The conductor led me upstairs into a passage that took us back to the bedroom where I slept last night. Open the side door and beg me to go in

The man said: "Sir, I have the master's order to show you your own living room and ask if you agree with this situation and light."

Indeed, if I did not approve the room and all its contents, it would be difficult for me to please. Looking into the morning from the bow window of the spacecraft, the beautiful scenery I admired from the bedroom. The furniture is the perfect combination of luxury and beauty. The table in the middle is bright, well-dressed with books full of books, elegant writing convenience and beautiful flowers. The second table is near the window, covered with all the necessary materials for the installation of watercolor paintings, and attached a small easel, I can expand or fold it at will. On the walls are chintz with joyous colors. The floor is covered with corn and red Indian matte. This is the most beautiful and luxurious small living room I have ever seen.

The solemn servants have received strict training and cannot express the slightest sense of satisfaction. When my eulogy was exhausted, he bowed sarcastically and silently opened a door for me to let me enter the passage again.

We turned a turn and entered a long second passage, climbed a short flight of stairs at the end, crossed a small circular upper hall, and stopped in front of a door covered with dark shutters. The servant opened the door and took me a few yards away. He also opened the door, revealing two shallow sea green silk curtains hanging in front of us; one of them was lifted silently. Say "Mr. Hartwright" softly, and leave me.

I found myself in a spacious and tall room with a magnificent carved ceiling and carpets on the floor, thick and soft, it felt like velvet under my feet. On one side of the room is a very long bookshelf with some rare inlaid woods that are new to me. It is no more than six feet tall and is decorated with marble statuettes at equal distances from each other. On the opposite side are two antique cabinets. Between and above them, hung a picture of the Virgin and the child, protected by glass, and printed with Raphael's name on the gilded plate at the bottom of the frame. When I stand in the door, there are small shelves of crackers and Hehe in my right and left hands. In China in Dresden, there are portraits, rare vases, ivory ornaments, toys and strange objects It exudes the brilliance of gold, silver and precious stones everywhere. At the lower end of the room opposite to me, the windows are hidden, and the sunlight is harmonized by the large blinds. The color of the large blinds is the same as the curtains on the door, which is light sea green. The light produced in this way is soft, mysterious, soft and delicious. It falls evenly on all objects in the room; it helps deepen the silence in the depths and the atmosphere of deep seclusion. It surrounds the lonely figure of the house owner with a proper aura of rest, leaning backwards, sitting listlessly on a large easy chair, with a reading rack fixed on its arm,

If a person’s personal appearance can be accepted as his life’s safety guide when he leaves the locker room and at the age of forty, it is undoubtedly questionable. When I saw him, his age could be reasonably estimated to be over 50 and less than 60 years old. His bearless face was thin, shabby, and transparently pale, but without wrinkles. His nose is high and hooked; his eyes are pale gray-blue, large and conspicuous, red on the edge of the eyelids. His hair is sparse, looks soft, and has a light sand color. This is the last time he reveals his own changes to gray. He was wearing a dark shirt, something much thinner than cloth, and his vest and pants were white. His feet are extremely small, wearing light yellow stockings and short feminine bronze slippers. Two rings are dotted with his delicate white hand. Even if I have no experience to observe, I find that the value of this hand is almost invaluable. On the whole, he looks weak, tired, and exhausted. It looks strange and unpleasant to interact with men. At the same time, if it seems to have shifted to the personal image of a woman. My morning experience with the young lady made me happy for everyone in the house. But my sympathy shut up resolutely when Mr. Fairley fell in love at first sight. Wearing light yellow stockings and petite feminine bronze leather slippers. Two rings are dotted with his delicate white hand. Even if I have no experience to observe, I find that the value of this hand is almost invaluable. On the whole, he looks weak, tired, and exhausted. It looks strange and unpleasant to interact with men. At the same time, if it seems to have shifted to the personal image of a woman. My morning experience with the young lady made me happy for everyone in the house. But my sympathy shut up resolutely when Mr. Fairley fell in love at first sight. Wearing light yellow stockings and petite feminine bronze leather slippers. Two rings are dotted with his delicate white hand. Even if I have no experience to observe, I find that the value of this hand is almost invaluable. On the whole, he looks weak, tired, and exhausted. It looks strange and unpleasant to interact with men. At the same time, if it seems to have shifted to the personal image of a woman. My morning experience with the young lady made me happy for everyone in the house. But my sympathy shut up resolutely when Mr. Fairley fell in love at first sight. And feminine bronze leather slippers. Two rings are dotted with his delicate white hand. Even if I have no experience to observe, I find that the value of this hand is almost invaluable. On the whole, he looks weak, tired, and exhausted. It looks strange and unpleasant to interact with men. At the same time, if it seems to have shifted to the personal image of a woman. My morning experience with the young lady made me happy for everyone in the house. But my sympathy shut up resolutely when Mr. Fairley fell in love at first sight. And feminine bronze leather slippers. Two rings are dotted with his delicate white hand. Even if I have no experience to observe, I find that the value of this hand is almost invaluable. On the whole, he looks weak, tired, and exhausted. It looks strange and unpleasant to interact with men. At the same time, if it seems to have shifted to the personal image of a woman. My morning experience with the young lady made me happy for everyone in the house. But my sympathy shut up resolutely when Mr. Fairley fell in love at first sight. Even my inexperienced observer finds its value almost invaluable. On the whole, he looks weak, tired, and exhausted, looks strange and unpleasant in his interactions with men, and at the same time, if it seems to have shifted to the personal image of a woman. My morning experience with the young lady made me happy for everyone in the house. But my sympathy shut up resolutely when Mr. Fairley fell in love at first sight. Even my inexperienced observer finds its value almost invaluable. On the whole, he looks weak, tired, and exhausted. It looks strange and unpleasant to interact with men. At the same time, if it seems to have shifted to the personal image of a woman. My morning experience with the young lady made me happy for everyone in the house. But my sympathy shut up resolutely when Mr. Fairley fell in love at first sight. At the same time, if something is transferred to a woman's personal appearance, it seems natural and appropriate. My morning experience with the young lady made me happy for everyone in the house. But my sympathy shut up resolutely when Mr. Fairley fell in love at first sight. At the same time, if something is transferred to a woman's personal appearance, it seems natural and appropriate. My morning experience with the young lady made me happy for everyone in the house. But I shut up resolutely when I fell in love with Mr. Fairley.

When I approached him, I discovered that he was not as completely unprofessional as I initially thought. Next to a large round table near him, among other rare and beautiful objects, there is a low cabinet made of ebony and silver, which contains coins of various shapes and sizes, placed in a small drawer and placed on it. With deep purple velvet. One of these drawers was on the small table in his chair. Nearby are some small jeweler's brushes, a "stump" for washing leather and a small bottle of liquid, which are used in various ways to remove any accidental impurities that may be found on the coin. His fragile white fingers were playing with something listlessly. To my unknowing eyes, it looked like a dirty tin prize with jagged edges.

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