Mi Lu confidently introduced: "This place is the main control panel of all the electrical appliances in the house, such as this is the lift button of the TV... This is the light control key, which can adjust the brightness of the light and the yellow or white light... This is the speaker activation key..." In

just a few minutes, Liang Chen seemed to have passed centuries.

Her mind was full of questions, how could she be so familiar with this house, why did she know everything about the things in the house...

All the questions were condensed in Liang Chen's mind, and Lu Sen, who was standing on the side, was even more confused by the second monk, his face full of doubts: "You... How can you be so familiar with the boss's house..."

Lu Sen asked, and Mi Lu was suddenly stunned....

In the blink of an eye, Mi Lu said with a smile: "Eh... Boss, in fact, you have done a TV variety show in this house before, and it has been said above, so..."

"Variety show?" Lu Sen continued to ask.

"Yes, this house was used to do a variety show for that satellite TV, our national god Li Da Handsome and several other stars have lived here, that show specifically gave a detailed introduction to this house, I was amazed when I saw this house..."

Milu's face was obviously a little embarrassed.

Afraid that Liang Chen would misunderstand something, he deliberately took out his mobile phone from his shoulder bag.

Flipping open the screen of the mobile phone, Mi Lu quickly found the variety show video and directly handed the mobile phone to Liang Chen.

The picture shows the gate of the house, and a well-known host is introducing the specific situation of the house on the show, and there are several very familiar stars standing behind him.

She didn't lie.

The whole video was an hour and a half, and Liang Chen watched the introduction of the first ten minutes, and the shows made by those stars in the back did not watch again.


Chen understood, and a reassuring smile gradually appeared on his face, and then he said: "Then you are so familiar with this house, and you can do your future work!"

He raised his hand to look at the time, it was not early.

I saw the same thing here, so I decided to go back early to prepare.

Although the sky city is very luxurious, it is really not suitable for Liang Chen to live there again, after all, it is not good to know too many people, so he has to rent out the villa, otherwise it will be used as a staff dormitory.

Liang Chen got up and was about to leave.

"Hey, boss... It's almost six o'clock now, we should take care of the staff's food here, right?"

In front of him, Mi Lu stopped Liang Chen with open arms, and said with a smile on his face.


The words did not fall.

A grunt reached the ears of the three, and Mi Lu was a little embarrassed by the sudden stomach growl, and looked at Liang Chen with red cheeks and shyness.

This girl....

Hearing Mi Lu's stomach cry, Liang Chen couldn't help but smile: "Hmm.. So, I'll take you out to eat, and then you come home with me, and by the way, sign a work contract, three years?"

But, boss, you haven't told me how much my monthly salary is, if it's three thousand five, I can't do it!"

Mi Lu blinked her eyes and muttered her small mouth.

Three thousand five....

This salary requirement is also too low.

Liang Chen has never met someone with such low salary requirements, where is 3,500 a month enough to live in Shenhu City, and Liang Chen used to live with 5,000 yuan.

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