
With a rush of space shuttle, Li Yaodao felt that his body was about to be torn apart. The power of the shuttle between the void is indeed a level that only the Supreme Three Realms can have, but this is the first time he has done this. !

With the continuous distortion and change of the space, Li Yaodao felt that his body was stretched into noodles, and sometimes compressed into biscuits, handsome face, big eyes, full of question marks (???)...

As the saying goes, I applied for that sentence.

Brother, do you... have a lot of question marks?


Although the time and space shuttle lasted only a moment, Li Yaodao felt like living in it. After the scene in front of him changed rapidly, he steadied his figure, looked at the huge city of freedom in front of the mountain, and looked at the blue sky above his head. sky.

He actually came back. This is no longer the pitch-black forbidden forest before, but the top of the free city mountain range full of green vitality and abundant spiritual and soul power!


The stupefied Li Yaodao suddenly overwhelmed the river with power, and an irresistible force was constantly hitting his esophagus, almost spewing out like a dam bursting.

Li Yaodao hurriedly covered his mouth, and his figure flew towards the big tree not far away, vomiting frantically...

Long Yiwu and Long Erdie both tilted their heads and looked at the back of the teenager who was vomiting not far away. The two girls looked at each other, and they couldn't help but smile quietly.

Yanyue ran over and came to Li Yaodao's side, patted the opponent's back lightly, and handed her handkerchief over. Liu Mei frowned and said, "Are you okay? Could it be the sequelae caused by your excessive consumption before? ?"

Li Yaodao waved his hand slightly, took the handkerchief, wiped his mouth, and said with a wry smile: "No, no, I just ate a lot of meat in my stomach before, and now I feel much better..."

Good guy, this time I changed my mind, I almost didn't spit out what I ate last year...

Yan Tianshen watched his sister's every move blankly. With those easy-going eyes that were originally approachable, every time he looked at Li Yaodao, for some reason, he couldn't be happy at all.

In my heart, there was a sense of "crisis" inexplicably...

"Hehe, it's the first time you were affected by the shadow change. It doesn't matter, you will get used to it by vomiting twice."

At the same time, after the space was distorted for a while, in the glow of Bai Jie, Tianchao Qiong Mi walked out of it, just seeing the situation of Li Yaodao, smiling slightly.

"I have seen Master Tianqiong Tianzun!" When the other four people saw this, they all bowed slightly to Tianchaoqiong Moose. Although their attitude was not respectful, they were somewhat respectful.

After all, the background behind them is outstanding. Although Tianchao Qiong Mi deserves their respect, it is not enough to speak of respect.

Because the Three Realms of the Supreme Realm seem to be very common to the descendants of a family with their background...

Li Yaodao took out a pot of water from the storage space, rinsed his mouth, and immediately turned around and walked over with Yanyue, and at the same time held his fist slightly in salute.

"Master Earth Master, Master Tianqiong Tianzun!"

"You don't have to salute us, because if you are concerned about your status, you are even taller than us!" The Dean smiled and shook his head.

Li Yaodao shook his head slightly, and said, "One yard goes to one yard. As a junior, the proper etiquette should be done!"

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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