Super Study God

Chapter 2378: Su Hang vs Chen Sen

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Yin Tianfeng took a deep breath, yes, no matter whether he wins or loses, he has to admit his fate. I don’t know how many people in these worlds want to control their destiny in their hands, but can any one of them be able to say that they have mastered their destiny? ?

I am afraid that even if they are as strong as the deity, they dare not say so?


After the training of the Void Elder is finished, the battle is temporarily suspended. After half an hour, the battle officially begins. During this period, the participants can know their opponents, find their own competition venue, prepare for the competition, and adjust the state to the most. good.

"Su Hang, who is your opponent?" Among the crowd, Yin Yuer got close to Su Hang and looked at the famous brand in Su Hang's hands.

Su Hang smiled bitterly and asked, "How about you?"

Yin Yuer took out his brand name and handed it to Su Hang with the words "202, Bao Qiuzhi" written on it!

In other words, Yin's daughter's competition venue is the No. 202 ring, and the opponent is a monk named Bao Chunlai.

"Bao Qiuzhi? Who is it, do you know?" Su Hang asked, so-called knowing yourself and knowing each other, you can only win a hundred battles. This is the time to let everyone know each other.

At this moment, I am afraid that all contestants are busy inquiring about their opponents' information!

Yin Yu'er shook his head, "I haven't heard of it, but it doesn't matter, anyway, I'm in a low state, just come to walk through..."

"Anyway, be careful!" Su Hang reminded.

Yin Yu'er grabbed Su Hang's arm, "Don't worry, I've already thought about it, I admit defeat as soon as I play..."

"Confess?" Su Hang froze for a moment. "You are too ambitious?"

Yin Yuer's eyes narrowed into a crescent moon. "Yeah, I just don't have the ambition. I'm not a sophomore, and I'm a lot stronger than me. Anyway, I have to lose. Why should I care when I lose?"

"You think so thoroughly!" Su Hang smiled bitterly. If everyone thinks like Yin Yu'er, then I'm afraid that there will be fewer people in this Wanjie Conference.

Yin Yuer smiled, "And, I ended the battle earlier, I can come to see your competition..."

This is probably the real idea of ​​Yin Yu'er. If she participates in the competition, she may not see the Suhang competition!

If you let Yin Tianfeng know such thoughts as Yin Yu'er, I don't know if she will be angry.

"It seems that I have to take the initiative to admit defeat!" At this time, a voice came.

But it was Yin Wushang and Xiao Yang together. As soon as Yin Wushang came over, Yin Yuer snatched the famous brand in his hand and looked at it.

"1033, Yue Ningshuang!"

Yin Yuer looked at Yin Wu'er, "This name must be a beauty, brother, have you ever seen it?"

Yin Wusheng threw Yin Yuer a white eye, "I heard that it was a child of the host of Yuehua City. The senior state is similar to mine!"

"Oh?" Yin Yu'er was right. "You must be careful. Father and mother still expect you to get a good ranking. Don't embarrass us, and the sister-in-law is also watching from the stands. The falling flowers are beaten!"

Yin Wuhan was sweating and sweating, and instantly felt Alexander!

"Brother Xiao?" Su Hang looked at Xiao Yang!

Xiao Yang said, "I heard that he was a monk in the junior realm..."

Speaking of which, Xiao Yang no longer needs to go on. The monks in the junior realm, for Xiao Yang, are afraid that they can blow the opponent off the ring in one breath.

Yin Wuxing is obviously envious. Why didn't he meet a sophomore opponent?

Xiao Yang looked at Su Hang, "I don't know what kind of character is Brother Su's opponent?"

Several people looked at Su Hang. Compared to them, they were more curious about who Su Hang’s opponent was. In other words, who would be the hapless ghost.

Su Hang looked down at the brand in his hand, smiled bitterly, and looked up behind them.

"Shady, there must be shady, I want to complain!"

Yin Wuxing and the two looked back and saw Chen Senman was excited, scolding and came over here.

"Uncle Xiao, what's wrong?" Yin Wu hurt asked.

Chen Senxian and Su Hang glanced at each other and could not tell what kind of expression they might be, maybe it was a bit crying without tears.

The sign in his hand was passed in front of the crowd, and everyone looked stunned.

There were a few words on it, "96, Su Hang!"

Several people were settled down, and for a long time they did not recover, and Yin Yuer quickly took the brand in the hands of Su Hang.

"96, Chen Sen!"

A few words are particularly dazzling. Before I saw the brand of Su Hang, I might be lucky to have people with the same name and surname, but now, this last hope is gone.

The opponent of Su Hang's first game actually met Chen Sen.

"Shady, there must be shady!" Chen Sen was very angry, "Su Hang, I want to complain to this bunch of old guys!"

Su Hang couldn't help crying, "The entire Chuangjie Mountain, the oldest guys are the biggest, who are you going to complain about?"

There must be shady in the shady. He and Chen Sen met with only a one-fourth of a thousand probability. This probability is almost equal to no. It will happen in the first game. Among them, those old men must have done it.

Chen Sen heard, whispering for a while, yes, people will engage in you, what can you do? Who are you going to complain about?

Su Hangdao, "Brother Chen, haven't you always wanted to compare with me? Today I am afraid I can't hide!"

Chen Sen listened, his face twitched slightly, he wanted to compete with Su Hang, but did not think that now, to know that his father gave him the list of challenges, Su Hang is listed at the top, he Knowing that Su Air is very strong, at this time, compared with Su Air, most of them have to lose.

No one can understand Chen Sen’s current mood. It’s a dog-bleeping mood. If he was eliminated in the first game and stopped in the top 4,000, how shameful would it be?

Xiao Yang came over and patted Chen Sen's shoulder, "It's all destiny, Brother Chen, mourn!"

Chen Sen's face twitched slightly, and said a little uncomfortably, "Can you think I will lose to him?"

"Otherwise?" Everyone looked at Such an obvious reason, I believe no one would understand?

Chen Sen looked embarrassed on his face, and turned to look at Su Hang. It can also bring out your true strength!"

Su Hang heard the words and nodded, "Relax, Su must do his best to ensure that Brother Chen is satisfied!"


As soon as the picture turned, it was already on the ring, ring 96, which was very wide, surrounded by chaos and chaos, and the atmosphere of chaos was surging, and the outside scene could not be seen. However, what is certain is that there are definitely countless now. Look here with your eyes.

"Compete against each other, do not stop at the end of the game. Don't take your own life for the sake of ranking. Now, the first competition at the Wanjie Conference officially begins. The winners qualify and the losers are eliminated!"

The sound of nothingness came from the chaos and reached everyone's ears.

М. ③③χs.cóм worth collecting

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