"Your apology is worthless, I believe that the leader of your company has already given you an order, you should do it according to the order of your headquarters!"

Liang Chen's cold eyes were cold, and his words carried a trace of coldness.

"No, no, Mr. Liang, I know it's wrong, please ask the headquarters not to fire me!

Liang Chen, who was sitting on the sofa, fiddled with his worn-out mobile phone.

Li Jiayi was so surprised that he couldn't even speak.

Although he has known Liang Chen for less than two days.

I knew he was cold, but I didn't expect him to be so handsome.

At this time, in Li Jiayi's eyes, Liang Chen seemed to be domineering all over his body, and the cold aura made people a little retreated, and even the surrounding air was still.

Kingston's clothes were on his toes.

She didn't care if a little clerk lived or died.

However, in her eyes, Liang Chen's invincible look was indeed very bad, and she had no choice but to take him herself, frowning and looking at Liang Chen.

"You don't need to be so vicious to be a person, let others have no job, wouldn't it be punished sooner!"

Kingston exuded a strange tone, but he didn't know that Liang Chen didn't care about her small role at all, and he didn't even want to look at her.

But since he spoke.

That Liang Chen naturally wanted to say.

"Oh, this lady, I believe you should be well aware of Louis Vuitton's rules, if you want to order, you need to pay a deposit, and in the case of you not paying the deposit, my friend took a fancy to this bag first.

Besides, with her service attitude, I'm afraid Louis Vuitton can't keep her.

Liang Chen sneered, and the words were sonorous.

It's all said.

Indeed, as Liang Chen said, Louis Vuitton has always had to pay a deposit to buy limited editions.

Alice never expected that what she ignored was the big guest who caused a sensation in the entire Louis Vuitton.

This is bad, Mrs. Kingston is helping more and more, what to do.

Alice hesitated and stood in front of Liang Chen with her hands and feet.

"Then you shouldn't let her lose her job, she just helped me keep this bag, you are simply arrogant!"

Kingston roared, completely without the attitude of the previous lady.

Seeing that her anger was about to rise.

She didn't want to care about this matter, but Liang Chen's momentum was really aggressive.

"Oh, this lady, I think you should pay attention to your own demeanor, please find out, her dismissal was her company's decision, what do I have to do with it!"

"Hmph, Alice, after all this, I still have to leave beforehand!" Seeing

that Liang Chen couldn't say anything, he didn't want to be nosy here.

Kingston took the packaged handbag, walked out of the door, and looked back before leaving, his eyes stared at Liang Chen viciously, full of malice.

Alice wanted to stop Kingston, but she was just a clerk in a small luxury store.

This industry lacks no one of her, less of her.

Where should she go?

Three minutes later, a Bentley stopped at the door.

The enchanting woman in a white dress and carrying a white Louis Vuitton handbag walked out of the car, although a pair of sunglasses could not hide the domineering spirit of the royal lady on her.

"Total... President!"

Seeing this, Alice hurriedly stepped forward to open the door to greet her.

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