Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3064: Too big!

Su Hang smiled indifferently, "Seniors have been reputed, and I am also using money to do things for others!"


The implication is that the Emperor Donghua remembers the previous agreement, but for Su Hang, it is not so important whether the Emperor Donghua keeps the contract, because if there is such a existence, if it does not recognize, Su Hang There is no way to take him.


   Su Hang did not expect Donghua Great to give him Donghua Pavilion, but he could use this as an excuse to ask Donghua Great for some benefits.


Of course, this is a later story. Su Hang stood aside and looked up at the Xuanhuotan. Horon said that as long as he helped him take the sword from his back, he could complete the rest. Now, it’s his turn The dragon has performed!


   The three men waited for a few hours. The wound on the back of the dragon was almost completely healed. After the great sword was taken by Suhang, the obvious strength of the dragon was restored a lot.


   Once the leader of the two gods of the Void God and Demon, this moment, finally returned!




   The terrifying dragon couldn't contain the excitement in his heart. He roared loudly and stood up fiercely. The eight iron chains on his body shook violently and jumped straight for a moment.


The eight-handed giant sword instantly radiated dazzling light, quickly formed a formation, the huge coercion gathered, directly pressed against the dragon in the middle of the Xuanhuotan, that is, at that moment, the flames in the Xuanhuotan blew up. The height was so high that Su Hang could not see clearly what was going on in the Xuanhuotan.




   The dragon roared, shaking the void, and the iron chain was rumbled by him!


   "Too strong, he actually wanted to break the seal in this altar with brute force!" Huang Nu stunned beside him, his face showing a shock.


   "Go, stay away!"


Emperor Donghua was also surprised. He thought that there was no way to kill the dragon, but he didn’t want to use violence. If the Xuanhuotan burst, he didn’t know how powerful the impact was. He might be able to bear it. However, Su Hang He Huangnu may not be able to bear it!


   Seeing that the dragon was so fierce, where did Suhang dare to stay here, how fast did it run and how far did they go, the three of them went directly out of the canyon, tens of light ages.


   "Boom, boom..."


   In the gorge, there were shocking movements, as if the entire primitive abyss had been affected. The space was vibrating and trembling violently, and the grand canyon was rapidly collapsing.




   Suddenly, after a huge earthquake, everything went to silence, and no more movement came, as if everything had stopped!


   "Broken?" Emperor Donghua's eyes lit up, and he was about to pass by immediately.


  After all, the Dragon was once out of his trap. If he fled directly, he might not be able to trap him. The Hongmeng tree he wanted had not been available yet!


   "Brother Su!"


   It was at this time that the sound of the dragon came from the canyon that had almost completely collapsed.


   Su Hang froze for a moment, shouting, "Senior, but got out of trouble?"


   "I'm a little bit worried, I'm afraid I still need your help!" Horon shouted.


  The emperor Donghua heard the words, his face twitched slightly, and Su Hang's face was covered with black lines. Need help? That is to say, the dragon has not escaped from difficulty? Just now there was such a big movement, but the result did not come out?


   What's so special about it?


   The three quickly returned to the canyon. At first glance, the Xuanhuotan was still there, the eight swords were still there, and the iron chain tied to the dragon was still there.


   The flame was a little smaller, and the dragon was lying in the Xuanhuotan, breathing heavily, exhausted.


   The black line on Su Hang's face, you can't do it if you don't want it. You have to pretend to be more embarrassing than everyone else. You are a senior, do you want everyone to see your jokes?


The Dragon seemed to feel a little embarrassed, and quickly said, "Brother Su, you just took that sword, and took away my too much strength. I recovered from the first injury this time, and my strength recovery is less than 50%. I am a little underestimating this mystery. The power of the fire array!"


  After explaining it, Su Hangdou heard a wry smile, "Senior, you still said more, and say what should I do!"


   Long Dragon breathed out, "You have to help me pull out another one of these eight swords..."


  Su Hang's forehead dripped a drop of sweat, "Are you sure, just a handle?"


The dragon was also told to him this way. Su Hang pulled the giant sword in the middle, but he fell off the chain, but at the same time he said that he pulled another handle. Su Hang was very suspicious of the current situation of the dragon. I was just afraid of consuming a lot, I only pulled out one handle, and there are seven giant swords left. Can he do it?


Obviously, the dragon has something on his face, and he said right away, "If I were in his heyday, this mysterious fire array would naturally cause me to do nothing. Unfortunately, I now have a great loss of skill. I can only rely on Brother Su. You take off a handle, and the breath of the Xuanhuotan bursts out. By then, with the Seven Swords, I will definitely not be able to trap me!"


   is really troublesome! Su Hang has a hundred million alpaca dancing in his heart. I really don’t want to vomit anymore. I want to take only one sword, but the dragon can’t break it. That’s not to trouble him any more. !


   At the moment, Suhang did not hesitate to summon the armor of fate, and wasted two destiny pill, just chose a sword and instilled the power of destiny!


   "Dangdang Dang..."


  The great sword shook, the golden light exploded, and the rust quickly peeled off!




  The giant sword flew up, the iron chain on it fell off directly, the giant sword suddenly became smaller, took a turn, and flew directly back to Suhang's hands!


  Su Hang did not stop, and then took the second giant sword!


   "Brother Su, it's enough, enough!" When the dragon appeared, he quickly reminded!


   What's so special, if Su Hang had all eight swords closed Does he still have face?


  After taking the second sword, Su Hang retreated to the Xuanhuo altar helplessly.


  Three of the nine giant swords have been taken by Su Hang. The seal of the Xuanhuotan has been leaked, the power has dropped, and the dragon is full of confidence. This is the moment when he recovers his dignity!


  The three of them withdrew from the canyon again, waiting for the dragon performance.


   for a moment...


   "Brother Su, trouble..."


  In the Xuanhuotan, looking at Su Hang, who was collecting the few giant swords, the dragon was very embarrassed. "It was just a small consumption, otherwise, this area of ​​the sword array, I can’t help it at all!"


   Su Hang is very speechless. At this time, the dragon is still looking for reasons. It is really a swollen face to become a fat man.


   just took two swords for him, but still failed to break the shackles of the Xuanhuotan. Perhaps it was really the reason why he consumed too much. I thought he could come out, but I did not expect to find Su Hang again.


   The next Donghua Great Emperor and Huang Nu had no eyes to look at. They felt really shameful. They could understand the feeling that the dragon's pretense failed at this time, which should be uncomfortable!


Ignoring the dragon, Su Hang quickly put away the nine swords and turned to look at the dragon. Although the sword was received, the iron chains on the dragon were still there, although these chains were insufficient at this time. To limit his departure, however, his actions will still be affected.



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