Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 761: Passing over the city

Seeing Li Yaodao fleeing to the sky in the fastest way, Yanyue, who ran away, locked the young man's escaped figure, she said today that she would never let him go. The pair behind her seemed to be burning with purple flames. Ling Wing suddenly vibrated, Qianying chased him away.

"Li Yaodao! You ran to the end of the world today, and my old lady will kill you too!"

The howling Spirit Wing moved across the sky with the sound of the breaking wind, and Yanyue turned into a fierce purple light and shadow, breaking through the sky, and rushing straight to the black mang who swept out of the distance to chase him brazenly!

Seeing that Li Yaodao and Yanyue had left the surroundings of the profound formation, the previous majestic spiritual impact gradually dissipated, and many of the old students who had been hiding in the dark before looking at each other looked at each other.

"If I was right, Senior Sister Yanyue... seems to have been beaten..."

"Shhhh! Keep your voice down, you want to die, I don’t want to die, listen, this matter must be kept secret, once it is leaked out, with the character of Yantian God Senior, I would rather kill a thousand by mistake, and never let one go Rhythm!"

"Yes, right, right, we'll treat this as a lively thing today, for everyone's life, don't say anything!"

A group of old students seemed to be brainwashing themselves there. After they said the countermeasures, they shook the spirit wings behind them one after another, flying to the sky and disappearing...

Outside the quiet Henggu Academy, this is not the world in the nuclear academy, but the outer courtyard that is famous on the mainland and only recruits geniuses.

Amidst the beautiful landscape, Henggu College seemed very elegant and calm, as if it was just a new day. All the students of the Outer Academy were desperately trying to enter the nuclear academy, and life was ordinary.

call out! call out!

With the appearance of two light traces that suddenly rushed out of the sky, many students of the Outer Academy walking on the road could not help but look up, only to see two light traces, one black and one purple, shocking the sky, and the majestic whistling sound broke through the sky. .

Facing the two light marks that suddenly rushed out from nowhere, many of the students walking on the road in the outer courtyard couldn't help but look up, envy each one.

"The two people must be seniors from the Nuclear Academy. It feels good to be able to fly."

"I admit I am envious, but I have been stuck at the peak of the Profound Sky Realm for half a year now. I don't know when I will break through the Void Sky Realm. I really want to fly..."

City of peace

Today's advantage is unremarkable. Luo Tong is leading the law enforcement team of this hospital today. He is paying close attention to all the guys who enter the city. Those people are all coming out of You Luoyu and come here. Naturally, they should be treated with caution.

"It's boring, I originally wanted to go out for a stroll today, but I didn't expect that the guys from the Huoyuan actually attended work and let us be on duty..."

The thin man with glasses standing next to Luotong kicked a stone away from his feet, how boring it was.

Hearing this, Luo Tong glanced at the other person in an angry way, and smiled: "Are you distressed because of your girlfriend's plan to date?"

"That's for sure!" The man with glasses spread out his hands, looking very helpless.

"It's okay, next time we have a double holiday, wouldn't it be fragrant to keep it for 30 days?" Luo Tong scolded with a smile.

call out! call out!

When the law enforcement team below security checked all the passing outsiders into the city, they saw two majestic light marks, one black and one swelling, whizzing out, blatantly passing by...

Luo Tong glanced at each other with the man with eyes, and both saw a touch of surprise in the other's eyes.

Luo Tongdao: "Brother, if I see it right, were there two guys flying over the city just now?"

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