Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 873: Magic sword, eclipse sky!

Li Yaodao, who was overjoyed, saw that he could get a brand new sky-patterned device, and then cooperated with his own sky-patterned device that had grown into a sky-patterned device. At that time, he could use the "two-day first-class" and activate the absolute domain. Second knife flow".

These two ultimate trump cards, but Li Yaodao can stand firm in the future at the pinnacle of this world, of course, to activate this spiritual skill, one field, the final condition required is the need to use two treasures at the same time.

Moreover, these two treasures must be the weakest or at least the level of the sky pattern artifact.

Now that the conditions are met, Li Yaodao is also ready to take him over, but now Xiao Hei is worried and aggrieved, which shakes the young man's heart.

In the quiet hall of the villa, Li Yaodao looked at the black skylight with his head closed, a list of listless samples lying on the floor, and his originally happy face gradually calmed down.

He knows his condition, so he is not afraid of what Xiaohei said before, that any life that is so-called cannot escape the consequences from the use of the two treasures, because these two-day first-class spiritual skills are born for the two treasures. , There is also the field of second knife flow.

But Xiao Hei didn't know this, so his worries were correct. It was precisely because of this that Li Yaodao's mood gradually fell silent. He secretly discovered that the reason he had shown before was the special A sense of desire.

In all likelihood, this special sense of desire comes from the magic sword.

It seems that this magic sword not only has a strong demon energy, but also the kind of influence contained in it has also caused Li Yaodao's heart to undergo a change without noticing it...

Unconsciously, Li Yaodao's hand left the pitch black magic sword. Suddenly, he felt that the sense of desire that had just permeated in his heart disappeared in an instant.

Even the joy of seeing this magic sword before, quickly receded like a tide!

It seems that the magic sword mentioned by Hongmei needs some final steps for forging. It should only be the special magic energy inside it, and this invisible influence!

What a terrible influence, but I have been reincarnated for several lifetimes. In my soul, I firmly believe that there is no existence in this world that can make myself lost.

But even because of this, it was almost affected by this magic sword...

Thinking like this in his mind, Li Yaodao also took a deep breath, knowing that he was almost taken away by this magic sword just now.

If it weren't for Xiao Hei by his side, what he most wanted to do at this moment was to drop his blood to make the Demon Sword recognize the Lord!

In the process of acknowledging the master, Li Yaodao knew that there would be no problem, but if it was subsequently affected, it would be okay if it was held. If it was not held, it might become a weapon that only knew killing!

Staring at the hilt of the magic sword, Li Yaodao narrowed his eyes slightly when he felt the message from it.

Magic sword, eclipse sky!

Li Yaodao silently wrapped the pitch black magic sword, and in the next second he retracted it into his storage space. In the living room, the invisible influence of the magic energy was slowly dissipating at this moment.

Li Yaodao hugged Xiao Hei, squeezed the opponent's face, and smiled: "You are right, I can't bet now, don't worry, I won't touch that magic sword again before I have absolute strength, you Can you see it?"

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