Super Tech Powerhouse

Chapter 45: Liquid gold

At the Xiaoqingshan Biological Breeding Base, Zou Shuming followed Zhang Shusheng and underwent extremely strict inspections on two floors. He passed through an eerie slender corridor before entering the base.

I was surprised by the fact that a greenhouse could be built here, and even a thermostatic greenhouse with a difficult construction.

Compared to Zou Shuming, Zhou Zikai is also a workaholic who is unwilling to give up. He is lonely and still lives and lives in the base.

Even though Lishuping has more and more products, it is getting more and more prosperous. Several streets are full of stalls for doing business, but he has never visited the street once. In addition to his assistants, Zhou Zikai's only few people he contacted were Zhang Shusheng and the guards who had nothing to say.

"Shu Ming, this is the patriotic scholar Zou Shuming I just hired. He has also studied in the United States. You two know each other." Zhang Shusheng and Zou Shuming first changed the clean clothes with the help of two assistants in the base. I waited for a long time outside the constant temperature greenhouse before I saw Zhou Zikai coming out.

"Manager!" Zhou Zikai never seemed to be human, and he never thought that he had been waiting for a long time. For him, time is a cycle of research and experiment. He turned to Zou Shuming, and no matter whether there was mud on his hand, he extended his hand. "Hello, my name is Zhou Zikai. Congratulations on leaving the **** America and returning to your mother's arms."

Zhang Shusheng smiled slightly, but did not expect that Zhou Zikai also had an emotional side.

"Harvard Medical School, Cell and Biology, Zou Shuming, I hope that we can cooperate happily in the future." Zou Shuming did not intentionally report the name of the school, but he did not want the other person to treat himself with contempt, which affected future cooperation.

"Yale University, Genetics, Zhou Zikai."

The two greeted each other, and Zhou Zikai took the three to another, larger indoor plantation. Relative to the extreme heat, instead of taking cooling measures, they could see a warming water splashing charcoal stove. Much hotter than outside.

There is only one kind of vine crop in the greenhouse. The vines are covered with green melons, which look like small melons, but they don't look closely.

Zhou Zikai looked at Zhang Shusheng, and the manager nodded and said to himself, he explained: "Shu Ming, look. This is a new variety of melon introduced by the manager from an island. The manager named the green melon. The manager personally As an assistant, in a green fruit corruption experiment, it was found that after mixing with corn pulp, a strange substance was produced, and this magic substance could actually kill Staphylococcus ... "


Zhou Zikai's understatement hit Zou Shuming like a thunder. As a cell and biology scholar, he knew very well what it means if staphylococci can be killed by an unknown substance, which may mean an epoch-making Bactericidal substances were found.

"Take me to the laboratory to see. Zikai, you may have encountered a landmark discovery."

As a result, a plant genetics scholar and a cell and biology scholar left Zhang Shusheng alone and flew to the laboratory. Through the window, Zhang Shusheng didn't go in. He had already known the result by one-handed operation.

Just today, a magical substance will be formally discovered by scholars of this era, and as the hero who mixed the melon and corn pulp biobased together, they just provided them with a pair of God's hands.

I don't know anything about science. I can synthesize ready-made penicillin with my dream machine, but I cannot synthesize it on a large scale. The actual large-scale production of penicillin depends on Zou Shuming, who is already excited about the entire face, and never wants to leave before the microscope.

He and Zhou Zikai will receive countless honors after a long time, maybe they will also mention the manager who mixed the two things together. But after enjoying these honors, they will make more contributions, and develop bacteria and biology, genetics, etc., in a poor China, to a level that is difficult for other countries to reach.

"Come, go and inform the scholar Zou Shuming's wife Hua Yuwei, and say that he will not go back tonight, and spend the night in the laboratory. Remember to take an extra blanket." Walked outside the base, facing the rising star Zhang Shusheng was thinking that fortunately, he really changed a lot of things. But these lucky ones who are lucky because of themselves are also their own blessings and fortunes.

If he crosses under the Newton tree and snoozes, reaches out and catches the apple, will Newton find no gravitation? In fact, it will be found for another person like "Lambton".

Is Galileo unable to discover the law of free fall if I reach for the Italian leaning tower experiment and catch the falling iron ball? For another person, you will find it.

What I have changed is only small details of history, but the general trend of history is affected by the times. It is precisely because the technology of this era has advanced to a considerable level that the discovery of penicillin will sooner or later.

