Super Zoo

Chapter 13 The Wolf and the Fox

Peng Qing is an old zookeeper. He has been working in the zoo since he graduated from technical secondary school. He has been working there for half his life. He is diligent and hardworking, and has a good reputation in the zoo. Director Song arranged for him to take Su Ming with him to feed the animals.

"Master Peng, good morning." Su Ming rushed to the warehouse and greeted a middle-aged man with a simple face.

Master Peng had already put on his work clothes and was pushing a cart out of the warehouse. When he saw Su Ming, he smiled and said, "Good morning, you go change your clothes first, and then we will move the things into the cart and go together."

"Okay, it will be ready soon." Su Ming scratched his head. Master Peng didn't say anything, but he felt a little embarrassed. How could he let the master wait for the apprentice on the first day of work?

Su Ming walked into the staff room next to the warehouse, took a blue coat from the wall and put it on, changed into a pair of long rubber shoes, took a pair of leather gloves and stuffed them into his pocket, and pushed a cart out in a formal manner, fully equipped.

Then, under the guidance of Master Peng, the two went to the warehouse to select food for the animals, mainly meat, with some fruits and coarse grains. There were ten large baskets on the two carts.

"It costs a lot of money to eat this day."

This meal alone is probably several thousand. The zoo feeds more than one meal a day, and there are not only Master Peng and Su Ming as keepers.

This also shows why it is difficult to run a zoo well. The cost of feeding animals alone is astonishingly large. Yangchuan City has several large parks, but there is only one zoo. Other cities are similar. Just feeding the animals every day is a heavy burden. Relying on that little ticket income is not enough to make ends meet. It is a heavy financial burden for the government. In addition, there are many national protected animals in the zoo. If they die, they will be held responsible.

As a public welfare unit, ordinary parks are much better. As long as there is a one-time investment, the subsequent expenditure is very small.

"This little bit of food can barely keep the animals from starving to death. We don't have enough money." Master Peng smiled bitterly and shook his head. He pushed the cart in front and led the way, saying, "Let's go to the wolf house first."

The wolf house is a large semi-enclosed cage. The two layers of wire mesh enclose a space of more than 50 square meters, which is divided into two parts, the front part is the wolf's activity area. Visitors can see the wolves through the wire mesh through the half-person-high fence. The back half is the place where the wolves "sleep and rest", surrounded by a wall.

There is a large iron sign hanging outside the wolf house with an introduction on it.

"The Mongolian wolf, also known as the steppe wolf, is a canine, a subspecies of the gray wolf, and a national second-class protected animal. It is alert and suspicious, similar in shape to a dog, and has high intelligence. It can communicate with its companions through smell and calls."

In the process of paleontological evolution, the three most perfectly evolved top animals among carnivorous animals are Titanosaurus, saber-toothed tigers, and wolves. Today, Titanosaurus and saber-toothed tigers have become extinct, leaving only wolves.

In the wolf house, a larger wolf was drinking water at the trough. Although he lowered his head, his four legs stood straight, and his ears were erected high and forward, looking very majestic.

There were two other wolves standing not far from the trough, but they were not as fierce as the wolves drinking water. Their furry tails were slightly curled up and shook from time to time, which was quite flattering.

If it weren't in the zoo, Su Ming would have thought he saw two huskies.

There were also several wolves lying in the grass nest at the back.

"The one drinking water is the alpha wolf." Master Peng explained with a smile, then took out the key and opened a small iron window next to the food trough on the cage.

Smelling the smell of a stranger, the alpha wolf raised his head alertly, and his long ears suddenly lay back on his head, tightly attached to the back of his head, his back hair stood up, his lips wrinkled to reveal two rows of sharp fangs, and he arched his back and roared at Su Ming.

It was Master Peng who was closer to the wolf leader, but the wolf leader roared at Su Ming and ignored Master Peng.

Master Peng explained: "Wolves are as smart as dogs and know that we are here to feed them. But you are new here and they don't know you. You will be fine after a while..."

Before he finished speaking, the wolf leader suddenly stopped roaring, slowly lay down on the spot, split his lips, and easily pulled his ears to the sides. He stretched out his tongue to lick his lips and yawned.

The other wolves no longer showed hostility to Su Ming. One wolf even rolled on the spot and exposed its belly.

"What's going on?" Master Peng was stunned and stopped feeding. He looked at the wolf and then looked back at Su Ming with a puzzled expression on his face.

The state of the wolf's ears shows its attitude. Pressing backwards means that it is threatened and ready to attack, while spreading to the sides means that it is in a relaxed state.

As for exposing the belly, it means extreme trust, and even a bit of coquettish and flattering. Because the belly is the most vulnerable part for most animals and needs to be protected.

At this time, the alpha wolf had obviously restrained its hostility towards Su Ming, and the thin rolling wolf showed rare kindness to Su Ming.

This situation is not uncommon in dogs, but it is different for wolves. In theory, they will only show their bellies when playing with their own kind.

Master Peng has been feeding wolves for so many years. At most, these wolves did not show hostility when they saw him coming, which was far from being intimate. As for showing their bellies, it was something he had never thought of.

