Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 141: Snake King Gives Spirit Grass

When Li Yaodao dragged his painful and numb body to the Kunlun Shenshan Cave House, he rushed in without any concealment. At this time, it was even more silent than when he had been here.

Especially when he saw a huge snow-white snake shadow faintly inside, Li Yaodao immediately rushed over.

Before Li Yaodao could speak, I saw the Kunlun Snake King who turned his back to him and sighed first, thinking: "Not only did you not die, but you also broke through to the Spirit Profound Realm. It was beyond my expectation. As expected..."

Hearing this, Li Yaodao frowned slightly and said, "Senior Snake King, what do you mean?"

Kunlun Snake King seldom smiled and said: "Haha, I was really murderous before. You still call me senior?"

"Don't you hate me?"

Li Yaodao smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said: "I haven't thought about this problem, but the previous Snake King's words were unexpected and unexpected..."

"It's nothing, just sigh, don't care." Kunlun Snake King shook his head gently.

Li Yaodao nodded slightly when he saw this, and asked, "Senior Snake King, is Xiao Hei still with you?"

In the next second, the Kunlun Snake King slowly turned his huge body around, and saw its seven-inch position, there was a black monster beast with wings and a fierce beast biting hard, its fierce appearance, quite a bit of momentum.

"It just happens that you are here, take this pendant back." Kunlun Snake King sighed, obviously not wanting to say anything more about this matter.

Li Yaodao saw that the dark beast was Xiao Hei undoubtedly. At this moment, the latter was looking fierce, biting the Kunlun Snake King's seven inches with his big teeth. It looked like a black pendant, making him a I want to laugh and be moved.

I saw Li Yaodao slowly stepping forward, smiling: "Xiao Hei, let go."

In the next second, Xiao Hei heard the familiar calling, and the fierce beast eyes gradually returned to their normal colors. With the after-light, he glanced at the figure that he was concerned about in his heart, and suddenly water splashed in his eyes.

"Brother Dao!"

Xiao Hei released his big mouth and rushed towards Li Yaodao. It resumed its usual small form in mid-air, and immediately pounced on the opponent’s snake. He suddenly cried out: "Brother Dao, I thought you were dead. I just wanted to give You take revenge!"

The little guy cried very sad. He thought he would never see Li Yaodao in his life, but fortunately, his Dao brother came back.

Li Yaodao looked down at Xiao Hei who was holding his neck, his tail moved slightly to put it on his head again, and smiled: "Sorry, I worried you, I will pay attention to it in the future."

Xiao Hei wiped away the tears, but it still clung to the scales of Li Yaodao. It looked really scared, and it didn't forget to mutter.

"Brother Dao, if you die, what should I do? Who will give me barbecue in the future..."

"Actually, you don't need to say the following sentence..." Li Yaodao Heshan smiled, her facial muscles twitched slightly, and she resisted the urge to have a gasp.

This guy is really a chat genius. One thing that was touched, this guy remembers barbecue?

"This is a transformation grass, take it!"

At that time, the Kunlun Snake King released a faint spiritual wave mark, and pulled down a streamer grass growing on the rock wall, and then slowly floated in front of Li Yaodao.

"According to the regulations, you carried my attack. This morphing grass belongs to you!"

Li Yaodao looked at the transforming grass floating in front of him, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes, and immediately put it in the storage space, gratefully said: "Thank you, Senior Snake King for being merciful, and being humble to the younger generation!"

Kunlun Snake King said flatly: "I didn't let you."

"If Senior Snake King doesn't want the younger generation to be transformed into grass, just release the position of the sky, why send me away with fanfare?" Li Yaodao explained.

Upon hearing this, the Kunlun Snake King snorted and said: "Humph, you know a lot, this grass is not for nothing!"

"The juniors have long been psychologically prepared. The second condition of the senior Snake King should be what you want the juniors to do?" Li Yaodao smiled and nodded.

Kunlun Snake King was silent for a moment, and did not follow this topic, but turned and walked toward his cave.

This move made Li Yaodao a little bit unable to understand, and immediately couldn't help asking: "Senior, what are you?"

"Let's turn to the human form first, let's talk about it after the second condition!" After this word came out from the cave, there was no more news.

Li Yaodao bowed his bow towards the depths of the cave mansion, and then slowly left Kunlun Shenshan with Xiao Hei...

While descending the snow-capped mountains, Xiao Hei crawled on Li Yaodao's head, listening to the thrilling story of the other party's later being knocked into the air, his eyes suddenly widened and he couldn't help but exclaim.

"Brother Dao, the Snake King actually beat you to the position of the Demon Temple? You also killed an envoy?"

"Well, I also had a trick with the guardian who caught us, that guy is really strong!" When he said guardian, Li Yaodao's expression became serious.

Xiao Hei asked, "What happened later?"

"Later, Uncle Xiong suddenly fell from the sky and rescued me, and then I came directly to pick you up."

Li Yaodao followed the road down the mountain and looked at the beautiful scenery of the snow-covered mountains around him. He took a deep breath and said with emotion: "Fortunately, Uncle Xiong appeared in time. Otherwise, I really thought I was going to die this time..."

At that time, when a snake and a beast returned to the original cave house of Tongtian Mountain, Li Yao knifed the transformation grass in his mouth, and simply roasted a few barbecues for Xiao Hei to prepare, and after a few words, he went directly to the cave house. deep.

In the quiet stone room, Li Yaodao used his spiritual power to hold up the transformation grass, looking at the spiritual grass exuding brilliant light in front of him, he took a deep breath, pressed down his inner excitement, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

After coming to the Desolate Ancient Continent for so long, I can finally become a human being, and it can be regarded as fulfilling one of my wishes...

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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