Super Zoo

Chapter 285 Collaborative Filming

The moment he finished speaking, the male protagonist moved in an instant, and while the beast was in a daze, he escaped the attack range of the mace.

"You must be kidding me?! Didn't we have animals before?" The beast approached him step by step with a fierce look in his eyes, holding the mace.

"It seems that there really is no animal. The budget is so tight, and renting animals is so expensive. It seems that they have never appeared before!"

A big man stood up suddenly and said angrily: "Even if there are no animals, our special effects team can also use special effects to make them. Everyone knows that our special effects that we can't expect to be beaten to death are the best!"

The whole conference room suddenly became quiet.

Everyone, including the beast who was chasing the male protagonist, turned around at the same time and stared at him with wide eyes.

"Isn't it? Isn't the special effects that can't be expected to be killed one of the biggest selling points?" The big man asked back with confidence.

The beast finally calmed down.

If even a shameless person like the special effects team leader can survive in the world openly, then what reason does he have to beat the male protagonist to death?

"Okay, let's continue the meeting. Baike, tell us more about your idea. Why did you think of adding animals?" Jiaoshou threw away his mace and calmed down to ask the male protagonist.

The audience of "I Would Never Think of It" is mostly young people. This kind of audience is relatively more caring. Animals are actually a good gimmick, which can meet the aesthetic orientation of the audience of "I Would Never Think of It". So the overall direction is not wrong.

In fact, animals have appeared in previous programs. There was only a cat in one episode, and the number of clicks in that episode was quite good.

But it is more difficult to implement the use of animals for filming. Animals are not like actors. It is impossible for them to act in a play at the arrangement of people. Many animals will be afraid of many people instinctively. Even domestic pets will retreat or be manic in front of strangers. A few short shots are not a big problem, but if animals play important roles in the whole play, it is obviously impossible.

The problem is that if only a few short shots of animals are added, it will not fundamentally change the current situation of the program and will not have a sensational effect at all.

Continuous innovation and adding new elements are the biggest challenges for all online sitcoms. Audiences are all aesthetically fatigued. New elements and new routines must be found before they get bored, otherwise an online drama will quickly become popular and decline at the same speed.

"My inspiration comes from the video I saw last time, Jiaoshou, do you still remember Bi Bo Knight? You left a message below." Bai Ke said.

"Ah?" Jiaoshou thought to himself, I have to leave hundreds of messages online every day, how can I remember them all, what Bi Bo Knight, Ultraman, lobster, there are so many strange names on the Internet, how can I remember them all, and my brain is so rotten, it is normal to have a bad memory.

"It's the video in Yangchuan Reservoir, the one riding a fish everywhere!" Bai Ke continued to remind.

"Oh..." Jiaoshou nodded heavily: "I still can't remember it."

Bai Ke: "..."

However, the heroine turned out to be one of the fans of Yangchuan Zoo. She took out her mobile phone and turned on the wifi, and clicked on a few videos released by "Taoyuan Yiqu" to show Jiaoshou.

"Hey, it looks very interesting..." Jiaoshou raised his eyebrows.


After receiving the call, Su Ming immediately rushed back to the zoo.

The call from the program group of "I Never Expected It" was directly made to the office of the zoo director. Sister Tong answered the call. The other party wanted to visit the current zoo leader to discuss the possibility of cooperation.

"Is it a liar?" Sister Tong said a little uncertainly. She often received fraudulent text messages and calls on her mobile phone. The other party claimed to be from a certain famous program group and said that you won a prize.

"It shouldn't be." It is estimated that no liar is bold enough to visit. Besides, Su Ming remembered that he had a simple interaction with the director of "I Never Expected It" Jiaoshou before. When the other party came to the door, everything would be clear.

Su Ming usually doesn't watch online dramas. After doing business, he doesn't go online much even when it is not necessary. As for "I Never Expected It", he only knew that it was a very popular online drama. He watched a few episodes here and there and thought it was quite novel.

Since there is a possibility of cooperation in the future, Su Ming went online to check it out.

I never expected it. I only knew that this web drama was very popular before, but I didn't expect it to be so popular. The two seasons released so far have exceeded 2 billion hits on the official website. As for the hits on various pirated and reprinted websites, they can't be counted at all;

The number of Weibo fans of several main creative staff has long exceeded 10 million. The number of fans of director Jiaoshou alone is close to 7 million.

"I remember running under the sunset that day, that was my lost youth..."

"I will get a promotion and a raise, become the general manager, become the CEO, marry a beautiful and rich woman, and reach the peak of my life. I'm a little excited when I think about it..."

These online jokes are familiar to people like Su Ming who are about to be eliminated by the times and enter the uncle stage. They are simply classic lines in this web drama.

Su Ming silently turned off the computer, feeling depressed, "I chose the wrong career. I should have been in the entertainment industry!"