Su Ming smiled and shook a piece of beef in his hand: "I am here to feed them, so of course they have to please me."

"The director said you are good at dealing with animals, and it seems to be true." Master Peng laughed and threw beef into the wolf house.

This is of course due to the Friends of Animals.

Because the spiritual power of Friends of Animals is the simplest and most direct way, and the most trustworthy way for animals, the effect is even better than the relationship established by Master Peng through long-term feeding and wolves.

After all, the wolves' guess about Master Peng's behavior is just a habit-based guess. For wolves who are suspicious by nature, this guess cannot completely dispel their doubts and concerns, but Su Ming's spiritual power can achieve or even exceed the effect of "communication with the same kind".

Wolves are not stupid, especially those in the zoo, who are more tainted with some of the "mercenary cunning" of humans. Now that they understand that Su Ming is here to bring them food, it is understandable that he makes some flattering gestures that are not "wolf-like".

The alpha wolf still had to save face, and his attitude towards Su Ming changed from hostility to indifference, ignoring him, maintaining the dignity of a leader; while the remaining wolves, especially the thinnest one, turned their bellies up, looked flattering, and their moral integrity fell to the ground.

However, it was almost impossible for Su Ming to control these wolves, especially that wolf.

Su Ming helped Master Peng to feed them, and in a blink of an eye, more than ten pounds of meat went into the wolf's stomach.

The wolves still seemed to be unsatisfied, surrounded the city, and under the leadership of the alpha wolf, they stared at Su Ming coldly, with a cold expression that said, "If you don't give me food, I will bite you to death."

"What an ungrateful wolf..." Su Ming rolled his eyes.

Getting along with animals is sometimes the same as getting along with people. Everyone has a different personality. You can get familiar with enthusiastic people quickly, but it takes a long time to become friends with people who are naturally withdrawn and indifferent.

In the words of human friendship, some animals are easy to get along with, such as monkeys, and some animals are not so easy to get along with, such as wolves, and that damn alligator turtle!

With animal friends, Su Ming can theoretically become a "friend" with any animal, and even become the owner of an animal, as long as his mental strength is strong enough.

"Just get along slowly, as the saying goes, a journey tells a horse's strength, and a wolf's heart is revealed over time..."

Thinking of this, Su Ming was about to throw a few pieces of meat in, but Master Peng stopped him and scooped half a basin of rotten strawberries with a small basin and sprinkled them into the wolf house.

"Wolves also eat strawberries?" Su Ming asked in surprise.

"Wolves eat meat most of the time, but they also need to eat fruits, which can regulate their appetite and supplement nutrition."

Su Ming was surprised. The wolves came up to sniff the strawberries and ate them with relish. The juice of each strawberry splashed. After the wolves finished eating, they stretched out their tongues to lick the strawberry juice on their lips.

Standing outside the cage, they were just a group of normal huskies.

After feeding the wolves, Su Ming followed Master Peng to the nearby red fox area.

Red foxes are generally called ‘foxes’, with big, round eyes and a big, furry tail to keep them balanced. Their fiery red fur has become a little messy and dull because the zoo does not provide them with enough nutrition.

Red foxes are also national second-class protected animals, but unlike wolves, this cute-looking little guy is a typical solitary thinker and rarely hangs out with his own kind.

Through mental communication, Su Ming found that red foxes are more difficult to deal with than wolves.

Wolves are like cold and arrogant swordsmen. Although they are difficult to approach, once they are recognized by them, they can fight to the death.

But red foxes are like cunning and changeable little women, with generalized anxiety disorder, and are full of doubts and uncertainties about everything around them.

The word suspicious comes from here.

This little woman is also a bit cruel. Master Peng told Su Ming that red foxes like to ‘kill’. That is, regardless of whether they can finish eating, they will kill all living things.

Like all little women, the red fox particularly likes to eat snacks such as fruits and "little birds". Su Ming threw an apple in. The red fox picked up the apple with its two little paws and hid in a dark corner. It chewed it while gurgling. From time to time, it raised its head and looked at Su Ming vigilantly from a distance.


It took almost a whole morning to feed more than a dozen animals, such as leopards, wild boars, etc., and walked around the bird area and fed a few pieces of meat to a Saker Falcon.

Su Ming used his mental power to test each animal, which was considered as "making friends and getting to know each other", and the personality of each animal was different, even among the same kind.

After feeding the animals, Su Ming and Master Peng sent the cart back to the warehouse together. The two changed clothes. Master Peng patted Su Ming on the shoulder and said with a smile: "I live over at Mingqingju. There is a large area there. I planted some cabbage, cucumbers and so on. If you don't have time to buy vegetables, you can pick some from me and eat fresh ones."

"Thank you, Master." Su Ming nodded and smiled.

After a busy morning, Su Ming's mental strength was slightly improved. He hurried back to Tingfeng Waterside Pavilion, not knowing how the big-headed catfish was injured.

This guy is Su Ming's neighbor. If possible, Su Ming certainly hopes that it can live well.

Back to Tingfeng Waterside Pavilion, before entering the door, he heard rustling noises in the room!

"Is it a thief? Or is it Fatty Wang?"

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