Super Zoo

Chapter 100 The Wolf King's Concern

In the zoo, Director Song's words are the rule of law, and at the Water Army Lake, Su Ming is the king of law!

It's not very useful to go to the police station for this matter. A few gangsters can be arrested and educated at most and then released. It can't play the role of "curing diseases and saving people". To deal with such people, you have to let them know that the horse king has three eyes!

I called Lao Dong directly. Not long after, Lao Dong brought seven or eight young security guards to the Water Army Lake, pinched their necks and pressed their shoulders, and dragged and kicked those gangsters to the security department.

"There is no king's law!" Chief Dong threw his armed belt heavily on the table, with a muffled bang.

Although Section Chief Dong is usually very friendly, he is a retired scout from a serious army. He is a tough guy who has fought in wars. His face is so gloomy that it can scare people to death. His beating skills are also unique. He used a rubber baton to beat the gangsters without any reason. They cried for their parents and couldn't even get up. There was no visible external injury.

"Old Dong, forget it. The children are ignorant. Why bother with them? Beat them for another ten minutes and then send them to the police station." Su Ming said kindly.


"Hello everyone, I am Nangong Yan, an intern reporter from Yangchuan TV Station. I am now at the zoo, reporting on the fish riding project. The fish riding project in the zoo has been carried out for two weeks, providing a great place for leisure and entertainment for the general public. According to our investigation, the zoo in this city is the first in the country, and even the world, to popularize the fish riding project..."

On TV, behind the reporter Nangong Yan, there was a long queue of tourists waiting to ride fish.

After two weeks of the fish riding project, except for some minor problems like ticket scalpers at the beginning, everything went smoothly and was full every day.

In order to ensure the physical strength of the big fish, Su Ming adjusted the opening hours according to the flow of people in the zoo, changing it to four days a week, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, with only one hour in the morning and three hours in the afternoon.

Since Su Ming adopted hunger marketing and the opening hours were limited, it can be guaranteed that the big fish will not be vacant for a long time.

He calculated the income during this period. According to this trend, the turnover brought by five fish and one alligator turtle in a month will far exceed that of the cruise ship, close to 150,000!

Sixty yuan for a ride is actually a convenient price. If he is willing, there will be people willing to ride for two hundred yuan. However, since it is a zoo, in addition to making money, people's livelihood must be considered. There is no need to be accused of something big in order to make hundreds of thousands more, which will affect future development.

He called Professor Chu and prepared to take out three thousand yuan to give to Liang Shi as an internship salary.

Liang Shi studied this, and managing big fish is almost his major. Professor Chu naturally had no objection. After thanking him, he asked Su Ming to take good care of Liang Shi on the phone.

For a graduate student studying computer science or something like that, a monthly internship salary of 3,000 yuan can only be considered ordinary, but Liang Shi's major is quite unpopular, and most people do not have internship salary. It is good enough to have food provided, and it is also difficult to find a job after graduation. Liang Shi now not only eats well, drinks well and lives well, but also has 3,000 yuan to earn. He can almost be regarded as the best one in his class.

Since Shuijun Lake is contracted by Su Ming, he does not have to pay additional management fees to the zoo. Excluding the fees paid to Liang Shi and the expenses of eating and drinking for big fish and snapping turtles, the net profit of riding fish for a month is more than 100,000 yuan.

In this way, with the cruise ship, the entertainment projects of Shuijun Lake can bring Su Ming more than 1.5 million yuan in income a year!

Of course, the cruise ship business is not good in winter, and the riding fish project also has climate requirements. It cannot go into the water when it rains, snows, or is cold. Even if calculated in this way, the annual income of the entertainment project of Shuijun Lake must be as high as one million!

Even for Su Ming, this is a huge amount of money that cannot be ignored, and it is a stable income! Even if there is a mistake in the fish farming business in the future, Su Ming will be able to make a good living with the income from the entertainment project.

In fact, it seems that the fish farming business is unlikely to have major problems at present.

Zhou Jin, the only rival, is still in the hospital. He would never have thought that the crocodile gar he sent has now turned from evil to good, not only did not cause any damage to the fishery of Shuijun Lake, but also ate Zhou Jin's fish in the reservoir all day long;

At the same time, due to the contact with spiritual power, the fish in Shuijun Lake are very friendly. A large number of tourists flocked to Shuijun Lake to ride fish and row boats. Not only did they not disturb the fish, but they promoted the growth of various fish.

The fish in Shuijun Lake are now well fed, in a good environment, with a lot of exercise every day, and in a good mood. It is impossible for them to grow badly. They are just waiting for a few months to grow up and talk to Zhao Yun about the supply problem.

It is said that some people from other places want to imitate Su Ming and train big fish to start a fish riding business.

But only Su Ming knows that without the help of animal friends, the best he can do is to let professional breeders simply ride fish. It is almost impossible to popularize it as a profitable entertainment project.

The only drawback is that there are too few big fish. It would be better if there were a few more big fish weighing hundreds of kilograms. Each big fish is a cash cow that can make money for Su Ming.

But this can't be rushed. It is rare for ordinary domestic fish to grow to such a big size. It all requires great opportunities.

The alligator gar swept across the Huating Reservoir during this period, eating countless fish of all sizes, but never saw one weighing more than 100 kilograms, and even more than 50 kilograms were rare.

If you don't weigh more than 100 jin, you can't bear the weight of a person, even if Su Ming helps you with his mental power. So if you want to be selected for the "Cavalry Team", you must reach the threshold of at least 100 jin.

Su Ming has developed a habit now. When everything goes well, he will disappear from everyone's sight, stay away from the hustle and bustle, and calm down to do his job and mingle with the animals.

Animal friends are his foundation. Su Ming has never forgotten this. Therefore, even if he does various businesses, they are built on the basis of animal friends. If he forgets this, he only cares about making money and immerses himself in the world of flowers, his future achievements will only stop here.

Perhaps it is because he got a son in his old age. Since he had a wolf baby, the old wolf king has been absent-minded. He sits alone by the cage all day, staring blankly at the outside world, and sometimes he doesn't eat food even if he is fed.

Su Ming had just thrown a piece of beef to the wolf king. The wolf king was still the same. He looked down at the beef and continued to look outside, looking worried.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak..." There was a sound of scratching the glass. The red fox living next door lay on the glass, his two little eyes wide open, staring at the piece of beef that the wolf king didn't eat, and scratched the glass with his little claws.

Su Ming picked up the beef and threw it across the cage. The beef fell from the gap on the top of the cage to the red fox. The red fox cried happily, using his hands and feet to drag the big piece of beef into the bushes.

"Eat slowly, be careful not to choke!" Su Ming shouted at the red fox across the cage.

At this time, the wolf king suddenly stood up, looked at the world outside the cage, and let out a shrill and long wolf howl.


As the wolf king howled, the other wolves also raised their necks and howled outside the cage.

The little wolf that had just fallen asleep was awakened by the sound. They didn't understand what was going on. They stared at their father in a daze, and then instinctively howled along with the wolf king, but the sound sounded childish and a little hoarse.

"Don't howl, this can't be rushed, take your time!"

In the entire zoo, Su Ming was the only one who could understand the wolf king's intentions.

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