In order to seek some psychological comfort, he searched for Jacky and found that this old man didn't have a Weibo account! This made him feel much more balanced.

Su Ming leaned on the big swivel chair and crossed his legs. He had no idea how the program team was going to cooperate.

If he guessed correctly, he probably wasn't interested in his beauty and talent, and he wasn't old enough to do interviews and memoirs. Even if he wanted to do a personal interview, it would have been Cheng Luyu who came instead of calling a beast.

That leaves only one possibility: animals.

"Sister Tong, call them back and say you are very welcome to the zoo." Su Ming said to Sister Tong.

Su Ming had just agreed to meet to discuss the possibility of further cooperation. Unexpectedly, the crew took a night flight and came to the zoo that day.

After the zoo got off work, a black business car came out. Three men in black sneaked out of it, acting like thieves. If Su Ming hadn't been notified earlier, the car wouldn't have been able to drive half a mile among the animals. Road, the people inside were bitten into pig heads by wasps.

Mingshou himself came directly to Su Ming's office with two behind-the-scenes staff. Su Ming didn't leave after get off work, and kept waiting in the office. The two parties introduced each other first, exchanged pleasantries for a while, and then got down to business.

"Deputy Director Su, the situation is like this. We hope the zoo can provide some professionally trained animals to help us film an episode of Killing Unexpected." Mingshou said directly.

Su Ming nodded: "What are the specific requirements?"

Seeing that Su Ming did not say anything modestly, Mingzhu gained a little more confidence and said: "On the way here, I saw the concert you planned for Jacky. To be honest, I was very shocked. If it wasn't Some friends in the circle would even think that it was a post-production light and shadow special effect. I hope that the training level of the animals provided by the zoo is not lower than that of the animals in the last concert. Of course, it can be slightly worse. The bottom line is that it can be guaranteed. The animals were able to cooperate with the filming.”

From Mingshou's point of view, it is incredible that animals in the zoo can be trained to the level of concerts. And there must be only a few very special animals that can reach that level. It is impossible for all animals to do it.

Su Ming did not directly answer the question about calling animals. During the last concert, his mental power was far inferior to what it is now, and the animals had been in contact with the mental power for a relatively short period of time. If he was willing, he could provide animals to cooperate with the performance. Both the quantity and the 'acting' are much better than last time.

He thought for a while and said with a smile: "With all due respect, I have watched your show, and it can be said to be very popular. I don't know why you suddenly found me. You know, once animals participate in the show, if the performance is not good, , it doesn’t do much good for your show; but if it’s done well, it can easily steal the spotlight from the protagonist.”

The barking beast pondered for a moment, probably considering whether to tell the truth. After a moment, he touched his bald head and smiled bitterly: "Deputy Principal Su, since we need cooperation, I won't hide it from you. There are difficulties in making online dramas. After two seasons, although I have accumulated a number of fans, there are also Many people have developed aesthetic fatigue. According to professional statistics, if a popular online drama like ours does not have new elements, it will start to decline in the second half of the third season.”

He raised his head, something called 'dream' burst out in his eyes, and said to Su Ming seriously: "My entire team and I have invested a lot in this drama, but I believe that this drama is just a starting point. . I raise it as my own child, not as a pig.”

The meaning of raising pigs is to fatten them up and then sell them and make a profit and then leave; but raising a child is to hope that the child will thrive.

Su Ming nodded slightly. Young people, especially young entrepreneurs, have many common topics and experiences, and it is easier for them to be open and honest. Su Ming also hopes that in future cooperation, there will be less intrigue and more frankness.

"When it comes to animals, you can rest assured. I guarantee that there will be more animals in this concert than in the last concert!"

The beast's eyes lit up, but Su Ming continued to ask: "But, have you thought about the script?"

"I roughly conceived it on the way here, but the script hasn't been finalized yet. The Zoo Fox Fairy project is very popular right now, and there are enough foxes. I wonder if I can use this as the title?" asked Mingshou.

"The Great Fox is not bad, but..." Su Ming paused, and then continued: "The Great Fox has caused some minor disturbances recently, and I don't want the foxes to be exposed on the screen again for the time being."

"That's easy to say. Anyway, there is no script yet, so we can discuss it." Mingshou said.

At this time, another staff member interrupted at the right time and said: "Deputy Director Su, if we cooperate, how much does the zoo charge?"

The beast also looked at Su Ming with questioning eyes. Unexpectedly, it was so well-known, but just like Su Ming's company, a big business also costs a lot of money. The budget is not as abundant as outsiders imagine, and it is often squeezed out.

Moreover, Mingshou has further long-term plans and will need to spend a lot of money.

"No charge..." Su Ming smiled slightly, and without waiting for the confused questions from the beasts and others, he continued: "But, I have my conditions."

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