The azure blue spiritual power that accompanied Li Yaodao's body suddenly changed into scarlet power. Not to mention, the meteoric power of the surrounding spiritual power wave marks was even more majestic.

In the room, the girls who were still eating meat and watching, saw the sudden appearance of Li Yaodao, especially Long Yiwu, when they felt the curse-filled scarlet power appear, Dai's eyebrows frowned.

She seemed to know the source of this power very well, especially when she felt the spiritual strength of Li Yaodao again, slowly climbing at a speed visible to the naked eye, she couldn't help being surprised immediately.

Samsung Wonderland...

Five-Star Ascension Realm...

Eight-Star Divine Tour Realm...

Jiuxing Shenyou Jing!

Unexpectedly, the violent scarlet power of Li Yaodao's body, at the end, stopped at the level of the Nine-Star Divine Ascension Realm. This operation across the two shackles of the sky really stunned all the girls.

"This... the secret method for forcibly enhancing your strength?" Dao Tianyin couldn't help but exclaimed.

But what she exclaimed was not this, but subconsciously, her gaze fell on Long Yiwu's body.

"Unexpectedly, you gave your blood explosion secret to Brother Dao? Are you crazy?"

"That's going to die!"

At the same time, even Yanyue stared at Long Yiwu with a pretty face.

The atmosphere in the whole room suddenly became tense again.

It's no wonder that Yanyue and Dao Tianyin are angry, because this so-called secret method can only be owned by a super clan on this barren ancient continent, and only this clan is qualified to own it.

And this clan is the Long Family!

And the so-called secret method, only the most "cold-blooded" person of the Long Family can possess and accept the inheritance.

A secret technique is only passed on to one person, and now, Yanyue and Dao Tianyin, seeing Li Yaodao, which is similar to Long Yiwu's blood explosion secret technique, can't be angry in their hearts?

The secret method of blood explosion seems to be forcibly enhancing the strength, but the price in exchange is burning blood!

Hearing this, Long Yiwu glanced at the two guys around him faintly, and said coldly: "The blood burst secret method can only be owned by one person. If you give it to Brother Dao, I will die. If it is my blood burst secret method, Can you still see me standing here?"

Hearing that, there was originally an angry Yanyue and Daotianyin, they looked at each other, they really didn't know that this secret method was so secretive.

It turns out that Long Yiwu’s secret method of blood explosion cannot be spread. Where did the secret method of Li Yaodao come from?

"I think it shouldn't be Brother Dao's secret method. Look at Brother Dao's demon knife!" Long Sanxue observed carefully, then pointed to the demon knife in the courtyard. The young man held the demon knife and said calmly: "The color of the blade has changed!"

The women cast their gazes, and they were slightly surprised. Didn't expect that the treasure in the hands of Li Yaodao still has a second form change?

Such a changeable treasure is extremely rare, and Li Yaodao has one.

Standing in the courtyard, Long Erdie felt the aura of Li Yaodao's whole person, and the earth-shaking changes had taken place. The playfulness in his heart also converged, and his pretty face became a little serious.

The current Li Yaodao seemed to be a different person, the original gentleness and calmness were no longer, and it was replaced by the violent and fierce like an ancient beast.

This unique beast-like violent power, under Long Erdie's gaze, is almost the same as himself!

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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