives them to the mainland zoo, what does it mean? Is it resisting the central government?

"Where can I get a giant panda?" Nangong was also confused, his eyes rolled around: "Or, go to the mountains and catch one?!"

——————Dividing line————

Tragedy, it rained last night, I sat by the window in my underwear, listening to the rain and typing, the breeze made me feel relaxed and happy, and then before I fell asleep, I sneezed seven or eight times in a row, and when I got up, I found that I was dizzy and had a cold... At the transition between spring and summer, everyone should also pay attention to their health and don't be greedy for coolness. I learned a lesson from many big snots!!!

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