Bang bang....

There was a continuous noisy sound outside the glass gate, Chen Xian'er was not bold, what she was most afraid of was that someone was fierce and evil, and she felt very good about contacting this charter before, and she usually didn't have much contact.

It's just that she didn't expect that as soon as the sons of this chartered woman returned, the chartered mother-in-law seemed to have changed, and all the previous and pleasant appearances disappeared.

Encountering this situation today was something that Chen Xian'er did not expect, and she was not very good at dealing with this aspect of the problem, according to the provisions of the lease, the house Chen Xian'er is now renting has exceeded the contract period.

The charter mother originally said that she only needed to renew the contract, and did not mention that she would increase the rent, and it was also three times the rent, which would cost 180,000 a year, and no one could afford such a high rent.

Seeing Chen Xian'er standing in place helplessly, stomping her foot in a hurry, Liang Chen grinned: "Well, since you have agreed to cooperate with me, then I will naturally help you with the affairs of this house, and you can rest assured to continue to do research with the medical team."

After that, he got up and walked towards the door of the research room.

The three little ghosts in front of him were lying on the edge of the glass door, not daring to show a little sound, for fear that the charter woman outside would know that there was someone inside.

"Hey, little girl, I know you're inside, you open the door, let's talk about this rent, don't we

!" Outside the glass door, a bloated middle-aged woman wore a dark purple petal dress and carried a handbag woven from wool.

Because the glass door is one-sided, you can see who is coming from the inside, but you can't see if there is anyone inside.

Holding a red ledger, the charter lady raised her hand and knocked on the glass door, while her two sons followed suit.

"Open the door, your house is expired, shouldn't you come out and talk about renewing the contract, now the market price is so high, our house can't let you waste it like this!" "That's

right, according to the current market price, our house can not be as cheap as before, hurry up and open the door, don't be silent as a rat inside!"

Two big men, looking polite, one of them also wore gold wire glasses, looked more Sven, but the tone of his mouth was not polite at all.

The chartered mother's son was originally working in a foreign country, and after returning from a trip, he sold the house with the chartered mother, but the chartered mother-in-law felt that it had been rented to Chen Xian'er, and it was difficult to open her mouth to drive people away, who would have thought that these two big men would come up with such a way to deal with Chen Xian'er.

Seeing the loud noise at the door, Liang Chen pulled his legs and stepped forward, walking towards the door, seeing the sneaky appearance of the three little ones, he waved his hand and said: "Open

!" "No, gold lord dad, you may not know, our original rent here is only five thousand yuan a month, and now this charter mother is actually going to rise to fifteen thousand, if the door is opened, then the chartered woman must not make a fuss!"

Seeing that Liang Chen didn't know the actual situation, Yang Ran immediately came to Liang Chen's side and whispered to Liang Chen about the specific matters of the house.

The words did not fall.

Chen Xian'er was one step ahead of Yang Ran.

The sound of the combination lock dripping sounded, only the sound of the electronic lock of the glass door opening was heard, and the charter wife and her two sons also pushed the door in.

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