Su Xueshan pulled Liang Chen and avoided Hong Chi's gangsters like a pestilence.

In addition, she also interrogated Liang Chen all the way how he got involved with Du Xiaoma.

Liang Chen was helpless by her question, so he had to tell the story of yesterday's Xincheng Hotel.

"Achen, Du Xiaoma's character is very problematic, it is said that he has done a lot of bad things before, and even killed people. This kind of person, you should not contact him in the future, lest he harm you!

After listening to what Liang Chen said, Su Xueshan was worried, and warned Liang Chen in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, Sister Su, I will be measured."

Liang Chen could also see that an underworld boss like Du Xiaoma, who had the means and power, could not be deeply acquainted.

He knew very well that Sister Su was really thinking about herself, and he was very grateful to Sister Su.

The clothes here were not bought, and Liang Chen dragged Su Xueshan to another pedestrian street, spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy some expensive clothes and cosmetics for Sister Su.

Su Xueshan was still pushing back at first, but seeing Liang Chen's posture of spending money like flowing water, he had to let it go.

Anyway, this kid has money, since he is willing to spend money on himself, then let him go!

The two were shopping and shopping, and before they knew it, it was dinner time, and Liang Chen proposed to go to a Western restaurant to eat.

The two entered a western restaurant called Mengmante, which is a French restaurant that is very famous in the Shenhu catering industry.

Of course, the consumption here is also sky-high, enough to discourage the ordinary class.

When Liang Chen was in college, he worked part-time as a waiter in a restaurant, and naturally saw the consumption of restaurants.

In the past, it was he who served others.

And this time, his identity was reversed and he became a god-level customer.

"Hello sir, madam, I wonder what you need?"

As soon as the two arrived at the restaurant and walked down, a waitress who looked like a college student came over, smiled and bowed to them and asked.

As a person who came over, Liang Chen felt the same way.

He could see that the person in front of him must be a good girl who wanted to reduce the burden on her parents through part-time work.

You know, now that the world is declining, in this era of material desire, the campus has long become impure.

As long as it is a female college student with a little posture, if you want to make a lot of money, there are many ways.

But few are willing to work as waiters and earn this kind of hard-earned money.

"Sister Su, you can order it, just order!"

Liang Chen smiled at the waitress and nodded, and pushed the menu in front of Su Xueshan with a gentlemanly manner.

"Hee, Liang Chen, if you let me order, then I'm welcome!"

Su Xueshan seemed to have adapted to Liang Chen's situation, and did not look at the menu, but said to the waitress with a smile: "Little sister, what are the most expensive dishes you have here?" "

The most expensive dish? Uh....

When the waitress heard this, her expression was stunned, and she didn't seem to understand what Su Xueshan meant.

Who orders food like this, not asking the most delicious food first, but only asking the most expensive?

Even if Mengmante is one of the top restaurants in Shenhu, I haven't seen such a trench, right?

"Oh, this lady, our shop has Australian lobster, fresh juice abalone, sea cucumber shark fin chicken soup..."

Although Su Xueshan said in confusion, the waitress reacted quickly and introduced her.

"Okay, just these dishes, as long as they are the most expensive in your store, give us all a plate."

Su Xueshan nodded with a smile, and at the same time did not forget to glance at Liang Chen, and quipped: "This boss has money, and if you want to eat, you can eat the best!"

"This..." The

waitress was obviously confused by Su Xueshan's half-joking and half-serious words again, so she had to look at Liang Chen inquiringly.

After all, Liang Chen is the right owner of the money.

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