After checking in, before leaving, he glanced at Yang Shaoyun, and saw that his face changed from white to red, from red to purple, and never thought that a person's face could be so good-looking, and today he saw it.

This time, Yang Shaoyun is not light, although he is a rich second generation, but every month's pocket money is controlled, and he can't be too arrogant, Yang's mother started from scratch, and her natural style must also regulate her son.

Therefore, there was no further talk.

The purpose of this trip is to pay back She Huimin, after all, Liang Chen is not short of money, and he does not want to be mistaken by others for being a duck.

The second is to see what can be discovered in England.

As the saying goes, a threesome company must have my master, and this line not only does not have my master, but also the ears that are provoked by the fish are almost calloused.

The castle-style hotel has a total of five floors, which is not high, although the elevator is a later configuration, but Liang Chen did not choose to take the elevator.

The fish behind him were tired enough, and he was already fat and round because of his lack of exercise, plus he kept nagging halfway up the fifth floor, and he was out of breath at this time.

"Ouch, I said Chenzi, what stairs do you take when you have an elevator!

The fish was already panting behind Liang Chen, and his mouth was still nagging.

Liang Chen glanced at him coldly.

"The devil told you not to lose weight, fat, now you know the disadvantages of not losing weight!" Before

persuading fish to get water to lose weight, but he knew to eat all day, even if a beautiful woman stripped naked and put it in front of him, and then put a pot of boiled fish, I'm afraid he would choose boiled fish.

"Oh, where am I fat, at most I am a little stronger! You are thin, but you don't grow meat when you eat it, you are a loss!" As

soon as Yu Deshui's words fell, Lu Sen was stunned.

How good is the relationship between the two of them, this brother can actually say this about his boss, I am afraid that he does not want to have fun.

I thought that the fish would make Liang Chen angry, but I didn't expect to see Liang Chen's sugar-fried chestnuts directly knocked on the brain door of the fish.

Watch out for me throwing you down the street for food!"

hurriedly covered his forehead and looked at him pitifully.

"Oh, as the saying goes, hit people without hitting their faces, there are still people watching here, brothers have to give me some face, no matter what, I fish water but you Liang Chen's iron brother!" Between

words, Yu Deshui made his eyes desperately look at Lu Sen, but Liang Chen didn't take it seriously at all, and walked straight ahead, without turning his head.

"Did you say that your iron brothers are losing money?" Liang

Chen counter-struck, directly stunned by the fish and ran out of words, so he had to close his mouth, but his arm was directly on his shoulder and entered the door.

Not to mention, the hotel's castle-style presidential suite is different, one master bedroom, three guest bedrooms, each room with a bathroom and toilet, but no kitchen, the decoration is very luxurious.

The moment he entered the door, Yu Shui began to talk again.

"I lean on, Tatsuko's room can ah, even those lights are pure silver, look at this curtain high-profile luxury, not to mention, it is simply a room that royal nobles can live in!"

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