Super Study God

Chapter 2397: So many dirty beads?

"Thank you Di Zun!" Lin Shouye was delighted and gave a salute to Di Zun, hurriedly gathered in front of the Di Yuan Jing.

The rest of the people also gathered together, surrounded by the mirror, and looked down.

I saw Di Zun stretched his hand a little, and a little starlight fell into the mirror, as if a drop of water had landed on the calm water, stirring up a circle of tiny ripples.

After a while, the ripples subsided and what appeared in the mirror was already a mountain of green water.

It is Tianxuan Mountain, Tianxuan Mountain three days ago.

No one spoke, so they watched quietly, waiting for the murderer who attacked Tianxuan Mountain to appear.

Lin Shouye looked up at Su Hang, and there was full of cruelty in his eyes, boy, just wait, see how you can escape this time!

Su Hang was too lazy to take care of him, he hadn't done it, he had nothing to worry about!

Tianxuan Mountain three days ago, with a scent of birds and flowers, and aura with aura, is a blessed land ranked high in the heavens.

In the picture, the camera suddenly deflected and pointed at the sky. When everyone felt strange, they saw something appear in the field of vision.

It was a bead, a bead half a fist!

The beads are crystal clear, like a gem, falling from the sky.

"The murderer appeared!"

Almost everyone took it seriously, staring straight at the picture in the mirror, afraid of missing any details.

That bead! Lin Shouye shook his fist hard, and there was no doubt that the bead was the culprit that caused the Tianxuan Mountain disaster.


Watching the pearl fall on a stone on the top of Tianxuan Mountain, the huge impact force directly exploded the stone into pieces.

At the same time, the beads exploded and a huge cloud of mushrooms rose, and the entire Tianxuan Mountain shook a few times.

The mushroom cloud spreads out, and a gray airflow visible to the naked eye spreads towards the four sides. Without a moment, the entire Tianxuan Mountain is enveloped.

The spirit beasts and immortals on the mountain felt the danger coming, and fled around. Some lucky ones flew out in time. Some ran slowly. They were caught up by the gray airflow and immediately fell to the ground, spitting foam.

The trees and flowers in the mountains quickly wilted, as if they were attacked by some kind of biochemical weapon. Tianxuan Mountain, which had just returned the scent of birds and flowers, and had aura of aura, suddenly became a disaster site.

Everyone looked at this scene and couldn't help but sigh, and Lin Shouye clenched his teeth tightly, clenched his fists, and seemed to want to hit someone.

Watching his hometown being taken over by others, only he can understand what kind of mood it is.

Soon, the picture ended, from beginning to end, the attacker behind that did not show up, nor did it appear in the picture!

"Di Zun?"

Lin Shouye looked up at Di Zun, and the result still disappointed him. He only saw the bead, but did not see the person who threw the bead. Doesn't this make any difference?

Di Zun's big sleeve waved, Di Yuan Jing flew back into his sleeve, "All Di Yuan Jing can detect is this, then the attacker used a special method to erase the traces of the rules he left behind, so the deity didn't The law is out of thin air!"

Lin Shouye had a black face and was very disappointed. He was more willing to believe that Di Zun did not know the murderer, but knew but refused to say.

After all, Di Zun is the only realm of the realm of the realm of kings present. Under this ubiquitous world, is there anything that the realm of realm of the realm can't find? What means can cover the real eye of the realm king?

Although thinking so in his heart, Lin Shouye did not dare to question Di Zun.

"Ten Xuanshan's tragic situation, all of your predecessors also see in the eyes, so let the murderer get away with it?" Lin Shouye said reluctantly, and also looked at Su Hang.

A few old men kept silent and told evidence in everything. You have no evidence to identify here. Who will buy your account? If you want to convict a weak chicken, it's up to you, but it's an existence that can turn your back at any time. Isn't this just asking yourself trouble?

Now Lin Shouye is too irrational. He still thought it was before. When he opened his mouth, everyone would stand on his side.

For the first time, Lin Shouye felt helpless!

At this time, Chen Jie coughed slightly and looked up to Su Hangwang, "Su Xiaoyou!"

Su Hang turned to look at Chen Jie, "What advice?"

Chen Jiedao said, "I came today without any other malicious intentions. Since Zun Zun testified, I believe your innocence, but..."

Speaking of which, Chen Jie paused, "We don't know how to tell secret words, how much do you know about this?"

Su Hang frowned gently, "What do you mean by your words?"

"Don't misunderstand, little friends!" Chen Jie waved his hand, and then said, "Just in the Diyuan mirror, the one who attacked Tianxuan Mountain, if I am not wrong, it should be a filthy bead. This filthy bead is only in Promise. It was only conceived that Su Xiaoyou, as the only person who has entered the Promise of the Wuji in the past billion years, shouldn't he not know?"

Su Hang nodded, "Indeed, the beads should indeed be filthy beads, depending on their power, they should be of high quality!"

Chen Jie nodded slightly, and seemed very satisfied with Su Hang’s answer. “I heard that Su Xiaoyou practiced in the Promise World for a few months, and his skill has greatly increased. Presumably, there will be some adventures, and it is inevitable to borrow the power of dirty beads!”

Su Hang nodded his head and did not deny, "Your Excellency wants to say something, even if you speak bluntly, you don't have to hide it!"

Chen Jie said, "The little friend is a happy person. The Lin family has an in-law relationship with my Chen family. The Lin family suffered this. My Chen family cannot sit back and watch. It must be clear. So I want to ask the little friend, you Has any filthy beads been brought out from the Promise World?"

Everyone's eyes are focused on Su Hang.

Su Hangdao, "Bring it!"

"How many?" Chen Jie was not surprised by what was expected. "A specific number can be lost?"

Su Hang shook his head, "I haven't counted, I don't know how many, there are about two hundred more!"

"Two hundred or so?" Everyone was startled, but then, several elders shook their How about bragging, when you think the dirty beads are Chinese cabbage, you can pick them up anywhere?

"Are you sure?" Chen Jie looked at Su Hang and questioned a bit.

Faced with doubts, Su Hang didn't say anything. With a big sleeve, a bunch of beads flew out and piled on his feet for a moment.

Large and small, stacked on top of each other, people are stunned, it is the dirty beads, the number is less than a hundred.

A few gangsters were okay, but the elders, after seeing so many filthy beads, all changed their faces and stood up a bit, and a few even hid behind the chairs!

So many dirty beads?

The filthy bead contains infinite filth. This thing is unpleasant to everyone. Once it gets in contact with it, it will be as bad as karma. The monk is most fond of luck.


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