Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 927: Yanyue's visit

Hearing this, Dao Tianyin was also stunned. Looking at the cold silver-haired girl, she suddenly got a temper and said coldly: "Fart, I just gently pushed Brother Dao away. It is clear that you used it too much. Strength has caused such a consequence."

"You are jealous of us because you see Brother Dao and I are both monsters!"

When Long Yiwu heard the words, he sneered immediately, his slender hands, palms surging sharply, and he swung up.

"Haha, jealous? It's a joke, it's clearly your fault, look!"

"Yo? I'm afraid of you when fighting? Look at your palms!" Dao Tianyin waved back with his backhand, looking like he was afraid that the world would not be chaotic. The confrontation between the two turned into physical attacks from the previous confrontation.

Seeing that the two female palms were fierce and fierce, the Li Yaodao printed on the wall was helped by Long Sanxue.

Long Sanxue looked at the young coughing boy, patted the other's shoulder with a trace of distress, and asked, "Brother Dao, how are you feeling now?"

Li Yaodao smiled bitterly and shook his head, waved his hand, and signaled that he was okay. Standing still, he looked at the huge living room, the two women's spiritual power that you came and went screamed and filled.

With gorgeous body dance steps, and fierce and swift arrogant impact, the palms of the two girls are quite evenly divided. Although the degree of criticism is very strong, they are very tacit and did not ruin the bonfire barbecue in the center.

To put it bluntly, the battle between the two women was carried out around the bonfire, while Xiao Hei, frightened, was as steady as an old dog, eating barbecue for himself.

Ding Dong 1

Li Yaodao smiled bitterly when he saw it, and just about to stop it, the door bell rang again. He looked at the two girls beside him and said, "Whoever of you will stop, I will open the door!"

As he said, the figure of the young man slid out of the hall and rushed towards the hallway...

Long Erdie and Long Sanxue looked at each other, and Long Sanxue whispered: "Second, do you want to stop fighting? After we eat the meat, we will fight again?"

"Nothing to do with you!" The two female palms slammed together, and Long Yiwu and Dao Tianyin softly shouted at the same time.

Long Sanxue shrugged, looked at Long Erdie, whose eyebrows were shaking slightly, and said calmly: "Second sister, you see, I have blocked them, and they just ignore me."

"Ha ha... ha ha ha ha ha..." In this regard, Long Erdie could only respond to her natural daze with a polite but elegant smile.

When he walked to the entrance, Li Yaodao took a deep breath, shook his head slightly, and couldn't help muttering: "Who will come back to me to stop by at this time?"

Opening the door, I saw a girl with purple eyes wearing a gorgeous purple dress, standing in front of her pretty happily. Li Yaodao looked blankly and said, "Yanyue? What are you doing here?"

The girl who came in a long dress in purple, was the younger sister of God Yantian, one of the genius goddesses of the Jinyuan, Yanyue!

Yanyue clasped her little hand pretty happily, looking at the door opener is Li Yaodao, her pretty face smiled happily, and said with a small smile: "Why? I can't come here, or you don't welcome me to you?"

Hearing this, Li Yaodao quickly shook his head and waved his hand, and said with a wry smile: "Why, how could I not welcome you."

"Since I'm not welcome, why don't you invite me in?" Yanyue smiled at the nervous young man.

Li Yaodao was a little bit unspeakable, hesitated, and stopped talking.



At the same time, there was a loud noise in the room...

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