Liang Chen nodded and agreed to Mrs. Wu's excessive request, he turned and walked towards a few clerks: "Trouble a few people to help me prepare a beauty bed, and a curtain that can cover the beauty bed!"

What are you going

to do?" Murong Qing didn't understand why Liang Chen wanted to do this.

She walked to Liang Chen's side and muttered softly.

Several clerks were also confused, whether they should do what Liang Chen said.

He lowered his head and smiled: "Don't worry, I have the freedom to let her apply for a card with you, and you just need to do what I say!" For

Liang Chen's sake of helping himself outside the mall, Murong Qing didn't think so much anymore, anyway, he said it, because he didn't say it himself, Liang Chen couldn't represent his own store, so he nodded to a few clerks around him.

It didn't take a while.

All the necessary items requested by Liang Chen were prepared.

Just above this palatial hall, a beauty bed surrounded by two white gauze curtains, through which you can see what the people inside have done, but you can't see the details.

At this time, more and more people came to the door, and the entire glass door was full of people, and it was the first time that so many people came to the door of the store.

According to Liang Chen's orders, Mrs. Wu lay down on the beauty bed gracefully.

As long as this half hour passes, the compensation is not soft, and the mood is naturally much more relaxed.

Mrs. Wu was lying on the beauty bed, Liang Chen dragged a small stool, and sat directly next to Mrs. Wu, holding a bowl of 70-degree hot water in her hand.

He took a piece of makeup remover paper dipped in hot water, completely ignoring the temperature and directly placed it on Mrs. Wu's face, and Murong Qing, who was standing on the side, looked at it tightly.

How can guests usually use such hot water, basically forty degrees of water is already the highest limit that the face can bear.

After being pasted by the makeup remover, Mrs. Wu was scalded: "So hot, are you afraid that you want to burn off a layer of skin on my face?"

However, I consider that your face can only accept such a high temperature, and specially added some disinfectant medical alcohol to this water to cool it, you can rest assured of my operation, absolutely no problem!"

Liang Chen explained seriously.

But Murong Qing knew that he was simply talking nonsense, who would use such a high temperature of water to cover his face, and also added alcohol to stimulate the skin so much, wouldn't that face be even more ruined.

She wanted to persuade very much, but looking at Liang Chen's operation, she felt very relieved in her heart, this Mrs. Wu is really disgusting, if she doesn't rectify it, she always feels overwhelmed.

Murong Qing soothed his nervous brows, snickered and agreed: "Yes, this medical alcohol can be disinfected, rest assured, it will definitely make your face clean!"

He didn't know how to do it, after applying alcohol to Mrs. Wu, he was stunned in the next step, the good things in the mall were conjured out of thin air, and this Murong Qing stood next to him, Liang Chen had no way to take it at all.

A stroke of ingenuity.

He looked up at Murong Qing, raised his eyebrows and said, "Please go and help me get a set of your products, want the best kind, the best know?"

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