Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2691: Pan Yu's past life!

Su Hang was silent for a moment, nodded, and looked up at Hu Bugui, Hu Bugui sighed for a long time, an expression of giving up treatment.

"Tonight, you two, wait for me at Houshan Wangxiantai!"

Leaving a word, Su Hang patted his legs and got up and walked up the mountain of tea.

Pan Yu was standing on the spot, with joy and anxiety on her face. Since Su Hang had an appointment to meet at night, she should have agreed to lend her a mirror!


Hu Bugui next opened a sentence, seemed to want to say something!

"Humph!" In exchange for Panyu's glaring and cold hum!

Hu Bugui smiled bitterly, and he also knew that Pan Yu must be angry that he had confided those things to Su Hang, but he did not regret it.



After one day, the harvest was good. Su Hang picked three pounds of tea and sold it for nearly 120 yuan. Although it was sold to his own tea factory, the money still had to be settled. Eat several times!

After dinner, I took a shower, and Su Hang went to Houshan by moonlight!

Looking at Sendai in front of Xianren Cave, it is sixteen tonight, the moon is still very round, a bright moon hangs high in the sky, the quiet moon sprinkles, and only a few insects are calling, the mountain village is quite quiet.

Suxi has a large array of guardians. In the past two years, the aura has become more and more prosperous. Many small animals in the forest have been born with wisdom, but they are still far away from becoming a monster.

The place of Xianren Cave was re-arranged and it was Xue Jingtian and several of them. The old men used to stay here and lived with the addiction of the fairy hermit, but now, the addiction is over and the old one stays on this mountain. This is not the way. In the past few days, the old men could not hold back, and they went on a group tour abroad. Now they don’t know where they are!

Coming to Xianren Cave, Panyu and Hu Bugui were already waiting. Panyu was sitting at the chess table used by Xue Jingtian and holding a hare who didn't know where to get it. That moonlight really feels like the moon palace Chang'e.

It's just that Hu Bugui, who is standing behind him, a wretched old man, a bit disturbed the scenery and destroyed the sense of the picture!

"Are you here?" Seeing Su Hang was coming, Pan Yu's hand was loose, and the hare jumped out suddenly, jumped into the forest, and disappeared in a few clicks!

Su Hang nodded, came to the table, and sat down opposite Pan Yu!

"Have you brought something?" Pan Yu asked anxiously.

Suhang Khan, this dialogue, so familiar, it feels as if the two are doing illegal transactions.

Without saying anything, Su Hang took out the Yuanzu mirror directly, slap in size, and had a small bronze mirror.

Pan Yu saw it, and his eyes lit up, and he reached out to grab it. However, Su Hang avoided it and did not rush to give her, "I will give you something, but you have to promise me, no matter looking in the mirror for a while. Don’t get excited when you get there, it’s no big deal!”

Pan Yu paused and nodded and promised!

Su Hang saw her promise to come down, and threw the Yuan Zu mirror in her hand directly, the light flashed, Yuan Zu mirror suddenly became bigger, and the pestle was in the hole!

Pan Yu immediately got up and walked in front of the mirror with a bit of anxiety. His eyes fell on the mirror, and a pair of beautiful eyes gradually shone.

Su Hang also got up and walked over with Hu Bugui, standing beside Pan Yu from left to right.

His eyes fell on the mirror surface, Su Hang also froze, and saw a dim picture above the mirror surface.

It's like an old street with cars passing by on the street, the camera is facing, like a restaurant. At this time, a pair of young men and women in their early twenties came out of the shop door.

The man is tall and majestic, with a handsome face, wearing a white blouse and showing his strong arms, it is very powerful at a glance.

The girl next to him was pure and pretty, with long hair shawl, white dress and white skirt, white lotus-like jade arms holding the man's hand, and the face was red and red, and the bird was in love!

Pan Yu stared blankly at the mirror for a long time, "This, this girl, is my previous life?"

Past life? Pan Yuzhen has a previous life?

At this time, Su Hang was also shocked. Since it was mirrored by Yuan Zu, there would be no fakes. Panyu is indeed not a congenital soul, and she was born from the day after tomorrow. Before becoming the daughter of the realm king, she was There is a previous life!

But does Pan Wang Pansheng know this? Dang Tangjie Wang, can let a foreign soul be born into his wife's womb and become his own daughter?

Su Hang is unknown, but this matter is indeed incredible to outsiders!

Moreover, Pan Yu’s life has been said to have been lived for hundreds of millions of years. Her previous life should be farther away. The scenes seen in this mirror seem to be somewhat modern. This is nothing. After all, thousands of worlds, The degree of development of civilization is different, but Su Hang looked at these scenes, but vaguely felt a bit familiar.

"This..." Hu Bugui seemed to find something, pointing at the young man in the mirror, and cried, "Isn't this the fortune teller?"

Pan Yu heard the words and frowned lightly. At this time, she was also carefully looking at the man on the mirror.

"Are you sure?" Su Hang asked, facing Hu Hu Bugui nodded resolutely, "Yes, even if this man turns into gray, I can recognize it, that day Although he pretended to be white-bearded and white-haired, I can see that his true appearance should be very young. I am sure this nose is his!

Speaking of which, Hu Bugui looked at Su Hang with a very doubtful expression on his face, "Brother Su, wouldn't you be a partner with that person, count our lady!"

Su Hang rolled his eyes in an instant, "Lao Hu, is your brain sick? This is a picture taken from Yuan Zu's mirror, but not from me. Besides, what can I count you? What do you have worth calculating?"

What kind of good intentions did you get?

"Enough!" At this time, Pan Yu yelled, turned Hu Bugui back, and turned to Su Hang, asking, "You, are you sure this mirror reflects my previous life? No fake ?"

At the moment, Pan Yu's heart was very chaotic, and even his hands and feet were nowhere to be placed. Although he had already been psychologically prepared for a long time, just after seeing the picture in the mirror, his heart was still messed up!

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