Super Study God

Chapter 2673: Congenital God?

This kind of feeling is like, when you graduate from college, the school will issue you a graduation certificate, and get the certificate, you will be regarded as a real graduation, and Su Hang's situation is because of some special circumstances, did not get a graduation certificate, But he is still graduated, and his ability should not be worse than others.

A certificate is justified, and without a certificate...

Cangtian stared at Su Hang for a while, and said, "I used to have a friend. At that time, there was no realm king in the chaos. He wanted to break the road to achieve this realm. Unfortunately, there is no fate to seal it, and in the end it is futile..."

Su Hang heard the words and touched her heart a bit, "You mean, the one who helped you go through the disaster and eventually fell helplessly into the universe of the five main worlds of heaven and earth?"

Hearing this, Cangtian turned to look at Suhang, and the whole person was clearly fixed. Unexpected and helpless, various expressions changed on Cangtian's face.

Su Hang took a deep breath and said, "I had some dreams in the barren ancient world a few days ago. I was reminded of some when I was trapped before, but it is not complete. Can you tell me about mine Past life? Or, past life of previous life!"

Cangtian stared at Su Hang for a long time and finally sighed. Maybe he knew that Su Hang would finally wake up and hide his knowledge. He remembered the day in the past, but he didn't expect it to be so fast. At this time and here, he was caught off guard. !

For a long time, Cangtian looked into the distance, and seemed to be caught in memories, "That's right. I used to be too naive, and even my old friends should be robbed for me. It's too late to regret it. I spent tens of yuan. His true spirit was slowly collected from all beings in the universe, and was put into the belly of a woman in Xuanhuang Realm 30 years ago..."

There is no doubt that Su Hang believes that this is him. Thirty years ago, this was generally the same as his true age!

Su Hang turned to look at Cangtian, "Your friend, can you still have a past life? How much do you know?"

The Tibetan knowledge has been loosened, and it is only a matter of time before full awakening. Su Hang is actually more concerned about his memory of his lifetime.

"Past life?" Cang Tian smiled bitterly and shook his head. "He is the earliest batch of innate gods in the chaotic world. How can there be a past life in the newborn gods bred in complete chaos!"

"Huh?" Su Hang said, frowning. "Really?"

Cang Tian sighed, "If you don't believe it, you can ask Hong Jun, who has a brotherhood with him and knows more about him than me!"

Su Hang was puzzled and puzzled on the face, and for a long time he expressed his doubts, "I have a mirror that can reflect the image of a lifetime. I have used it to photograph myself. It can reflect my previous life, but it does. There will be no chaos, only chaos!"

After finishing talking, Su Hang looked up at Cangtian and wanted to hear what Cangtian said!

Cang Tian hesitated for a while, and said, "Perhaps, what is the cause and effect, or maybe your mirror is wrong!"

Su Hang couldn't help crying, the mirror was wrong? He wouldn't believe that the mirror would be wrong. Looking at the expression on the sky, it was obvious that something was hiding him.

I didn't wait for Su Hang to ask, Cang Tiandao, "When water comes naturally, wait for the full memory of the previous life, and let's talk about whether there is a more previous life..."

Su Hang thought about it, but it makes a lot of sense. If he fully remembered his previous life, then there should be no one who knows better than himself about whether there is a more previous life!

Su Hang fell into silence, as Cang Tian said, he was the first batch of innate gods in chaos, so he really could not have a more previous life, but what does it mean to see in Yuan Zu's mirror?

Does that chaos mean that there is no more previous life? Or that his more previous life is simply that chaotic world?

If it is a chaotic world, it should actually be destiny. Previously, Su Hang also doubted whether it would be a reincarnation of destiny, not a so-called destiny. However, the memory of the current world slowly recovered, and this may have been completely completed by Su Hang. No?

The previous life was forced to break the road, crushed by fate and fell, and after the fall of the previous life, destiny and the act of sealing the world king, how could he be destiny? It's a bit possible for the Fate of Life!

Is this fate system in my own body a destiny? This is also a question for Su Hang.

For a long time, Su Hangchang breathed out a breath, temporarily dismissed the distractions, and moved away from the topic, "Why are you mixing with Hong Zhen?"

"What does it mean to stir together?" Cang Tian shook his head. "If Hong Zhen did not help them, we are afraid that Liu Lao Dao is still blocked outside the mountain!"

Su Hang heard his brows, "I have to thank him for that?"

"Thank you?" Cang Tian smiled faintly, "We only need what we need, we are for you, and he is for the old Liu..."

"Lao Liu? Gener Taoist?" Su Hang frowned, "Gener Taoist is with them?"

Cang Tian shook his head, "Finally, Hong Zhen seems to have taken a look at Liu Lao Dao's cultivation skills and wants to take it for himself. This Liu Lao Dao is a bit mysterious..."

Cang Tian explained the matter to Su Hang again and It can be seen that he is a little uneasy. This time let Hong Zhen take away the Gener Taoist, if he really let Hong Zhen get that practice...

After listening to the sky, Su Hang was also very surprised. "If you don't say it, I'm also very puzzled. I just had a fight with the Taoist Taoist, and obviously I got the upper hand and pressed him to fight. On a trip, it was like changing a person, and it was unusually tough, but it was pressing me in reverse. If it were not for you to arrive in time, I really can't guarantee that I will be his opponent!"

Cang Tian nodded, "It seems that Hong Zhen's words are true. I had seen him fight in the past. At that time, although Liu Laodao's strength was not as good as Hong Zhen's, he could barely protect himself. Now I hear you say that His strength is indeed not strong. It should be in the realm of Quasi Realm King. That is the practice that Hong Zhen said, so that he can have super power for a short time!"

"What kind of exercises can be powerful?" Su Hang asked. But he experienced a battle with Gener Taoist. What kind of exercises can make a person improve such a strong skill in such a short time?

"I heard it was called Luo Tianxuan Gong. I don't know exactly what it is!" Cangtian shook his head. "This person fell into the hands of Hong Zhen. I'm afraid it's really a trouble for the future!"

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