Super Study God

Chapter 2446: Sovereign summoned!

Lin Xuan heard that the expression on his face froze slightly, and apparently Su Hang’s refusal embarrassed him.

For a long time, Lin Xuan said, "Okay, next time, looking forward to your performance!"

After speaking, Lin Xuan walked down the ring.

Tektronix was seriously injured and was eliminated, leaving Su Hang, Lin Xuan, Pan Yu and Nan Yusheng four.

After a long delay in front, the actual battle is not long. After three rounds of battle, the semi-finals have been decided!

Two men and two women are also balanced.

The crowd in the stands was extremely excited. If nothing unexpected happened, these two days should be the last battle. The Wanjie Conference, which lasted so long, finally had a result, and everyone looked forward to it.

But I don’t know who will win the final victory, and who will be the ultimate winner. It is said that the winner will become the successor of the real heaven, and sit on the throne of the patriarchal patriarch. body.

greatly awaited!

Although worried about Lin Xuan's performance, the Seven Elders were still very satisfied.

At least, Lin Xuan helped them up. If Lin Xuan was on the throne, it would be better than others.

Void stood up and said, "Congratulations to the four advanced semi-finals. Today is going to be late. Tomorrow will be the finals. Compared with the strongest one in this World Congress, everyone will rest well tonight and take the best tomorrow. status!"

Immediately afterwards, Nihility also came out and said a few words. It was almost time, the sky was over!


At night, Su Hang was still staying at Yin Yu'er and was going to bed. A person came, but Chen Yuna, Yin Yuer's mother.

Because of the appearance of Chen Jie and the intervention of the Chen family, the Yin family's attitude towards Su Hang has been somewhat ambiguous in these two days. Although Su Hang does not care, it will still be somewhat uncomfortable!

At this time, Chen Yunna came to him. Although she didn't know what it was for, Su Hang believed that there must be Yin Tianfeng's advice behind this!

In the front hall, Su Hang was sitting in front of Chen Yuna, and Yin Yuer was standing beside him. The atmosphere in the hall seemed a bit awkward.

Seeing the embarrassment of the mother-in-law? Not all!

Chen Kunna stared at Su Hang for a while, smiled, and said, "Isn't that a lot of talk before? How can you say so little now? Or, don't have confidence in tomorrow's battle?"

Su Hang heard the words and smiled bitterly, shaking her head, "Mrs. Yin, have you ever seen me without confidence?"

Chen Yunna paused and said, "So, are you sure of the battle tomorrow?"

Su Hang did not speak, did not answer, and did not know what it meant!

At this time, Chen Yuna said, "If there is no accident, you will face Lin Xuan tomorrow, Lin Xuan's strength, you also saw that his tyranny is abnormal..."

Su Hang heard the words and waved his hand, saying, "Yehuo is overbearing, but for me, it's just..."

Chen Yunna took a deep look at Su Hang, "It looks very confident, can you tell me, how much confidence do you have?"

Su Hang listened, and it didn’t take a long time before he spoke. “There are no outsiders here. I’m not going to circle Mrs. Yin. To be honest, I can be sure that the remaining three, even if they add up, will not Is my opponent!"


Chen Yuna heard the words and couldn't help but take a breath. The three of them are not his opponents together. Are you sure you heard it right?

"Su Hang, are you too arrogant?" Chen Yunna shook her head again and again.

The three of them are not his opponents? Can't you say that there is no limit?

Su Hang smiled faintly, "Anyway, believe it or not, if today I don't want to accompany them to play, I can let them all get down with the fifteen people in the first game. They just save face!"


Chen Kunna looked at Su Hang with a surprised look. Fifteen people joined forces? Is this too crazy? What do you think you are?

For a long time, Chen Yuna just said, "No matter how true or false you say, I came to you today, there is one thing, I think I should remind you!"

Su Hang paused, frowning slightly, "Ms. Yin will not come to persuade me to give up the game, too?"

Chen Yunna heard the words and smiled bitterly, "I want to persuade you, but, now that the matter is over, who can persuade you?"

Su Hang's brow lightened slightly, but it was a bit more doubtful, "So, what does Mrs. Yin want to remind me?"

For Su Hang, as long as it is not to persuade yourself to abandon the race, after all, as long as Chen Yunna opens this mouth, it proves that the Yin family has decided to stand up with the Chen family.

Although the decision of the Yin family is not important to the Soviet airlines, there is still one Yin Yuer in the middle. He has to think a little bit more.

Chen Yuna was silent for a while, her voice lowered, and finally she said, "The Sect Master is back!"

"Huh?" Su Hang froze.

"Cang Tian Sect Master is back!" Chen Yuna repeated again.

came back? Heaven? Cangtian returned to Chuangjie Mountain? Su Hang was a little surprised for a while. He didn't come back for a long time. He seemed to want to understand the meaning of Chen Yuna's words.

"Yesterday, the suzerain had returned to the mountain!" Chen Yunna lowered her voice, "This matter, only a few people know, even the ten elders are not clear. Today, at the meeting, his old man is also present, but his old man No one can find him in the realm!"

Su Hang frowned for a long time before he said, "How did he appear at this time? Really to return to pass the position?"

"No one can speculate on his old man's mind!" Chen Yuna shook her head and stared at Su Hang closely. "However, I am here to remind you not this, but..."

"What is it?" Su Hang asked.

Chen Nuona said, "Soon after night, Lin Xuan went to Dilingfeng!"

Su Hang paused, "Why did Dao Linxuan talk again?"

Chen Nuina shook her head and said, "He is called, the Sect Master is on Earth Spirit Peak!"

Su Hang heard The expression on his face was very solemn, "You mean, Cang Tianzhen summoned Lin Xuan?"

Chen Yuna nodded, "If it weren't for this matter, I wouldn't be able to come to you so late. Su Hang, you should be very clear about the relationship between Lin Xuan and the suzerain. The suzerain summoned him at this time. Why?"

Su Hang was silent for a moment, and did not know what was in her heart!

Cang Tianzheng came back secretly, and summoned Lin Xuan secretly, and it was still at this juncture, which made Su Hang have to think more.

Su Hang has great confidence in tomorrow's battle. Although his remarks are exaggerated, it is not a false statement.

Today's battle, including the battles of the past few days, he is effortless. To put it bluntly, in the top fifteen, including Lin Xuan, there is no opponent worth his real battle.


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