Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3194: New energy!

What is going on in it?

At the moment, Su Hang evoked the body of destiny and went directly into the enchantment. Similarly, the enchantment did not repel Su Dong's body of destiny at all.


As soon as he entered the enchantment, Su Hang's eyes were straight, and he saw a lotus lotus and an orange lotus lotus in front of him!

It is almost two meters in diameter and has thirty-six petals of lotus, with a two-foot square platform in the middle. On the platform is a similar orange-red futon.

Need the best fairy stone?

It was actually a lotus platform made of superb fairy stone, a whole piece of superb fairy stone, feeling the almost horrible spiritual pressure, Su Hang was totally ignorant, such a large piece of superb fairy stone, how much is it worth?

When Su Hang approached, the lotus leaves of the lotus platform could almost catch up with his shoulder height. Stretching his hand and gently touching on the lotus platform, the vast energy made Su Hang's whole person dizzy!

How do you feel about drunk oxygen? It may be the feeling that Su Hang is now. The spirits around the fairy are too rich, making his body a little unbearable!

No, it doesn't seem to be the best fairy stone. When Su Hang's hand touched the lotus platform, he suddenly discovered that although this fairy stone is orange, there are obviously some red silk paths flowing inside, just like bloodshot , Has changed to orange-red!

The grade of the lotus platform is not only the superb fairy stone, I am afraid it is already the superb fairy stone!

Su Hang felt that his anger was stagnant, and the whole person was stunned. The lotus platform made of such a super-high-grade immortal stone, I am afraid that even the strongman of the ninth order founding state will be crazy when he sees it?

This lotus platform must have been left here by fate, and I am afraid that there will be fairy veins in this place, all affected by this lotus platform!

The overflow of fairy spirits in the lotus platform led to the occurrence of mineral veins around them. Neither enchantment could completely stop the leakage of fairy spirits. Fortunately, this place was remote enough. Only the crab family had previously noticed it, and Crab clan wanted to swallow again, and did not report to Elysium. After that, Crab clan was wiped out by the Qin Weishui gang, and no one noticed it!

It can be said that Su Hang really feels that his luck is too good. This is just a fairy, and he has harvested such a big gift.

At the moment, Suhang tried to put away the lotus stand in front of it, but it was very strange, and failed to do so. This lotus stand was like growing on the spot, and Suhang could not put it in the storage space.

Immediately afterwards, Su Hang tried various means of identifying the Lord, such as blood drowning, and even tried it with fate, and it didn't work. There was no way to do it for a long time, but to give up.

Could it be said that this lotus platform cannot be taken away? Can only be placed here?

Su Hang's brows are wrinkled. If that is the case, it would be too inconvenient!

After hesitating, Su Hang immediately climbed up to the lotus platform and sat cross-legged.


That is, the moment he sat cross-legged on the lotus bed futon, Su Hang instantly felt that a huge force directly poured into his body, and the whole person was almost a moment, like a balloon, full of muscles The skin swelled up, and the power of terror was like over-electricity, and instantly walked every corner and every cell of his body!


For a moment, Su Air felt that it was almost exploded, but soon, Su Air forcibly stabilized it!

This kind of practice is too open, Suhang feels like a battery, and is quickly charged, almost fully charged in an instant!

The surging spirit spirit poured into the sea of ​​air, and the Hongmeng tree was madly watered. Su Hang could clearly feel that the Hongmeng tree was once again radiating huge vitality. The nine green Hongmeng fruits are rapidly maturing .


It's done!

One day later, Su Hang watched the nine fruits grow to the size of a watermelon, glowing red, and the ripe pedicles fell, one by one fell from the tree.


When the first fruit fell in the qi sea, it exploded in an instant, and the qi sea was transpiring. Su Hang felt that his consciousness seemed to have exploded at this moment, and the whole person fell into a muddled state, the surrounding environment It seemed to fall into a state of nothingness in a flash.

No sound, no time, everything is empty, nothing!


Just when Su Hang was in that ethereal state, I heard a sigh from somewhere, and in the muddled consciousness, I only saw a giant column falling down in the sky.

The giant pillar was extremely huge, and the whole body was black, as if it had broken through the sky, and it fell from the sky. It could not see the side and the head, and Suhang did not know how this giant pillar broke into its own consciousness. .

I saw that the giant pillar swept across from the front, Su Hang only felt a black eye, the whole world seemed to be dark, and the next second, I lost consciousness!

That pillar? WTF?

When Su Hang woke up, he found himself still sitting on the lotus platform, and his body was still absorbing the fairy spirit in the lotus platform.

Recalling that towering giant pillar crossed in consciousness before losing consciousness, Su Hang still had a bluish complexion, and he felt palpitations!

Shouldn't I realize such a picture for no reason? At that time, he was comprehending the Hongmeng of creation, could it be said that it was an experience image before fate?

Su Hang is a little confused, but now this is not the key, he is most concerned about his own realm.

The mind sinks into the Qihai. At this time, the Qihai has completely changed its appearance. In the air of the air, there are nine gray bubbles like the thing ~ ~ countless energy between the nine bubbles Exchange back and forth!

Hongmeng World, nine Hongmeng World!

The mind sank into those nine bubbles, and only saw countless Hongmeng spirits interweaving themselves, actually nine new born Hongmeng worlds.

The nine worlds echo each other and surround the Hongmeng tree. At this time, the Hongmeng tree is hundreds of times larger than before. The pure Hongmeng spirit and the spirit of fairy spirit blend with each other, gradually forming an alternative lightness. Golden energy, this energy travels to Suhang's whole body, nourishing every cell world on Suhang!

Su Hang can clearly feel that this new power is stronger than fairy spirit and Hongmeng essence. The nine great Hongmeng world and Hongmeng tree echo each other, just like a super delicate large processing plant, Su Hang It is estimated that about five thousand Daomeng Jingqi and five thousand Daoling spirits can process such a new energy!

Hongmeng Qi is produced by Hongmeng Tree and Hongmeng World, but the fairy spirit is foreign. Because there is the lotus stand, the fairy spirit is enough, but the allowable speed of Hongmeng Qi is still slow, so this new power The output is not high. At this time, what can be found in the body of Suhang is just one or twenty!

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