Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3009: Mandan!

?????????? The first baby, but Su Hang was moved, but Bing Ji reminded next to him, "Gross said just now, he once got 10,000 yuan in it. 'S skill..."

???????? The implication is that the treasure in front is only a thousand yuan, and there must be something better!

???????? Su Hang nodded slightly, this is to see the first treasure, still look at the best, and then look at the other people, just turning around, and no one started You have to read it before you can measure it. You have to choose the best one.

?????????? Look at the neighboring Jade Terrace, a hammer, purple electro-optical winding, looks very dangling, the hammer name is Potian, a great **** thing named Lutian Emperor, super **** Pindao!

???????????????? I haven’t heard of the Emperor of Heaven, I don’t think it’s a person in chaos, but Su Hang has no interest and concept in this kind of Taoism. I just looked at it. , There is no interest.

???????????????? The time of one minute and one second passed, and the time of a pillar of incense was very fast. Su Hang looked down half a circle. The treasures are indeed very precious. Need for, but, there are few that really attract Su Hang.

???????????? The rest of the people have already selected more than a dozen treasures, and they should be all amazing things. The remaining people are still hesitating and struggling, and it is almost time to see the time. , Either the vision is too high, did not choose the satisfactory, or too much fancy, I do not know which one to choose!

?????????? Bing Ji didn't choose, she followed Su Hang, Su Hang didn't choose, she didn't choose either, the two are like shopping, they just can't buy.

?????????? "Su Hang, look at this..." Bing Ji pointed to a table next to her and shouted to Su Hang.

?????????? Su Hang walked over, a green bead floating on the table, the size of the thumb, looks like a big red medicine!

???????? Item: Full-level Dan!

???????? Introduction: After taking it, you can directly reach the ninth-order dominion!

???????? "Oh!"

???????? Su Hang's eyes lit up when he saw it, and went directly to the ninth-order dominion? There are such superb treasures? A panacea, directly full level?

?????????? "Either?" Bing Ji asked Su Hang, she was only 7th order, this thing has great temptation for her and Su Hang!

????????Do you want? Su Hang hesitated. With this immortality medicine, he can directly break through to the ninth level of the dominance, enough to deal with the threat from the void...

???????? This was a very huge temptation. Su Hang couldn't help but stretched out his right hand slowly. Looking down this circle, the full-scale Dan in front of him was for him. The most attractive.

???????? However, just when Suhang’s right hand was about to touch the jade platform, the other hand stretched out from the side, and Suhang stepped first and pressed it on the stone platform.


???????? Su Hang frowned, this hand is very rough, obviously not Bing Ji!

???????? "This thing, mine!" There was a voice in my ear, and I saw that the mask on the stone platform disappeared, and the medicine on the stone platform was copied by the hand.

?????????? Looking around, he was a middle-aged man. Su Hang was only familiar with it. He knew that this man was a sixth-order master, but he didn't know the name.

???????? "Tin slave, what do you mean? This thing we saw first!" Bing Ji immediately scolded.

?????????? The man immediately put away the Elixir, "Bing Ji, you're too naive to say this, did you see it first, was it yours? I got it first, It's mine!"

???????? "You..." Bing Ji Feng eyes glared, wanting to argue with him, but Su Hang reached out and grabbed her, "well, let's take a look, maybe there is better!"

?????????? Things have been taken by the prince, can it still be snatched back? Fortunately, I lost my life and Suhang did not want to worry about it.

?????????? Bing Ji had no choice but to stare at Tai Nu with hate, but Tai Nu ignored it completely. At this moment, his mood was already indescribable excitement. Directly reaching the ninth-order dominance, he can stand at the peak of the void world in an instant. How can he not be excited?

???????? "Boom..."

????At this moment, the ground was shaking for a while, and the surrounding jade terraces began to sink into the ground quickly. Everyone saw that it must be time. Those who had not yet chosen a favorite baby immediately panicked. Instantly panicked.

???????? At this time, where else do you care about the choice difficulty, go directly to the nearest jade platform, at this time, you can catch one is one, and where do you care what is unsatisfactory?

???????? Soon, Yutai has sunk to the ground, and the whole hall has been restored to an empty place again. Everyone is in a state of uproar, happy and sad, and those who get the darling baby naturally rejoice, but not get it. It is a pity.

???????? "Your time is up!"

At this time, Luo Jiuchen's voice came, and everyone gathered to Luo Jiuchen, Luo Jiuchen looked around, "Have you all chosen?"

???????? Some people say that, but some are blindfolded, have you chosen well, don't you see it?

?????????? Luo Jiuchen's eyes fell on Su Hang, "Why didn't the Brothers choose?"

???????? Everyone looked at Su Hang, but did not know this Luo Jiuchen, why did they look at Su Hang differently?

???????????? Su Hang was also a bit puzzled, but when he heard Luo Jiuchen's question, he still smiled bitterly and shook his head. "Maybe, it may be a selection disorder!"

?????????? Bing Ji glared at Tai Nu again, if it weren't for this guy's trouble, the full-grade Dan should be her and Su Hang!

???????? Too slaves disapproved, only a smile on his face, a very happy smile!

???????? Luo Jiuchen said, "You have got the treasure, congratulations, you can now leave the treasure..."

???????? "Huh?" Everyone was stunned. Those who got the treasure could leave. What about those who didn't get the treasure?

?????????? Not waiting for everyone to ask, Luo Jiuchen said, "If you don't get the treasure, don't be discouraged, there are more and better treasures waiting for you in the treasure!"

???????? "Ah?" Everyone heard that they were silly, these people who did not get the treasure, there is a chance? And is it better?

?????? Doesn’t that say They have chosen first, but have suffered a loss?

?????? "Hey, what's the name Luo? Why didn't you say this earlier?" Tie Ahu opened his eyes in anger, feeling that he was getting stuck. Just now he looked around, and few of them caught his eye. It’s just that when the last time is up, he grabs one just like most people.

?????? Everyone looked at Tie Ahu's hands, carrying something like iron pants, and couldn't help but want to laugh, it seems that this guy is not very lucky!

???????? But without waiting for Luo Jiuchen to answer, Tie Ahu's figure disappeared in front of everyone instantly, everyone was stunned, but then, those who had obtained the treasure, all disappeared one by one.

?????????? Just a moment, Su Hang looked around, only a few people remained in the entire bright hall. Those who disappeared should be invited out of the treasure house!

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