Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3155: Ancient plan!

???????????? Staring at Su Hang for a long time, Ming Gu regained his gaze, "At that time, we all guessed that most of the destiny came from the void, and now it seems that I am afraid He also came from the fairy!"




  ?????????? Su Hang was a bit stunned when he heard this, "Why did you say that?"


  ???????? Why did it suddenly come to fate? Destiny also comes from fairy?


???????? The Ancient Path of Darkness, "The fate was born out of nowhere, and it appeared suddenly, and as soon as it appeared, it was the pinnacle. No one in the entire void world was its opponent. Finally, it even united all the voiders to fight with them. , But failed to win him in the end!"


????????????"I was also a person who experienced the war that year. Although the war was tied, I felt that the fate of the war did not do my best, even I could Sure, if he wants to fight, our side will definitely lose!"


  ?????????? "The final reason for reconciliation is, I think, he just doesn’t want too many casualties in the void world. He wants to build chaos, but he doesn’t want the void to be destroyed."


????????????"Do you think that such a sudden emergence of the strong will be born in the void? Anyway, I don’t believe it, I would rather believe that he is alien, he should come from the fairy !"


??????????"Of course, this is just my guess. I don’t know the exact situation. However, you should know better than me. You can have a fairy background, and I’m afraid I’ll take it off. It doesn't matter, after all, you are his heir!"




  ???????????? Su Hang listened to the long talk of Ming Gu, and couldn't help but be surprised. Destiny comes from the fairy? He really didn't think about this problem.


?????? What is certain is that the fate was indeed only the strength of the ninth level of the dominance, and did not reach the founding state, but, with one person, against the entire void, such strength is a ninth level of the dominance. Can the strong do it?


  ???????? Suhang Airlines had not doubted it before, or had never thought about it, but he heard doubts after hearing Ming Gu's words.


?????????? Or, fate really comes from the void, imagine that a superpower from a fairy, for some reason, was reborn in this void and re-cultivated to nine The dominance of the order is controlled by a certain law, and it cannot continue to break through. However, the rebirth of the strong must have a golden finger. Such a person cannot naturally be equated with the ordinary ninth strong, and can be used alone. Pick everyone, then it doesn't look unexpected!


?????????? Thinking of this, Su Hang also began to doubt, perhaps, fate is really a super strong from the fairy, and the reason why Meng Nan glanced at Su Hang, Su Hang wants to come, maybe it is also related to fate?


It's a pity that fate is now even a flesh body transformed into a battle armor. Su Hang only learned that the **** system is the incarnation of fate. He hasn't even seen any form of fate until now. It is better to say that Su Hang is better than him, but to be honest, what can Su Hang know?


  ???????????? "Brother, you are a bit far from this topic, but let's just say, what happened to you and your sister in cold clothes!" Su Hang forced the topic back.


  ?????????? Ming Gu smiled bitterly, "I have my own thoughts, don't you and Bing Ji intervene in me and the cold clothes, I know what to do!"


  ???????? Speaking of this, what can Suhang say?


  ???????? At this time, the ancient road, "You this feast of the void, if I am not wrong, you should have another purpose!"


  ?????? In a word, Ming Gu took the topic to the side again, and Su Hang could only helplessly smile.


  ???????? "Brother thinks, what purpose do I have?" Su Hang asked.


???????? The Ancient Path of Netherworld, "So many Void Powerfuls come to congratulate you on surpassing the Void. This is a great opportunity. The agreement we made with fate that year should have expired during this time. At that time, the chaos and the void will erode each other again, and I believe that there will be a war in the end, you Brothers Su, you can’t expect this!”


  ?????????? "So, you have such a void feast, so many powerful people come over, presumably for this matter?"


????????"The so-called banquet has no good banquet, I think, Brother Su will definitely ask this question at the banquet, and, in my opinion, Brother Su certainly wants the chaotic world to occupy the entire void, I don’t know Am I right?"


  ???????? After that, Ming Gu looked at Su Hang and waited for Su Hang to reply. This was an imminent event. He did not believe that Su Hang's feast was just a treat for dinner.


  ?????????? Su Hang smiled indifferently, "If that is the case, what will your elder brother's attitude be? Do you think it is good or bad for chaos to occupy the void?"


?????????? Since Ming Gu raised this question, he must have made a decision long ago, hesitating for a moment, Ming Gu Dao, "I naturally do not care, after all, I will leave chaos, Going to the fairy, whether it is the assimilation of chaos in the void, or the assimilation of the chaos in the void, does not have much impact on me. It is just that my doormen will be affected by it. Brother Su asked me what attitude I have. I can only say that it does not matter, only I hope that Brother Su will be kind to my disciples in the future!"


??????????"However, other forces, I dare not guarantee, you say that chaos occupies the void, whether it is beneficial or disadvantageous, this, I can not say, this chaotic world is good~www. There are too many delicious and fun games, picturesque, and innumerable creatures, but there are also many things that deviate from the true nature of the practice and have no practical meaning, so, I think, there will definitely be many Opposition, but this is nothing to the Su brothers. After all, your strength is here and you don’t need to negotiate with them!"


  ???????? Su Hang waved his hand, "It's a last resort, I don't want to use violent means, that year's fate was so strong, didn't I give up halfway? I don't want to come again and make the blood stain the void!"


???????? Ming Gu smiled, "These Void monks are all violent, and there are countless disobediences. If the Su brothers are negotiating and negotiating, I think that the probability of success is not high. After all, they are used to living in the void, let them practice in another environment, if it is you, do you think you will agree?"


  ???????????? "Then I don't know what brother's opinion is?" Su Hang asked.


???????? The ancient road, "Dare to see it, but if you want to make it happen, you can only win the support of some people. I think you have a lot of friends in the void, such as Yunlang. These people, however, these existences are basically loose repairs, which are of little practical significance, but they are better than nothing. At least these people are also famous and prestigious in the void. The most difficult thing is actually those big and small forces. You may as well first Individual interviews one by one, or forced, perhaps profited, to break through one by one, can win most of the support, then, you have won this negotiation!"



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