Just, this process has a pair of golden hands, a slight flick, changed it.

Give a straw bag a bunch of scientific and technological information, it will never become a climate. Giving a scientist the corresponding scientific and technological information may create a complete scientific and technological chain. While enjoying the honor, they also bear the responsibility of the technology leader.

Zhang Shusheng came to the breeding base again the next day, and found that the two inside were still busy, and even the assistants were driven away by them, and the meal at the door was not moved.

Although Zhou Zikai was not a professional biologist, Zou Shuming said that it was like a maggot initiation, and he also understood how great the effect would be on human beings once this substance was confirmed.

In the laboratory, the two couldn't leave each other. They were so hungry that they ate a few cold meals at the door. Then they ran on the chair casually, doing experiments overtime and all night, four full nights.

Fifth morning

"Um, experiment ..." Zou Shuming opened his blood-red eyes stupidly, painlessly, struggled to walk to the microscope, turned on the observation lamp, and took a look, his confused head was immediately awakened.

"Zikai, Zikai, come on, come and see."

At noon, after Zhang Shusheng, who was reported, arrived, two scholars who were too tired were crying with joy, facing this manager, Zou Shuming actually cried.

"Shu Ming, you are too tired, or you should go back to rest first." Zhang Shusheng was also very excited. This Zou Shu was clear and powerful. For more than two days, he not only identified this special substance in the culture medium, but also isolated a small amount. Partially purified liquid.

"Manager, I'm happy." Zou Shuming pulled Zhou Zikai, and the two have forged a deep scientific friendship in these four days and nights of tough battles.

"Manager, this newly discovered substance can indeed kill bacteria. In the four-day experiment, we took several different bacteria as experimental subjects, put that special substance, and conducted a comparative observation experiment. People are very satisfied. "Zou Shuming held back the excitement in his heart, picked up a small test tube on the table, and said with a trembling voice," It is it that will change history. It will save millions of lives. And this The magical substance was not born in a laboratory in the United States, nor was it in France, Germany, the United Kingdom, or even Russia. It was born in our Chinese laboratory. I Zou Shuming immediately went out and died, and my life has been stunned. "

"Manager, give it a name. This will be the second epoch-making discovery of our company after the new rice seed. Hehe, my geneticist has gotten the company twice. No company Without a manager, these accidental and accidental factors add up, and the two new types of rice and germicidal substances cannot come together. "In front of the great joy, Zhou Zikai was also sorrowed that Shusheng Company is really a lucky place, and Zhang Shusheng It is a wise leader with great power and luck.

"This liquid gold is called penicillin." Zhang Shusheng patted the shoulders of the two people and let them sit down. "The Chinese are dubbed East Asian sick men by foreign devils, which makes people hate and helpless. Other aspects are too far away, and now at least In this scientific field ~ ~ the efforts of both of you have pushed the Chinese to the forefront. The next thing you have to do is to produce as much as possible. The country needs it to cure diseases and save people. The company also needs to sell it to the West at the price of gold comparison, so that those Westerners who have higher eyes will also pay for our medicines, and willingly use real gold and silver to support the expansion of our company and support us. The Chinese people ’s own science and technology revolution. We have not caught up with the first science and technology revolution, we have not caught up with the second. But I assure you that one day, I will do whatever I can to make the Chinese not only catch up, but even lead the third time. The technological revolution. The new rice and penicillin are just the starting point of all this. But the old rules and the company's confidentiality system do not allow you to violate it in any form. "

"Relax, manager. Now I want to go back to sleep well, and then carry out more experiments. Demonstrate several large-scale production processes. Science is by-pass, if the manager gets any good way from other special channels, But it must be handed over to us as soon as possible. "Zou Shuming knew that the manager had great powers, and he could be sure that the science and technology in any western laboratory could be bought by him.

Zhang Shusheng nodded and asked the guard to help the two go back to rest, and then ordered to strengthen the siege of the breeding base. Before the underground biological laboratory was completed, it would serve as the main penicillin research center.

He knows that penicillin will be more profitable this year than daily necessities that can be mass-produced early next year. Faced with all kinds of difficulties like this when he came to this era, he never gave up, but today he has shown his real hope: penicillin is here, can others be far behind.

Today has taken an extremely important step. The times are being changed step by step with super technology.

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