Super Study God

Chapter 2583: The method of cultivation!

Hearing Su Hang’s question, Yang Liuzheng seemed a little proud, reaching out to caress his beard, and smiled lightly, “Don’t tell me, I’ve really seen that, when the Chaos All Saints abandoned their cultivation practice, they went to Xuanhuang Realm for reincarnation. With luck, I don’t know how many quasi-kingdoms that have fallen in a flash, and I have also produced several objects of destiny. I was fortunate to have seen one of them. It was a pity that it was taken away by Hongjun Daozu..."

This Yangliu real person, the storytelling skills can be called first-class, Barabara told the Su Hang, Su Hang did not know how credible his words, but still listened with relish.

"As soon as I entered this city of Black Crow, I felt that this feeling was exactly the same as when I saw the jade Ruyi. In my impression, only the weapon of destiny would give this kind of spring breeze. Feeling!" Yang Liuzheng said that he stopped here and stared at Su Hang with a bright gaze.

Su Hang's brows gradually spread, "So, you are wondering, that bird's magic lamp will be a weapon of destiny!"

"Not necessarily, but there must be a weapon of destiny in this city. I just suspect that it is a sparrow lamp. To be precise, it may be a lamp of destiny!" But his expression betrayed him. "In those days, Fu Yaozi's Daoist was sitting in the barren ancient world. With the realm of Fu Yaozi's Daoist, it is very likely that he will leave a weapon of destiny!"

Su Hang thought for a while and said, "It is possible that the bird's magic lamp stores the fate of Fuyao Zi... that's wrong. If Fuyao Zi reincarnated, wouldn't it be without the protagonist aura?"

Yang Liuzheng shook his head, "New life is a new beginning. The protagonist halo is like a snake that has faded. Since it is already dead, how can it belong to you again, how come the protagonist halo?"

Su Hang listened, and it seemed a bit unexpected, and no one was gone. Where is the protagonist halo?

Yang Liuzheng then said, "No matter what exists, after the fall, all auras will be unconsciously recovered by fate. Of course, except for the realm of the realm of the realm, the aura of the realm of the realm of the realm has been able to show its appearance. Destiny will not be recovered, but the realm After the King Realm falls, the aura will be turned into a destiny tool and exist as an entity, and even some Quasi-Realm King Realm will do the same!"

After a pause, Yang Liuzheng continued, "Unfortunately, the realm king fell, it is almost impossible. Since the chaos has been known for a long time, the realm king is rare, and the probability of the quasi-realm king realm falling is also extremely low. Fate breeds itself. Even less, so the scarcity of the Destiny Device is completely outrageous. Brothers Su, if the Lantern is really a Destiny Device, then we can be considered lucky!"

Su Hang pondered for a moment. The old boy was talking nonsense. Although he was a serious man at this time, Su Hang still dared not believe him. Maybe he was just saying something casually. He deliberately delayed the time and healed his wounds and escaped!

Yang Liuzheng made a move to Su Hang, his voice lowered a few decibels, and said, "Brother Su, since you know the power of destiny, that is, the protagonist aura you said, then you should also know its cultivation method?"

Su Hang frowned slightly when he heard this, "Aura of protagonist, is there a method of cultivation?"

He said that from the mouth of Chen Dasheng's younger brother, the protagonist's aura is a gift of fate and cannot be cultivated and grown at all!

Yang Liuzheng heard the words and stared at Su Hang. "It seems that the Brothers Su also know nothing about this destiny!"

"How to say?"

Yang Liu smiled, "The power of destiny is born, and indeed it cannot be cultivated, but the failure to practice does not mean that there is no way to grow..."

"As far as I know, there are three ways to strengthen one's own destiny. One is to seek help from destiny, but this method is undesirable. How can destiny be controlled by others?"

"Second, some people are willing to hold you up. The so-called flames are high when everyone picks up firewood. This is called chance. If someone holds you up, the power of your destiny will also be helped by it. However, there will always be a limit to this support. Take Su Brothers as an example. With your current state, you can hold you, only Realm King Realm, one or two Realm King Realm hold you, it has no effect, you need a bunch of Realm King Realm to hold you, you Is it possible to go further!"

Speaking of this, Su Hang was slightly moved. He had heard this, and Chen Dasheng had also said that a bunch of world kings were holding him, otherwise he would not have achieved what he is today.

The flames are high when everyone gathers firewood!

However, if you want to take an ordinary person as the king of the world, this difficulty must be not small, otherwise, what else does Chen Xiaoli use for his life? Just let everyone support her together. Su Hang believes that with Chen Xiaoli's character and interpersonal relationship, many realm kings will help. Compared to holding Chen Xiaoli as the realm king, it is much better than holding Su Hang. .

However, Cangtian and other kings of the realm did not make this choice. For Su Hang, it must be because of the difficulty. This method of assistance must be limited, otherwise, the realm of the realm is not a lot. ?

Su Hang looked at Yang Liuzhen, "The third method, wouldn't it be the weapon of destiny you said?"


Yang Liuzheng patted the table There was a serious look on his face, "Brother Su is really clever..."

Su Hang rolled his eyes. This flattering made Su Hang a little depressed. You have all said this, can I still not know? Am I stupid?

Yang Liuzheng smiled and said, "The weapon of destiny is extremely rare. It can be said that it is an inexplicable encounter. Because it is formed by the power of destiny, it is the only treasure that can store the power of destiny, and it can also help the holder. If you think about it, if the Sparrow Magic Lamp is really a weapon of destiny, if Brother Su can get it, with his help, breaking through the realm of the realm king is just around the corner!"

Su Hang stared at Yangliu for a long time, and really believed him as a ghost, even if that bird magic lamp was transformed by the aura left by Fuyao, but how good can the aura of the Quasi Realm King Realm be? With a halo of quasi-kingdom realm can you break through the realm of realm?

Isn't this funny?

Su Hang is a sensible person, and won't be told by Yang Liuzheng just because of three words.

However, Su Hang also had to admit that Yang Liu's words aroused Su Hang's interest. What exactly the Destiny Tool looks like, he also wanted to have a long view.

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