Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3177: Death abyss!

It was a **** fish, like a killer whale, and a thin man in a black robe sat cross-legged on top of the big fish!


  The Suhang does not need to scan with the Xueshen system, and only recognizes the pair of eyes, it can be recognized that this man is a black crow!


   "Don't hide?" Su Hang raised his eyebrows, and the dark water around him didn't affect him much. "What other trick!"


   The black raven grinned, "Welcome to the abyss of death!"


   "Death abyss?" Su Hang was surprised, "This is the abyss of death?"


As mentioned above, there are eight abyss in the void world, and the most mysterious of the eight abyss is the dark abyss and the death abyss. The dark abyss is mysterious because the black raven dominates it, and all trespassers will be attacked, no one Dare to provoke, rather than saying it is mysterious, it is better to say that it is dangerous.


   However, the abyss of death is really mysterious, because according to legend, this abyss of death can only go in and out, as long as it is a monk who comes in, no matter how strong it is, no one goes out, and life and death are unknown.


  I don’t know how many strong people have entered the abyss of death because of curiosity, but, unfortunately, don’t think about it when you go in, the world evaporates.


  This also caused the Void Monk to avoid the abyss of death, and the color of the talk changed!


   "Unexpectedly, the dark spring eyes in the dark abyss are actually linked to the abyss of death!" The black crow smiled happily!


   Su Hang's face was somewhat surprised, "Black Crow, don't you want to blame me, if this is the abyss of death, why are there so many strong people who have disappeared?"


   Legend has it that so many strong men have entered here. There is nothing more than dark water. What's so special about these strong men?




The black crow laughed, "Boy, I believe you feel it too. This is the source of the dark spring eyes. This abyss of death contains infinite dark water. The energy of darkness is enough to kill all the alien energy that enters here, and the abyss of death. With its own rules, those who enter the abyss are already caught in the rules. If you want to leave, you go up one foot, the abyss goes up one foot, you go up one foot, and the abyss goes up one foot. , Can only sink deep into this endless dark ocean!"


   Hearing the black raven, Su Hang couldn't help but think of the world in the god's machine box. There is no way to get close to the world wall. Is it the same law?


"You should be curious, where once those who entered the abyss of death have gone, hehe, ordinary people enter the abyss of darkness, unable to escape, the power and flesh will be slowly consumed by the water of darkness, even if it is the strong man who dominates the ninth level of the realm Sooner or later, they will be consumed so that there is no leftover. Of course, these existences are definitely not willing to sit still and will definitely find a way of life. They are very natural, and they will easily find the path that connects to the dark abyss!"


"Perhaps, it was a certain powerful existence, a way of life left for the latecomers, but unfortunately, their way of life has become their way of death, because there is my black crow guarding the hole, hehe, in the end , This is where they belong!"


   Speaking of this, the black crow patted his stomach. Obviously, he wanted to say that the existence that disappeared in the abyss of death was swallowed by him in the end.


   "Do you think I will believe you?" Su Hang frowned. Since there is this passage, there is no way to go directly from the abyss of death, then I will return the same way!


   However, when Su Hang looked back, it was a deep heart, and the hole just there was missing!


   turned back suddenly and glared at the black crow.


The black crow laughed wildly, "Are you looking for that hole? Sorry, just now, I have used the law of space to hide the hole in the billion-dimensional space. If you want to go out, you can only have one dimension world and one dimension world. Look, but unfortunately, your space ability is much weaker than mine. When you find the hole, I am afraid that you have been dissolved into scum by the dark water!"


   Listening to the black raven, Su Hang frowned into a few words, "What do you want to do?"


The black raven grinned, "Boy, now only I know which dimension of the cave is in which dimension. In other words, only I know the way out, and I will not follow you around the corner, you are carrying the magic power, indeed I have some skills, I can’t beat you, so I will make a deal with you!"


   "What deal?" Su Hang looked at the black crow indifferently.


The corner of the black raven’s mouth grinned, "It’s very simple, I want half of your skill. In addition, you have to bury the Destiny Nine Sword into the bottom of the abyss of death. As long as you can do both, I will call out the channel and release You go out, otherwise, you can only stay in this dark sea and never be released until the moment when it is dissolved into scum!"


  Half skill? Nine Swords of Destiny?


  Su Hang couldn't help but want to laugh, this fellow is really a lion's big mouth, and it can be seen that the black crow is really afraid of the destiny of the nine swords!


   "Are you stupid of me? If I really did what you said, do you think I can go out alive?" Su Hang sarcastically said.


  If you throw away the Nine Swords of Destiny and give him half of your skill, Su Hang believes that the Black Crow will definitely eat and wipe himself clean!


"In addition to trusting me, you seem to have no choice!" The black crow seems to have taken Su Hang's course. "Of course, you can give me 20% of the skill first. In this way, you still have the ability to protect yourself. Don't worry that I will Gambling, the remaining 30% can be given to me after waiting out, but the Nine Swords of Heaven must be buried!


  The black crow said coldly that he did not give the Suhang any room for discussion!


   "Black Crow, you really thought about it, but, do you think that you can take care of me?" Su Hang sneered.


   "I said You have no choice. Believe me, you still have a way of life. On the contrary, you have no vitality!"


   The sound of the black crow is as cold as the ice under the Nine Peaces, so cold that the bones of people are chilling!


   "Haha..." Suhang suddenly laughed when he heard this.


   Seeing Su Hang laughing, the black crow's face slightly changed, "Boy, what are you laughing at?"


"Of course I was laughing that you were too naive!" Su Hang closed his laughter. "I told you a long time ago. I accepted the inheritance of destiny. You feel that I have accepted the inheritance of destiny. Is the sea of ​​darkness trapped?"


   The black crow's face became black, he used to be the darling of fate. Naturally, he was deeply aware of the power of fate!


At this time, Su Hang spread his hands, "Don't you find that the dark water around me does not hurt me at all? I am not afraid of hitting you. The ability of fate to pass on to me can transform any energy into Cultivation, including the power of darkness, that is to say, these powers of darkness will not only hurt me, but will be a great supplement to me!"

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