Super Zoo

Chapter 309 Tragic Childhood

The days passed by like a flash. Wang Hao had just held one of the anchor auditions. There were still hundreds of anchors who had signed up and were waiting for him to interview. Su Ming was surprised. Before he knew it, it was already the end of April.

What he had said casually at the beginning had become a fact. He and Nangong really had to wait until May Day to go out and play.

The benefits of the TV station were outrageous. During the holidays, they either went out to play at public expense or gave out a lot of bonuses. May Day was no exception. Several popular TV hosts, including Nangong, could go on a five-day European tour at public expense as long as they could record the programs during the holiday in advance.

Such a good benefit, but Nangong refused it without a second thought, and came to join Su Ming in the five-day tour of Hong Kong organized by the zoo.

Su Ming decided on the spur of the moment that the entire zoo would go out to play together. Since the restructuring, the economic situation of the zoo has been getting better day by day. As the director, it is time to give everyone some benefits. It was just right to take advantage of this May Day opportunity to organize a group tour.

The zoo staff arranged their work in advance. As long as they could spare some time, they could bring their families to Hong Kong for five days at public expense. They had to be arranged to work on duty. Those who could not go were given holiday allowances. In short, no one was left out.

Sister Tong counted the number of people and reported it to Su Ming for signature and confirmation. Then she could ask the finance department to approve the money. After entering the door, she half-jokingly said, "Director, look at how unsatisfied these people are. The zoo has been running for decades. In the past, at most they could only travel outside the province, and only the leaders could go. Now they are all taken to the special zone at public expense, and they are starting to clamor again, saying that they will go to Europe next year."

When speaking, even Sister Tong herself did not notice that she had unconsciously removed the word "deputy" from the title of Su Ming.

"That's completely possible. Tell everyone that if the zoo continues to develop like this, take them to Dubai in two years!" Su Ming glanced at the list. There were 25 employees who could spare some time, and 38 people including their families.

"Why isn't Director Song here?" Su Ming looked up and asked.

"I specifically asked. The old director is old and doesn't want to go out." Sister Tong laughed and said, "He also scolded us for not knowing how to appreciate our blessings."

Su Ming signed his name at the bottom of the document and asked with a smile, "What's the reason for this?"

"The old director said that the zoo is now a famous tourist attraction. People from other places go to our zoo during holidays. We, on the other hand, spend money to go out of town."

"Travel, isn't that the case? Go from a place you're tired of living in to a place others are tired of living in."

Su Ming handed the signed document back to Sister Tong and told her, "Don't be afraid to spend money when you go out to play. Find a better travel agency and a pure tour group. Going out is all about having fun. Don't be greedy. Yi, encountered the kind of forced shopping, which spoiled everyone's fun. "

"Okay, don't worry." Sister Tong walked out with the documents in her arms. Just as she reached the door, she suddenly stopped, turned back and showed Su Ming a very meaningful smile, and whispered: "Director, do you have classmates or friends who run travel agencies?"

Su Ming didn't understand what she meant at first. He was stunned for two seconds before he smiled unhappily: "Sister, you can handle this matter. If anyone in our zoo has a relationship with a travel agency, it's okay to let him contact them."

Before the May Day holiday, Han's father-in-law was busy racing. One night, he said hello to Su Ming and called Jiaoshou. The three of them drank a little wine on the top of Tingfeng Pavilion, which was considered a temporary farewell.

Jiaoshou would go to guest star as a male anchor when he was not writing unexpected scripts during this period.

Even though he was often sprayed on the head and face by alpacas and scratched on the head by monkeys, it seemed that his mental state was much better than when he first returned to the zoo.

"Because what you are doing now, although not making money, is exactly the original intention of you to engage in this industry." Han's father-in-law summarized in a very literary way.

"It may not be unprofitable, but you donated it all to the zoo." Su Ming said. Jiaoshou's style as an online anchor is very similar to when he first did "Jiaoshou Teaches You XXX" on the Internet. Moreover, after experiencing the professional and professional training in the past two years, he has more precipitation and accumulation than before. In a short period of time, he has gathered a lot of new fans, and the popularity of the live broadcast room is even not inferior to Han's father-in-law.

"To be honest, it's quite happy to do live broadcasts. But if you can make a movie or something, it would be even better, even if you just participate in the production." Jiaoshou said, touching his big bald head.

Han's father-in-law glanced at Su Ming, and Su Ming shrugged: "Don't look at me, I can't afford to make a movie now. Aren't you rich?"

"It's all hard-earned money..."

The three of them chatted and really talked about making movies.

If they risked their lives and pooled their money together, they could have raised some money, but making a movie is not just about having money. A good script, a large crew, and post-production distribution all require professionals, which may be difficult to achieve in a short period of time.

"Dear passengers, we are about to land at Hong Kong International Airport. On behalf of all the flight staff, I would like to thank everyone for taking this flight and wish you a pleasant journey..."

Amid the roar of the engine, there was a slight feeling of weightlessness, and the flight landed steadily on the runway of Hong Kong International Airport.

At an altitude of 1,000 meters, a Gerschner also landed and went into the woods on the top of Lantau Island not far away to rest.

Hong Kong International Airport is built on an artificial island near Lantau Island. Surrounding the airport are large expanses of blue water, with a wide field of vision and pleasant scenery. Standing at the cabin door, you can even clearly feel the slightly salty and humid sea breeze blowing in your face.

The sea is directly north of the airport. Through the thin mist on the strait, you can vaguely see the tall buildings on the opposite shore, which is the prosperous commercial district of Tuen Mun.

The name Tuen Mun, like Causeway Bay, has left a deep impression on the impression of the post-80s generation in mainland China. Even if you have never been to Hong Kong, you will be familiar with Tuen Mun when it is mentioned, and many childhood memories will come flooding in.

There are twelve branches in Hongxing, but only Tuen Mun is all the same...

The Tuen Mun sex maniac known as the 'Rainy Night Butcher' is me...

The human meat barbecued pork buns that will be punished by heaven and earth...

Nangong took off her exaggerated large sunglasses, turned her head and patted Su Ming's shoulder sympathetically, and sighed hypocritically: "Young man, I can see that your childhood life was very unfortunate, with all these memories. Full of violence, pornography and horror movies."

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