Super Study God

Chapter 2326: Hu Huo who is picking up soap!

Ridiculously, this is Zun Zun. How could you be moved by your Xu Bao treasures? Isn't this insulting Zun Zun's character?

Biting Zun also frowned lightly and felt a little strange.


While everyone was wondering what kind of baby Su Hang was holding, he suddenly saw Su Hang's hand loose, and the thing slipped directly from Su Hang's hand and fell to the ground with a snap.

Everyone was stunned, Sanxu recovered, and there was a slight smile on his face. This kid couldn't even hold such a small thing. It seemed that he was really afraid!

What if I'm afraid? The result can only be a death!

"Huh? This is..."

Suddenly, the smile on Sanxu's face froze, and at the same time, all three felt strange, and suddenly a strange power appeared on the stone.

Although that force was not directed against them, it still caught their hearts in a hurry, just like what a peculiar thing this thing is, I really wish I rushed to pick it up immediately!

Itchy and unbearable!

"not good!"

The three men's faces all changed, and suddenly turned around to look at Zun Zun, but they saw that Zong Zun was also staring closely at the thing on the ground, and there was already a movement to get up and pick up.

"Do not bite!"

The three immediately shouted loudly, and the sound was thunderous, and they would disturb Zun Zun.

At this moment, Zuzun's face was slightly reddish, and a turbulent wave was rising in his heart. The stone was really strange, as if it had powerful magic power, and he got up and picked him up.

law? Law relics?

Devouring Zun vigorously restrained his inner impulse. He knew very well that even if he lost the boulder under the seat, no matter how he suppressed it, the impulse would appear in his heart, and even his body would be somewhat uncontrolled.

But you are the pinnacle of Da Jiu, the body of the realm king, you can make yourself involuntarily, then there is only the law, and it is still a very powerful law.

Su Hang is also nervous at the moment, this absolute soap, he has not used it for a long time.

Although he is very confident in this soap, but the other party is biting respect, Su Hang can not guarantee that he will break free of the laws of absolute soap.

When the soap is thrown out, someone must pick it up. If Zun Zun doesn’t pick it up, then the rule is not a rule, and the absolute word should not be taken.

As long as Zun Zun came to pick it up and left the stone, then Su Hang won! Even if he took the stone together, as long as he went to pick up soap, Su Hang would be able to take advantage of the empty space and destroy the stone!

Seeing that Bite Zun's **** had left the stone faintly, Su Hang's heart was extremely tense. Although this trick was a bit glorious, he had no choice.

"Oh, how come I came here?"

Just when Suhang was so nervous, and Zun Zun tried his best to fight the law of absolute soap, a voice suddenly sounded.

A frivolous figure suddenly appeared in front of Su Hang. Su Hang didn't react at all. Then the figure bent down and reached out to grab the absolute soap in his hand, buttocks facing Su Hang.

Not Zunzun!

This person is not Zun Zun. When this person picked up the absolute soap, he was still dazed. He didn't seem to respond to what was happening. He just passed by. How did he run here to pick up the soap?

At the same time, Zun Zun also felt that the power of the strange law disappeared, the whole person suddenly relaxed, buttocks sat back on the stone again?

Sanxu let out a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, the presence of this person made Bitzun miss the trick. At that moment, they almost couldn't help but rushed up to pick it up.

Everyone's eyes gathered at this moment on the person in front of Su Hang, a gray robe, thin and thin, a pair of Mimi's small eyes, eyeballs and bones, although there was a bit of fairy spirit, you can still see it carefully This person's insignificance.

"Old Hu, what a coincidence!" Su Hang gritted his teeth, and the situation was originally good, but he was badly damaged by this man.

The man turned his head and looked at Su Hang. The two moustache shook slightly. This man was no one else. It was Hu Bugui who hadn't seen him for a long time.

"Uh... it's your dude, coincidence, coincidence..." Hu Bugui held the absolute soap in his hand and smiled at Su Hang dryly.

Su Hang pointed to the soap in Hu Bugui's hands, "mine!"

"Uh..." Hu did not stay in a hurry, and quickly passed the soap in his hand to Su Hang. "What are you? Actually led me confused?"

Su Hang looked at him with a black face, "It's really time you came!"

"This..." Hu Bugui's expression was dumbfounded.

At this time, the void said, "Three strokes have passed, Su Hang, you lost!"

After that, he turned directly to Zun Zun and said, "Please Zun Zun's shot to kill Su Hang!"

Biting Zun's brow gently, he looked at Su Hang with a light expression on his face, "Young man, but what last words?"

Su Hang took a deep breath, "I just missed something, how come I've taken the third move?"

"Boy, would you like to refuse?" The nihility yelled at once. Whatever it was, something was dropped, and something dropped could spur the power of the law.

"Wait a moment!" At this time, Hu Bugui suddenly raised his hand and yelled.

Everyone looked at him, Hu Bugui looked around, his eyes fell on Su Hang, "Brother Su, are you in trouble?"

Su Hang's face was covered with black lines, "Your Excellency is so clever, this is all seen by you! Otherwise, if you suddenly come out, I'm afraid I'm already on Chuangjie Mountain!"

Hu Bugui's face twitched slightly, "I can't even see it, is it blind?"

It seems that he really praised him when he was Su Hang!

"You want to go to Chuangjie Mountain. It's easy. Give it to me!" Hu Bugui stretched his hand and patted on Su Hang's chest, a bag wrapped around me.

Turn Hu Bugui looked up at Sanxu, "Three brothers, give me a face, someone is a friend, there is no need to meet each other..."

"Hu Buhui!"

At this time, nothingness opened his face in black, "You really think you are a character? This person is a sinner, you have to consort with him, no one can stop you, but it is best to have a consciousness of death!"

"Ah?" Hu Bugui listened to this, and his small eyes immediately glared. "Void, you took the wrong medicine? You were so polite to me, why did you change yourself today?"


Nothingness snorted and said, "Hide while playing, don't get in the way here, otherwise Zun Zun will take a shot and affect you Chichi!"

Hu Bugui's face turned black, "I don't like to hear that. You old man, who used to call me a brother, now turns his face and doesn't recognize anyone? The character is too bad, I don't like you!"

Khan, Hu Bugui said that his character is too bad, then this character should be too bad!

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