It's easy to get in, but how do you get out after saving someone later.

Looking around a bit like a groundwater channel, and the claustrophobic smell of the environment was quite unbearable, the two of them followed all the way through a deep warehouse-like place.

"Boss, this is new! Would you like to take a look!" There

were many cages made of steel around the warehouse, about thirty of them, and a dozen of them had been injected and looked drowsy with drugs.

A short man in front of him sat at the front table, counting bills in his hand, and a money counter on the table was swiping cash.

"Get her out!" listening

to a Japanese English, it should be the island leader mentioned above in the system, the whole tiger back bear, full of fat appearance, a big and black spasm at the corner of the eye, looking very treacherous.

The two subordinates opened the sack, but instantly made Liang Chen's expression freeze.


Jiayi, shouldn't she have sent things to buy on behalf of her? How could she be arrested here! Liang Chen looked at Li Jiayi who was tied up by five flowers in amazement.

His eyes were full of ferocity, and his mouth was glued to death by silver tape.

"This is good, very beautiful, it should be able to sell it for a good price, go get her some sedative, in case something goes wrong!"

the leader of the island waku ordered, and the man next to him took a tube of sedative from a box similar to a medicine box and tried to inject Li Jiayi.

Flicking the needle in his hand, Li Jiayi resisted for a while, but his hands and feet were bound, and he couldn't twist the strength of the two big men at all.

Seeing that the needle was getting closer and closer to Li Jiayi's vein.

What to do, is there any way to make them stop, their brains are racing.


Liang Chen tried to open the system to find a solution, but the warehouse was too deep, and there was no network to connect underneath.

If you don't have an Internet, what can you do now.

At this time, Liang Chen became more and more panicked, and he couldn't wait to rush directly to those big men, but there were less than fifteen people in the warehouse, and each of them had a weapon in his hand, not to mention how powerful the weapon was, there were currently hostages, and he couldn't start a war at will.

My mind was spinning fast, and there was a loud noise in my ears.


With a groan, groan, and looking up, Li Jiayi stood up directly from the ground, the rope on his feet was broken in two as if he had been broken vigorously, and the rope on his hands was also broken free.

With a turn of his eyes, the blade in Li Jiayi's hand slipped over the hands of the two, and suddenly blood gushed out, and the two big men and the man holding the needle were all cut by the blade.

I slot.

Liang Chen looked at Li Jiayi's back in surprise, and the movements of his hands and feet were exactly the same as that of the super policewoman.

Suddenly, everyone pointed their guns at Li Jiayi's head, and the leader of the island took a gun directly from the drawer, with a triumphant smile on his face.

"I can't think of it, it's a pity that such a beautiful chick is undercover, wouldn't it be better to follow me to eat fragrant and drink spicy! I already knew that your police sent someone to dispatch, and those who knew each other obediently did not suffer!" The leader of

the island was hideous, and the stupid cute just now was instantly turned into a disgusting look, staring at Li Jiayi with a straight face.

After listening to the words of the leader of the island, Liang Chen reacted, no wonder her ID card and passport were all traceable to this person, and even the system could not find it, but how many secret things she wanted to do.

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