Inside the ward.

Liang Chen was startled by the man who suddenly rushed in to accuse, and he immediately turned his head, only to see the middle-aged man with an evil face, pointing at Aunt Xu's nose and scolding.

Looked at.

As if she had seen a ghost, Aunt Xu quickly took two steps back, and shouted with horror on her face: "You... How did you find here!" The

person in front of him is Aunt Xu's husband, Xu Xi's real biological father.

In order to avoid this man, Aunt Xu racked her brains to hide for so long, but she didn't expect to be found by him, and she wanted to let her daughter treat her illness with peace of mind, but now it suddenly appeared.

If I hadn't found my former neighbor, I'm afraid you wouldn't want to see me in this life, would you, would have you also spent Lao Tzu's inquiry fee of three hundred yuan, your special lady actually dared to avoid me, I am her biological father, and I have the right to know about her condition!"

Xu Laohan snorted coldly, staring at Aunt Xu angrily, with a contemptuous smile at the corner of his mouth.

Liang Chen frowned, seeing this man's unkind expression, he immediately became vigilant, and quickly walked to the side of the hospital bed to protect Xu Xizhen behind him.

"You go, I don't want to see you, you hurry up, don't disturb Xizhen here to recuperate, as long as she drains the right bone marrow, she will still be treated, you go!" The

moment she saw Xu Laohan, Aunt Xu's face was full of disappointment, her eyes were red and choked and said.

Although I don't know what happened to their family, as a father, shouldn't my daughter actively cooperate with the hospital treatment when she is sick, shouldn't she take good care of her daughter?

Liang Chen frowned, puzzled in his heart.

Just when he was still wondering, Xu Laohan put his hands in his waist, and scolded with a disdainful expression: "As far as she loses money, in order to treat her, the house is gone, the car is gone, and the remaining coffin book should also be put in for her?

When did the father actually only care about gambling money himself

, in order to gamble money, even his daughter's life-saving money had to be gambled?

Aunt Xu choked her voice, this is not the first time this has been the case.

In other hospitals before, because Xu Laohan did this, he even made a big fuss in the hospital, so that the hospital could not treat Xu Xizhen.

As a last resort, Aunt Xu moved out of her home and transferred Xu Xizhen to this hospital overnight.

In order to hide from Xu Laohan, Aunt Xu has not returned home for more than a month, for fear that Xu Laohan will find him for money, but unexpectedly, she still found him over.

Seeing such a bad expression of Old Man Xu, Aunt Xu beat her hands and feet, and tears flowed from the corners of her eyes, she choked her voice and said: "Mahjong Mahjong, my daughter is about to die, you actually think about your mahjong, when will you wake up!"100,000 yuan is Aunt

Xu's last deposit.

This is still the dowry she left when she married Xu Laohan, even if she wants to use the money one day, she has no money in her hand, so she has never taken it out.

But Xu Laohan has always been worried about this Aunt Xu's dowry, so he wants to take the money to gamble, and he thinks about relying on gambling to turn over the book all day long, and every time he loses money, he wants to get this money from Aunt Xu, but Aunt Xu is determined not to give it.

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