Hearing the direct choking sound of fish in the water here, if the fish is not eating the broadcast, the whole person looks like the style of the black and astringent, plus the low voice makes people a little scary.

The words made the woman shiver.

"Oh, don't hurt me, I'm scared, I didn't mean it, I saw that you were still sleeping, so I didn't wake you up!

The three of you have legs so long, and I carry two very heavy salutes, how can I catch up!" After

being fished like this, the woman cried and told the story, but Liang Chen still didn't believe it, although he didn't bring a wallet, his bank card was always in his trouser pocket, how could it fall on the aisle.

"Don't cry

, you go on!" "After that, I wanted to chase you, and then I found that my own wallet was lost, and then I was holding the psychology of luck, planning to live first, and then I met you, I really didn't mean it!" The woman's

words made Liang Chen feel very perfunctory, but the tears on her face completely consumed her smoky makeup, looking very bored, Liang Chen has never liked women with heavy makeup.

The women in my past were basically light makeup.

"Go and go, go and wash your face first, as for whether what you said is true or false, I'll think about it first!" "Okay, I'll

go right away!" Without

saying a word, he immediately agreed to Liang Chen's request to wash his face, and also knew that the makeup on his face was spent, but this was all a disguise for her to go out, so as not to be accosted.

The woman took her makeup bag and went into the bathroom, and one of the bad things about the youth hostel was that the bathroom in the room had no window, so even if the woman wanted to escape, there was no way.

In addition, there are fish waiting at the bathroom door, and they can't run.

When I went downstairs just now, I saw that there were indeed two suitcases beside her, which seemed to be quite heavy, and I didn't take it when I carried her upstairs, and it is estimated that it is still hanging in the hall.

"Lu Sen, you go and get her suitcase

!" "Yes, boss

!" Yu Deshui felt that something was not right, and stepped forward and asked: "Why are you, you really want to let her go!" Liang

Chen glanced at Yu Shuishui, turned to sit on the sofa, and cocked Erlang's legs.

The bank card is returned, but three hundred francs is a lot for RMB, and the room fee here is almost 30 pounds a day."

She gave three hundred yuan, which means to stay for ten days, plus what she just said was chasing us out of the airport.

Then she definitely did not come to Switzerland to study in these ten days, as for the gift is particularly heavy, it is possible that she came to Switzerland to sell things. If I guessed correctly, there must be a lot of fun in her suitcase.

After Liang Chen's analysis, the fish suddenly opened up.

"I'll go, Chenzi, you are Sherlock Holmes, the analysis is so thorough!" The

sound of water in the bathroom rattled, and after a while, Lu Sen moved the two heavy suitcases up, panting, proving Liang Chen's guess.

Then it's time to verify.

Ten minutes later, the woman came out of the bathroom after washing her face.

"I'll go..."

The woman after washing her face stunned the three big men.

Yu Deshui rubbed his eyes, still unable to believe that he was seeing the same person.

"Where did that woman go just now, who are you?"

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