Xiao Liu took someone and immediately found the female saleswoman's locker, her name Xiao Miao was written on it, the cabinet was locked without a key and could not be opened, in order to get confirmed as soon as possible, Xiao Liu used a hammer to break the lock.


With a strong hammer, the cabinet door was opened, and in addition to some ordinary cosmetics used by girls, there was a white plastic box in the cabinet.


"Team Yang, find an instrument similar to electromagnetic pulse, our colleagues have seen it just now, saying that it is a small device used to interfere with the storage of surveillance video lines, and the effect is better within 10 meters."

Xiao Liu wore gloves, quickly took out the small box, sent it directly to Zhao Siyi, and informed Zhao Siyi of all the functions of the instruments in the box.


It's an inner ghost!

Zhao Siyi frowned, and gave an order: "Immediately carry out the arrest, and hand this thing to the forensic department for fingerprint comparison, it must be completely consistent!" Don't let such people go unpunished! "


Hey, hey, hey!

I didn't think that this detective could be so useful, sitting in the car, Liang Chen was happy in his heart, and the car also followed the police team to the bureau.

At this moment, Xiao Miao has been controlled by the police, and Yang Siyi is also preparing some materials about the interrogation, Liang Chen, as a victim, naturally has to go to the police station to learn about the interrogation.

In the interrogation room, the girl with her hair scattered on her shoulders was Xiao Miao, her face with crying makeup looked pitiful, and the whole person looked weak.

Liang Chen stood outside the interrogation room, looking at Xiao Miao through the glass window, how could he not expect that his shop was actually calculated by this inconspicuous looking girl.

"Two, stay outside for now, this girl was very emotional at the beginning, I was worried that she would cause unnecessary trouble when she saw you, there is an interrogation amplification outside, you can listen to it!"

After a while, Yang Siyi came holding a wad of folders.

If you ask her why she is so happy, the reason is because she has never solved a case so quickly, and it is a very large armed robbery, and her heart is naturally happy.

Liang Chen nodded in response and watched her walk into the interrogation room.

Xiao Miao and Yang Siyi sat opposite each other, but Xiao Miao seemed to be very emotional when she saw Yang Siyi, although her hands were handcuffed, but her face had a very innocent expression, pouting and shouting: "Officer, did I do something wrong, why are you arresting me, the robber is not me!" Woo hoo..."


." As soon as the cry started, a thunderous voice emanated from the desktop, Yang Siyi threw the file bag in his hand on the table vigorously, stared fiercely at the crying woman in front of him and said: "Shut up, do you know how big the crime of armed robbery is?" Do you know how many years you want to sentence? "


Liang Chen, who was standing outside the interrogation room, was also startled by this sudden throw, this interrogation method seems to be a little illogical, don't the other police officers start with the name and age?

Why did she jump right into the subject as soon as she came? This way of handling the case is also too pompous, but the more Liang Chen looks at it, the more he is addicted, because this Xiao Miao in front of him seems to be about to be unable to hold the defense line.

"I... I really don't know what you're talking about! I'm just an ordinary employee in the store, why are you asking me these questions! "


This policewoman has something!

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