Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3135: Cover the door!

"It may not be!" Ming Gu smiled faintly. "Su Hang, the boy, has inherited fate. It's not that simple. You know the fate. That's a nightmare for everyone!"


  Tong Zhanxuan took a deep breath, "In such a short period of time, this kid can achieve the eighth-order dominance. This kid is really unexpected. So, this kid is a threat to you and me!"


   Xinggu shook his head, "Old guy, people are different from each other, is it possible that you still want to start against him?"


  Tong Zhanxuan laughed lightly, "Can you let me start with him?"


Su Hang can be regarded as the brother-in-law of Ming Gu. I am afraid that Tong Zhanxuan will not start with Su Hang. However, Tong Zhanxuan never thought of starting with Su Hang. After all, there is a layer of cold clothes. Not a threat.


   "I'm afraid that you can't kill him if you start, but you will fall into anger!" Ming Gudao.


   "Oh?" Tong Zhanxuan looked at Ming Gu sideways, "You look at him too high, right?"


   Minggu shrugged, "Absolutely not high-profile, the dragon is out, do you know?"


   "Dragon?" Ming Gu suddenly changed the subject, Tong Zhanxuan heard, but only a little unexpected, "I heard that Su Hang let him out, but how do you know?"


   Tong Zhanxuan knew it because of the desert slave. The desert slave reported to him about the primitive abyss, but how did Ming Gu know?


   Ming Gu mysteriously smiled, "Just before he came to the Holy Ghost..."


   "What?" Tong Zhanxuan was in an accident, and Long went to the Holy Spirit Academy. "Why is he looking for you?"


   Ming Gu nodded his head as a matter of course, "We fooled him so miserably that year, of course, we were asked to say something!"


   "Speaking?" Tong Zhanxuan frowned, his face black. "It's ridiculous, he is stupid, what kind of saying would we want? We were not afraid of him back then, let alone now?"


  The ancient path of Ming, "Afraid of nature is not afraid of him, but it can be seen that the dragon has been trapped in the original abyss for so many years, and his temper has converged a lot. He told me that he gave the Hongmeng tree to Su Hang!"


   "Huh?" Tong Zhanxuan's face unexpectedly, "Give it to Su Hang? Just because Su Hang saved him?"


   "How? The slave did not report to you?" Ming Gu asked.


   Tong Zhanxuan said that his face changed slightly. He knew that the slaves had concealed some of his things, but he did not expect to conceal such important things!


   "Hongmeng tree? He willing? I don't believe it!" Tong Zhanxuan said.


Ming Gu laughed softly, "I believe it, but the Hongmeng tree has the ability to regenerate and cultivate a seedling. For the dragon, it is not difficult, he should have given Su Hang a seedling! "


"Oh, this terrifying dragon, actually playing with Yin!" Ming Gu didn't finish, Tong Zhanxuan smiled, "He deliberately told you this matter, borrowing your mouth, spread this matter, let the whole void know, he Give the Hongmeng tree to Su Hang, let Su Hang lead the firepower, let those who want the existence of the Hongmeng tree, find Su Hang to go, hehe, this guy, his head is open!"


Ming Gu’s face remained the same, "Su Hang will not cultivate the abyss dread dragon body, even if there is a huge tree, there will not be too high achievements. In this way, he will be able to practice breakthroughs with peace of mind. Abacus, it's a pity that he underestimates your IQ!"


   "He just said this?" Tong Zhanxuan thought quite.


  The ancient path of Ming, "Emperor Donghua is dead, do you know?"


   "Dong Huazi?" Tong Zhanxuan frowned, "Dong Huazi's strength is not under the original you..."


   "Su Hang killed him!" Didn't wait for Tong Zhanxuan to finish his speech.


   "Su Hang?" Tong Zhanxuan was surprised, his face became black, and it seemed that the deserted slave concealed his things, a little too much!


   "With the strength of Su Hang, I'm afraid... I think it's the dragon who wants to blame it!"


"Not necessarily!" Ming Gu shook his head, "Although the dragon said, although there is moisture, if Su Hang killed Dong Huazi, I believe, you don't forget, he has the inheritance of destiny and is responsible Great chance, good luck, ordinary people want to kill him, it's not that easy, that's why I would say, if you want to get rid of him, I'm afraid it will cause a commotion!"


  Tong Zhanxuan said, "I don't deny the chance of luck, but do you think that by chance of luck, he can be the same as the old man in the prison? This nine prison supreme body, you and I, together, may be able to subdue it!"


   Minggu doesn't speak, it just looks into the distance!




  How many people are watching, Su Hang does not know, at this moment, he is staring ahead, the expression on his face has become very exaggerated, a clearer eye reflects a more exaggerated picture.


   I saw that the monster's buttocks had become exaggerated. The black water prison thunder wrapped the whole body of the monster. The spirit of Su Hang was stretched to the limit. I was looking forward to it, looking forward to breaking through the ninth prison supreme body of the three old prisoners!


   However, the expectation slowly turned into disappointment. In Suhang's surprised eyes, the beast roared and was exaggerated with a huge butt, which was actually pressed back by him.


   Blackwater Prison Thunder penetrated directly into the monster's skin. The monster slammed violently, and all six masters were thrown out.


   "Boy, you are looking for death!" The beast was angry and roaring. At this moment, he turned his target to Su Hang, and he no longer cares about other people. Now he just wants to crush Su Hang as a crushed bone and frustrated!


This kid actually gave himself such a trick and played so many tricks. It was extremely despicable. If it is not the Jiu prison Supreme Body is strong enough, just now, I am afraid that it will really be broken. It is too dignified. !


  Su Hang was stupid, but he failed to break the Supreme Body of the Nine Prisons? How can it be? Could it be said that that is not the door to the Supreme Body of the Nine Prison?


   At this time, the behemoth had locked Su Hang, and the terrifying momentum was rushing towards Su Hang, and the surrounding voids were squeezed and twisted constantly. This is the real fire of the three hells!


   is finished!


  To tell the Su Hang was frightened. He thought that the move he had just made was a must-have. I never thought that it didn't work. What about the door?




  Unfortunately locked, Suhang could no longer move his footsteps, and saw the beast growled roaringly, and his two claws shot towards Suhang.


Between the two claws, the empty space collapsed and the pressure of sudden increase made Su Hang feel that his body was being torn by countless hands. Su Hang felt that he was about to break. , You must be seriously injured without dying.


   Ye Feifan and others were dizzy and turned, where could they still take care of Su Hang? At this moment, Su Hang felt that he had been pitted by the dragon.


   Cover the door? What kind of door does the Nine Prison Supreme have? Su Hang scanned with the Xueshen system, and there is no information about the weakness of the Nine Prison Supreme!


  Electric light flint, Su Hang suddenly flashed a flash of light in his head!

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